Inside the Traitors' Turret

10 Episodes

By: Tricia and Brian

A podcast where two siblings break down all the best and worst laid plans from both faithful and traitors alike.

US S3 E8: Girls Are Better Cheaters
Today at 12:00 PM

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With the traitors having to murder face-to-face, who will they put in the coffin? Will the players be able to bank the money in this mission, or will they be going backwards? And with one theory being put to the test, will it reveal a traitor or will another faithful be banished for good? Find out all of this along with our MVPs, analysis and predictions on this episode of Inside the Traitors' Turret!

US S3 E7: It's Okay To Be Scared

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With tensions at an all time high after the last round table, will the traitors be able to agree on the next murder? Will the players be able to keep their composure during the mission and bank the money or will their nerves get the best of them? And will we finally get a round table with the traitors voting in unison? Find out all of this along with our MVPs and predictions on this weeks episode of Inside the Traitors' Turret!

US S3 E6: I Hate The Traitors

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With the turret engulfed in chaos, who will the traitors decide to murder? Will the players be able to bank money on the mission or will it blow up in their faces? And who will make the most compelling argument at this drama-filled round table? Find out all of this along with our MVPs and predictions on this episode of Inside the Traitors' Turret!

US S3 E5: My Inner Tom Riddle

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The castle is buzzing after getting out their first traitor, but will they be able to keep the momentum going? Will they be able to bank more money or will this mission leave them puzzled? And what will put the turret in turmoil? Find out all of this along with our MVPs and predictions on this week's episode of Inside the Traitors' Turret!

US S3 E4: Silence Is Golden

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With a murder needing to happen in plain sight, will the traitors get caught? A new mission will have heads spinning, but will the players be able to bank the money or will they lose their cool? We have our most heated round table yet, but who will get banished? Find out all of this along with our MVPs and predictions on this episode of Inside the Traitors' Turret!

US S3 E3: Turd On The Wall

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After another murder, the faithful are left feeling uneasy and confused. With more money and shields on the line, will todays Fun House mission bring laughter or tears? The faithful are hot on the scent of some traitors, but will they find and banish them or be fooled by smoke in mirrors? Find out all of this along with our MVPs and predictions on this episode of Inside the Traitors' Turret!

US S3 E2: That Red-Haired Beauty's Alliance

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With the drama unfolding amongst the players early based on selfish decisions, who will be the first to be murdered? New players will be entering the game, but will the team be able to bring them in while increasing the bank in the mission? Find out all of this along with our MVPs and final prediction on this episode of Inside the Traitors' Turret!

US S3 E1: Things Are About To Get Murderous

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As the new game begins, there are new twists and turns before the players even enter the castle. Who will be a faithful and who will be a traitor? Will the team succeed in the mission or will they leave their fellow players out in the cold? Find out all of this along with our MVP Traitor, MVP Faithful and of course our predictions on todays episode!

UK S2: The Shieldies

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Join us as we give out our Shieldie awards to the best and the worst moments, missions, strategies and more of the Traitors' UK Season 2! 

UK S2 E12: Fair Play Finale

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With everyone well rested having been no murder the night before, will the team be able to succeed in the final mission and bank the prize money or will their hopes be sunk? Who will make the best arguments and be left standing with the prize money in the end? Find out all of this along with our MVPs in this episode!