Farm Food Facts

10 Episodes


Farm. Food. Facts. And everything in between. A podcast featuring the leading minds in the future of sustainable food systems. Brought to you by the US Farmers and Ranchers In Action.

Bonus: Understanding the value of the carbon area

Join us as Tim Trotter, CEO of the Dairy Business Association and Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative, shares how he is keeping an eye on the value farmers receive for their conservation efforts.  

To stay connected with USFRA, join our newsletter and become involved in our efforts, here. Check out USFRA’s report on the “Potential for U.S. Agriculture to be Greenhouse Gas Negative.” 

Dairy Strong: Collaboration in the value chain is key

Join Farm+Food+Facts host Joanna Guza and Tim Trotter, CEO of the Dairy Business Association and Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative, as they discuss key themes that emerged from the recent Dairy Strong conference, including current challenges and opportunities for farmers. USFRA conducted a panel discussion at the conference focused on the potential for agriculture to reduce emissions. The panel featured USFRA Chair Michael Crinion, CEO Kevin Burkum, Dr. Chuck Rice of Kansas State University and Josh Luth of Schreiber Foods.    

To stay connected with USFRA, join our newsletter and become involved in our efforts, h...

Bonus: Planning for Success: Enhancing Energy Efficiency in Agriculture

Join us as Dr. Marty Matlock, Professor in the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering at the University of Arkansas, shares further insights on building resilience among U.S. farmers and ranchers. Discover how innovative strategies and forward-thinking approaches can help agriculture thrive even in the face of uncertainty. 
To stay connected with USFRA, join our newsletter and become involved in our efforts, here. Check out USFRA’s report on the “Potential for U.S. Agriculture to be Greenhouse Gas Negative.” 

Efficient Energy Use in Agriculture

U.S. Farmers & Ranchers in Action has unveiled a groundbreaking report titled “Potential for U.S. Agriculture to be Greenhouse Gas Negative.” In this episode, we dive deeper into one of the key areas of opportunity outlined in the report — the potential for enhancing energy use efficiency in agriculture. 

Join Farm+Food+Facts host Joanna Guza and Dr. Marty Matlock, Professor in the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering at the University of Arkansas, as they explore this opportunity. Discover the latest energy sources, cutting-edge technologies, and innovative tools that can help farmers overcome challenges and achieve success...

Bonus: Topics to keep an eye on following COP29

USFRA board members and farmers, Michael Crinion and Marilyn Hershey, along with USFRA CEO Kevin Burkum, share what they are keeping an eye on following COP29. To stay connected with USFRA, join our newsletter and become involved in our efforts, here. Check out USFRA’s report on the “Potential for U.S. Agriculture to be Greenhouse Gas Negative.” 

Bonus: 5 themes to watch

Tim Faveri, vice president of sustainability and stakeholder relations at Nutrien and a USFRA board member, attended the Biodiversity COP 16 event in Cali, Colombia. He shares 5 themes he’s keeping an eye on following his experiences. To stay connected with USFRA, join our newsletter and become involved in our efforts, here. 

Farmer perspective of COP29

USFRA Chair Michael Crinion, a farmer in South Dakota, USFRA Immediate Past Chair Marilyn Hershey, a farmer in Pennsylvania and, and USFRA CEO Kevin Burkum were on the ground in Baku, Azerbaijan, for the United Nations Climate Change Conference. They share their perspectives on what happened and the implications for U.S. agriculture.   

To stay connected with USFRA, join our newsletter and become involved in our efforts, here. Check out USFRA’s report on the “Potential for U.S. Agriculture to be Greenhouse Gas Negative.” 

Agricultural perspective of Biodiversity COP 16

U.S. Farmers and Ranchers in Action Board Member, Tim Faveri of Nutrien, attended the Biodiversity COP 16 event in Cali, Colombia. He gets listeners up-to-speed on the event, representation of farmers and ranchers, five common themes and what he’s keeping an eye on following this event. To stay connected with USFRA, join our newsletter and become involved in our efforts, here. 

Bonus: Researchers’ perspectives on the future of agriculture

These scholars spent their careers improving and providing value to agriculture and now they share what topics they are keeping an eye on that could significantly impact agriculture through the recent report commissioned by U.S. Farmers and Ranchers in Action, "Potential for U.S. Agriculture to be Greenhouse Gas Negative." Find more information on the study here.   

Guests include: 

 Dr. Chuck Rice, University Distinguished Professor, Kansas State University Dr. Marty Matlock, Professor in Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, at the University of Arkansas   Dr. Jerry Hatfield, Retired Laboratory Director, USDA-ARS National Laboratory for Agr...

Lead researchers' viewpoints: Potential for U.S. Agriculture to be Greenhouse Gas Negative Study

 The three lead researchers of the newly published report, “Potential for U.S. Agriculture to be Greenhouse Gas Negative,” shared their key takeaways, insight on the impressive scholars involved in the project, what farmers, ranchers and industry should know about this report and the future relevancy of it.  

 U.S Farmers and Ranchers in Action commissioned the new report which was authored by an independent group of 26 leading research scientists and peer reviewed by the National Academy of Sciences. This report was published by the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST). Find more information on the study h...