Where’s God?

10 Episodes

By: Chrissy Casagni

Finding God in popular movies, shows, songs, and our lives.

Where’s God? in “August” by Taylor Swift: Include God in Your Dreams

Include God in your dreams! Instead of thinking our dreams “were never mine” like the song, turning to God will make all our dreams a reality!

Where’s God? in “It Ends With Us”: Having Faith Through Hardships

This episode finds God in the new movie “It Ends With Us” and discusses how faith can carry us through our hardships.

Where's God? in "Young Woman and the Sea": Celebrating Instead of Comparing

This episode finds God in the newly released movie "Young Woman and the Sea."

Where’s God? in “Fly Me to the Moon”: Seeking God’s Truth

This episode finds God in the new movie “Fly Me to the Moon” and discusses seeking God’s truth, not the world’s.

Where’s God? in “A Quiet Place Day 1”

This episode finds God in the newly released movie “A Quiet Place Day 1.”

Where’s God? in “Invisible String” by Taylor Swift

This episode finds God in the song “Invisible String” by Taylor Swift.

Where’s God? in “We Were the Lucky Ones”

This episode finds God in the limited series “We Were the Lucky Ones.”

Where’s God? in “Holes”

This episode finds God in the movie “Holes.”

Where’s God? in “The Imitation Game”

This movie finds God in the dramatic movie “The Imitation Game.”

Where’s God? in “Happiness for Beginners”

This episode finds God in the movie “Happiness for Beginners.”