The "Jesse and Gene" Show

10 Episodes

By: Jesse and Gene

The, "Jesse and Gene," PodKast is getting ready for an incredibly exciting 2024 .We've just discovered a "Treasure Chest" of hundreds of hours of "The Lost Jesse and Gene Archives." It's material that hasn't been heard since it originally aired 25 years ago. You'll be able to hear it all and remember the good old days. 2024 will also see brand new PodKasts recorded in our downtown Vancouver studios all designed to make you laugh your bag off. The bad boys of Toronto Radio are alive and and well with new or classic PodKasts every single day of the week.  | Follow Us On I...

*NEW* Friday August 11th. "Jesse and Gene" BONUS EPISODE!

It's another, "Jesse and Gene - Wreck-A-Wedding-Wednesday" prank call.

Classic, "Jesse and Gene," as they ask the question, "Who the F___k is this?

*NEW* August 11th. "Jesse and Gene's" A.i. machine does Pulp Fiction.

Classic, "Jesse and Gene." Calling Uncle Dick for the secret behind Uncle Dick's dogs.

*BONUS EPISODE* It's another, "Jesse and Gene - Wreck-A-Wedding-Wednesday" prank call.

The "Jesse and Gene - WayBack Machine. Farmer Keith had a horny cow E.I.E.I.O.

ICYMI: It's, "Jesse and Gene" with the Honeymoon Party from Hell prank call.

"Jesse and Gene" are the Shmenge Brothers and they're bringing their Polka Band to a baby shower.

The "Jesse and Gene" WayBack Machine. Calling Shirley MacLaine. Sort of.