Cultivating H.E.R. Space: Uplifting Conversations for the Black Woman
In a world where black women are often underrepresented and misunderstood, we need more safe spaces to just… be. Every Friday, join Dr. Dom, a college professor and psychologist, and Terri Lomax, a techie and motivational speaker, as they initiate authentic conversations on everything from fibroids to fake friends. If you’re a Black woman looking for an extra dose of inspiration on the go, pull up a seat and join us on the Cultivating H.E.R. (Healing, Empowerment, Resilience) Space podcast.Become a supporter of this podcast:
S25E7: Love vs. Loneliness: How to Know If You’re Settling or Building Something Real

Hey lady! How has cuffing season been treating you? Are you boo’d up and keeping cozy, or is your bed cold and it has you feeling a way? This week, Terri and Dr. Dom dive into the difference between being alone and loneliness and why the feelings of the latter may cause us to operate from a place of lack and find ourselves in less than desirable circumstances.
While it may be hard to go through life when you yearn for a relationship, there’s good reason to find the abundance around you so that desperation doesn’t rear...
S25E6: Building our Relational Currency with Dr. Thema Bryant

Hey lady! You’re in for a treat this week so we won’t delay. Dr. Thema Bryant, psychologist, author, professor, sacred artist, and minister joins Dr. Dom and Terri to bring a much-needed balm to our spirits with her wisdom, insight and soothing energy. Whenever Dr. Thema speaks it’s hard not to feel that everything is going to be alright!
Dr. Thema is host of the popular The Homecoming Podcast and is no stranger to the podcast airwaves or the Cultivating H.E.R. Space podcast. Check out S3E12 and S8E12 to hear some of the...
S25E5: The Power of Community in Reclaiming Intimacy and Sexual Health with Dr. Janet Williams

Hey lady! This year is your year to take your pleasure to new heights. This is the year you take what makes you feel good and let it inform all the ways it makes your life beautiful and delicious. But, before you bloom like the beautiful rose you are, we need to get down to the root of what may be keeping you from experiencing the pleasure you so richly deserve. Remember, flowers bloom best in good soil.
Dr. Janet Williams is a licensed physician and surgeon practicing in Los Angeles, where she is a board certified specialist...
S25E4: Answering the Call: Navigating Purpose and Spirituality with Anita Kopacz

Lady! Are you ready to expand your horizons and tap into your spiritual side? Well, then come closer because we have the perfect guest to excite your imagination with tales of spiritual lore.
Anita Kopacz is a lifelong storyteller. She’s made a career bringing fun and interesting stories to life as the former Editor-in-Chief of Heart & Soul magazine and now she is the author of The Wind on Her Tongue. Anita welcomes the audience into a world where spirituality intersects with real world scenarios to create a compelling narrative you won’t want to put down.
S25E3: Generational Healing through Nutrition with Alishia McCullough

Hey lady! How are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions? Are you still on track with your health and wellness goals? If you started the year revved up and ready to go and already find yourself slouching back towards bad habits we want to help take some of the pressure off with a helpful reframe that will help sharpen your focus on your goals.
This week, Alishia McCullough, a licensed clinical mental health therapist and founder of Black and Embodied Counseling and Consulting PLLC, stops by Cultivating H.E.R. Space to discuss her new book Re...
S25E2: PART 2 - How to Build Your Discernment and Stop Letting Manipulators Into Your Life

Hey lady! Last week, Dr. Dom and Terri introduced strategies for strengthening your discernment and creating a pathway to thriving in your relationships. This week they take it up a notch by diving deeper into tactics that will help you recognize manipulative behaviors quickly so that you remain in integrity and joyful in your life.
Over the years, Dr. Dom and Terri have offered unique perspectives on keeping yourself safe from those who wish to use or harm you. They’ve discussed issues regarding narcissism, manipulation, and self-trust throughout the years so after you listen to this week’s ep...
S25E1: PART 1 - How to Build Your Discernment and Stop Letting Manipulators Into Your Life

Hey lady! Welcome to 2025! This is the year you take all of your power back and stand in your light! That’s why this week Dr. Dom and Terri waste no time in helping you remember the strength you carry within by outlining an actionable plan to keep manipulators and those who don’t wish you well as far away from you as possible. You know we love radical accountability at Cultivating H.E.R. Space podcast, which is why this episode is going to be the tough love to help you chart a path that works best for your life...
S24E13: 7 Tips for Making the Next Year Your Best Year

Hey lady! You made it! We’re at the end of the year and, hopefully, by now you’ve gotten some rest and can review your year and take stock of the good and the bad to discover where you’ve wound up. If this year went swimmingly, congratulations! If this year left much to be desired, it’s okay! Regardless of how the year settled for you the good news is that next year is brand new and ripe with opportunity and potential. That’s why this episode, Terri and Dr. Dom offer a glimpse into the highs and lows of th...
S24E12: Established Adulthood: What Is It and How Do We Navigate It?

Hey lady! It’s the most wonderful time of the year! A time when, hopefully, life is slowing down, and you can spend time reflecting on your year and your life. This time is a great opportunity to take stock of where you’ve been, how you’ve grown, and dream up where you’re going. And, the beautiful thing about life is that as adults we have the power of choice to determine our futures. Chances are that if you’re listening to this podcast you are an adult or advancing into adulthood and have real world obligations and responsibi...
S24E11: Breaking the Stigma: HIV Awareness and Black Women’s Health with Dr. Maisha Standifer

Hey lady! This week, Dr. Dom and Terri welcome Dr. Maisha Standifer, Director of Population Health, The Satcher Health Leadership Institute at Morehouse School of Medicine to offer fresh information about HIV, AIDS, the trends she’s seeing in sexually transmitted disease infection rates and what Black women need to know about keeping themselves safe and healthy.
Dr. Standifer is a powerhouse of a woman and offers grounded perspective on the real issues that the Black community face in regards to HIV transmission and AIDS. The truth of the matter is that despite HIV/AIDS being known in th...