Jas Jewels

10 Episodes

By: Jasmine Elizabeth

Join Goal & Accountability Coach, Jasmine Elizabeth every week as she shares words of affirmations and encouragement; all to remind you God is within and You will Not Fail.

Keen Focus.

We are created to create but distractions tend to get in the way, imagine what would happen if you tightened up your focus? Tap to listen...

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Beauty in The Process.

Often times we get discouraged because we haven't accomplished a goal by a certain time period but what I have learned is its not about the deadline it's about the experience, growth and being along the way. There is beauty in the process - let us not forget. Tap to listen

Address or Accept?

Some situations need to be addressed, and others need to be accepted - this week we explore when to do which and how to put it into action. Tap to listen!

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Fear & Flow

FEAR - false evidence appearing real can impact our flow, but we don't have to let it! Tap to listen and be encouraged

Push Through

No more avoidance or procrastination - the only way to it - is through it!

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Personal Talk & Boundaries

This week, Jasmine Elizabeth talks about the importance of pouring into yourself so you can establish healthy boundaries for others. 

Just Do It.

You don't need another sign, but if you do, here it is - just do it! Tap to be encouraged to take your next step - whatever it may be!

Make a Commitment.

Did you know a commitment is actually a promise to yourself and your ability to keep it speaks to how you value, you? As we start this year, Jasmine Elizabeth encourages you to make a commitment - tap to listen. 

Visit www.jasmineelizabethinc.com to schedule a consultation. See you soon!

Happy 2024!

It's officially 2024 and I am wishing you a Happy New Year! As we enter into this space don't forget to have fun :)

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No more striving, just resting and aligning.

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