Transcontinental Overload
Transcontinental Overload shines a spotlight on expats’ life stories, and the realities of leaving your home country and making a new life abroad. Host Stephanie Cook talks to fellow expats, global nomads and professionals about their personal journeys and observations, discussing the complexities, wonders, heartache and richness of living abroad. The podcast goes hand in hand with her blog on
72. Abenteuer RĂĽckkehr - mit Andrea Zahrte

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Heute gibt's mal wieder eine Folge auf Deutsch!
Mein Gast ist Andrea aus Hamburg, die sich nach mehreren Jahren in den USA wieder in Deutschland eine Karriere und ein neues Leben aufgebaut hat.
Andrea arbeitet im internationalen Schulwesen und als Coach und Mentor fĂĽr RĂĽckkehrer nach Deutschland, insbesondere mit Kindern, und natĂĽrlich bekommen wir jeden Menge Tipps und Perspektiven, was den Neustart im alten Land angeht.
Wir sprechen ĂĽber bestimmte Strategien, die bei der RĂĽckkehr helfen und auch darĂĽber, was nicht hilft, wie wichti...
71. A little end of year note - Steph's Take

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Just a quick note to say THANK YOU!!!Â
It's been a great year, and here's to a happy and productive 2025!
In case you want the definition of RSD (Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria):
Rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD) is when you experience severe emotional pain because of a failure or feeling rejected. This condition is linked to ADHD and experts suspect it happens due to differences in brain structure. Those differences mean your brain can’t regulate rejection-related emotions and behaviors, making them much more intense.
In 2025, I will bombard you...
70. US culture shocks - with Viktoria Daute

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Today's episode takes us to a city close to my heart: Austin, the capital of Texas.
My guest Viktoria, originally from Germany, tells us how she ended up in the Lone Star State, and you'll find out why we are expat twins!
Viktoria tells us about her early days in the US, her food truck business, and her move to Texas just before the pandemic. Since we recorded this in September, which is technically still summer in Austin, we also talk a lot about Texas weather.
In t...
69. Destination Special: Huaraz, Peru - with Ami Furness

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We're off to South America again! Today, we're travelling to Huaraz, the hiking capital of Peru.
Ami, a student from the UK, takes us to her favourite spots and talks us through some interesting food and drinks she encountered during her stay.
Some points of interest mentioned:
Café Andino
Wool shop “Los Gemelos” (Ami and I are both avid knitters)
Shopping tips:
Ancash mount...
68. Authenticity and connection in a crazy world - Steph's Take
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I have something very different for you today.
This episode is just a little outburst that needed to find an audience - I'm working on new projects, but while I don't have a finite home for them yet, this podcast is my temporary host.
For comments, please find me on Instagram! I absolutely welcome feedback, especially at this work-in-progress stage.Â
67. Destination Special: Aberdeen - with Catriona Turner

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Today we're travelling to the Silver City!
Catriona Turner, author of "Nest - a Memoir of Home on the Move", former guest on this podcast and recent repatriate to Scotland, takes us around her beautiful hometown of Aberdeen.
If you haven't read it yet, Catriona's book Nest - A Memoir of Home on the Move is widely available everywhere and a really good read.
You can also listen to our previous podcast conversation to find out more about Catriona's story.
Please also check out her website, and Instagram with...
66. Making friends and the power of loneliness - with Sarah Siegert

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Have you ever felt lonely in your expat adventure?
My guest today is Sarah, a German in London, who used her own loneliness to establish a business as a "Loneliness Coach".
Friendships, and how to make friends and keep them, is our overall topic, but of course we also talk a lot about cultural differences, especially between the UK and Germany.
Sarah mentions Brooke Castillo's The Life Coach School Podcast, which is a great resource, not only if you're interested in coaching in general. There's a lot...
65. Mehr als Worte: Sprachen lernen, Kulturen verstehen - mit Vanessa Paisley

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Heute geht's auf die Insel!
Mein Gast ist Vanessa, eine Engländerin, die lange in Österreich gelebt hat und seit 10 Jahren wieder in ihrer alten Heimat Hertfordshire lebt.
Vanessa arbeitet als interkulturelle Trainerin und Sprachlehrerin, und natürlich sprechen wir ausgiebig über das Sprachenlernen und die Unterschiede zwischen Englisch und Deutsch. Außerdem geht’s ums Umziehen mit Teenagern, die Zweisprachigkeit, verschiedene Schulsysteme, Tee, Schokolade und Chips, sowie den Unterschied zwischen "Handy" und "Handy".
Wenn ihr mehr ĂĽber Vanessa wissen wollt, findet ihr sie am besten auf Instagram, oder nat...
64. Celebrating life as an Adult TCK - with Shakti Hannie

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My guest today is a true ATCK - an adult third culture kid. Third Culture Kids are people who were raised in a culture other than their parents' or the culture of their country of nationality, and also live in a different environment during a significant part of their child development years.
Shakti is also the author of Colours of a Cultural Chameleon: "Where are you from?" Life. gets interesting when one has no simple answer.
Born in the Netherlands to a Belgian father and an Indian mother, Shakti...
63. Destination Special: AsunciĂłn - with Nicole Palazzo

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For my very first Destination Special, we're travelling to South America!
Nikki Palazzo, born in the US and a former expat in Germany, is showing off the city she's called home for the last 18 months: AsunciĂłn, the capital of Paraguay.Â
Join us on our virtual weekend through this colourful and friendly city and find out where to eat, drink cocktails and watch the sunset.
We also venture out of town, and there are tips and anecdotes galore!
Make sure you eat something before listening, as you'll be...