What Was That Like - True Stories. Real People.

10 Episodes

By: Scott Johnson & Glassbox Media.

A storytelling podcast, with first-hand amazing stories presented by Scott Johnson and Meredith Hackwith Edwards. Each storyteller tells their own personal true story, with all the details of what happened. Animal attacks, plane crashes, mass shootings, and more – you'll hear what happened directly from the person who experienced it, and the inspirational outcome of how they came out on the other side. 

Robert was shot at by pirates
Last Friday at 8:00 AM

Today’s story takes place off the coast of Somalia, a country in Africa.

If you look at Africa on a map, you’ll see Somalia on the east coast, right on the water of the Indian Ocean. In fact, of all the countries in Africa, Somalia is the one with the longest coastline. And for the Americans listening, to give you an idea of how big it is, Somalia is almost the same size as the US state of Texas.

But here’s the thing about Somalia. It’s considered to be one of the poor...

Ber was hit by a flying tree

Here in Florida, we know about hurricanes.

My wife Jeanne and I will never forget Hurricane Elena back in 1985. That storm came into the Gulf of Mexico and just hovered offshore. There were instructions to evacuate because of the danger of high winds and flooding.

What made it interesting for us is that Jeanne was pregnant with our first child, and she was at full term. So while everyone else was either leaving town or getting to a safe place, we evacuated to the hospital. That was on Saturday, August the 31st and that’s wh...

TQ30: What's a situation or condition that no one understands, until they're in it?

Every Tuesday, we grab a past question from the Facebook group, then Meredith and Scott answer it and read some of the answers given by other listeners.

The question for this episode:

What's a situation or condition that no one understands, until they're in it?

Links for this episode:




Meredith’s episode about victims staying with their abusers:


Kari's dad had a dementia breakdown

Few things are sadder than seeing a loved one slip gradually into dementia.

This is what happened to my grandmother – my mom’s mom. She got to the point where she couldn’t live on her own any more, but she didn’t really have other debilitating health issues. So she didn’t need to be in a hospital, or a nursing home. She just needed someone around to help her with daily living, because she would forget things.

So my parents converted their garage into a small apartment so she could live there. And she loved...

TQ29: You're in a middle seat at a movie - you need to pee - do you give your neighbors the butt or crotch while exiting? Why?

Every Tuesday, we grab a past question from the Facebook group, then Meredith and Scott answer it and read some of the answers given by other listeners.

The question for this episode:

You're in a middle seat at a movie - you need to pee - do you give your neighbors the butt or crotch while exiting? Why?

Links for this episode:

Progressive commercial about becoming your parents:


Meredith’s podcast is Meredith For Re...

Diana's plane crashed

Lexington, Kentucky. 1 pm on a Friday, Labor Day weekend.

Diana, a medical flight nurse, was sitting in a Lear jet. The pilot was unconscious. The co-pilot could not move because he had a broken back. Diana’s patient had died on impact.

The plane was sitting on Versailles Rd in Lexington, after it had just slid across the road on its belly. The landing gear was gone. The right wing had been ripped off the plane. And now that it had come to a stop, Diana knew she had to get the door open and ge...

Kelli got a call from daycare

For many parents, having a child in daycare is just part of the daily routine.

And choosing a daycare provider for your child can be a pretty involved process. You obviously want to make sure the environment is safe and clean, with staff who are qualified, and that the ratio of caregivers to children is reasonable. And there are a ton of other things to consider, because you are trusting this place with your baby or your toddler – you have to be able to trust that they will make good decisions while caring for your child.


TQ28: What's the best gift you've ever been given?

Every Tuesday, we grab a past question from the Facebook group, then Meredith and Scott answer it and read some of the answers given by other listeners.

The question for this episode:

What’s the best gift you’ve ever been given?

Links for this episode:


Barbie and the Rockers:


Meredith’s podcast is Meredith For Real – the Curious Introvert:


The Listener Stories of 2024

We are at the end of 2024. It’s been a great year for me, and I hope it has been for you too.

As you probably know, every episode of What Was That Like ends with a Listener Story. This is just a 5-10 minute personal story, sent in by a listener. I’m always looking for new listener stories, so I’d love for YOU to send one in. Just record it on your phone in a quiet environment and email to me – Scott@WhatWasThatLike.com.

And these stories are a very popular part of the s...

TQ27: What's your biggest pet peeve about listening to podcasts?

Every Tuesday, we grab a past question from the Facebook group, then Meredith and Scott answer it and read some of the answers given by other listeners.

The question for this episode:

What’s your biggest pet peeve about listening to podcasts?

Links for this episode:

Meredith’s episode 256 about homelessness in California:


Meredith’s podcast is Meredith For Real – the Curious Introvert:
