Fringe Radio Network

10 Episodes

By: Fringe Radio Network

Fringe Christians, bigfoot, aliens, ufo, alternative science, conspiracies, ghosts, paranormal, prophecy, prophets, parapsychology, demons, spirits, possession, alternative archeology, alternative geology, crypitids, dogman, goatman, black projects, government experiments, time travel, tesla and all things fringe!

Crime and Justice-JACKED UP DAILY!
Today at 11:30 AM

February 11, 2025
Crime and Justice-JACKED UP DAILY!

On this episode, Jack takes a look at a local Crime in Fresno California and discovers that there is no Justice for the victim involved.Ā 
Our website is www.LetsGetJackedUp.comĀ LetsGetJackedup.comĀ  E-mail us at
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go to to order your pizza if you live in Clovis or Fresno California

music for this episode was from Back to the 80's

Secrets of the Bibleā€™s Metacosmic Blueprint with Dustin Blystone - The Sharpening Report
Today at 11:10 AM

Josh Peck welcomes Dustin Blystone back to discuss his book Metacosm.Ā  To get the audio-only podcast version of full videos and Josh Peck's blog, which includes original articles, show notes, and more, subscribe to Josh's Substack atĀ

CashApp: $JoshScottPeck

G.A.T.E. Program Gov't Recruitment Experiment - NWCZ Radio's Down The Rabbit Hole
Today at 11:05 AM

During the 1990's a program was started at several schools across the U.S.A. dubbed the G.A.T.E. Program. Seeking out gifted and talented kids, removing them from class and working with them. The problem is many of the kids who went through it can remember being in it but not what went on while they were in it. Theories abound and many of the former students appear to be waking up from a daze wondering just what happened!

Email us at:

Can a Compound Mimic Exercise and it's Benefits? Giant Leaps in Science and Health with Dr. Diane Kazer - Sarah Westall
Today at 11:00 AM

Dr. Diane Kazer rejoins the program to share news about a new compound that has been found to mimic exercise. Sounding to good to be true, Dr. Diane goes over the science and shares what it does in the body from weight loss to muscle building to endurance. Science is making giant leaps at understanding how to use peptides and other natural compounds to dramatically improve our health.

If you want to ask questions first before trying it yourself, join Dr. Dianeā€™s tribe at

I Said, "Praise the Lord!" - SPIRITWARS FRONTLINES
Today at 6:00 AM

More from the Mission Road. Praise God!


Yesterday at 11:30 AM

On this episode of Jacked Up Daily- Jack talks with Tim, and guests-Holly Baglio, and Captian Epoch about why did God make other planets besides earth, and what did babies do before they were born? Yep as crazy as that sounds, Jack has an answer for you? Is he correct? You decide, you can email us at if you agree or disagree, or facebook us, or follow us on X and coment on there.@LetsGetJackedUpĀ  We would love to hear from you, good or bad feedback is all welcomed!Ā 

Lost Megaliths of Peru with Michael Collins - Snake Brothers
Yesterday at 11:10 AM

We have Mike from Wandering Wolf on to discuss his recent travels to Michigan, where he was investigating another strange feature that looks like a constructed wall, similar to Sage Wall in Montana.Ā  We also look at some photos he took of possible enormous megaliths in Peru. Are these features natural or manmade?

Find Mike's website here:
And his YouTube Channel here:
And his Hemp business here:

We will be in Turkey in 2025 with Ben and Yousef, join u...

Fringe Flashback! A Pyre of Bones for the Fallen and the False Prophet - End Times Tribune
Yesterday at 11:05 AM


A pyre (Ancient Greek: Ļ€Ļ…ĻĪ¬; pyrĆ”, from Ļ€įæ¦Ļ, pyr, "fire"), also known as a funeral pyre, is a structure, usually made of wood, for burning a body as part of a funeral rite or execution. As a form of cremation, a body is placed upon or under the pyre, which is then set on fire. In discussing ancient Greek religion, "pyre" (the normal Greek word for fire) is also used for the sacred fires at altars, on which parts of the animal sacrifice were burnt as an offering to the deity.Ā 

Once they decen...

False Christ (Chapter 5): Jewish Eschatology - Chris White
Yesterday at 11:00 AM

This is a chapter from my book False Christ, Will The Antichrist Claim to be the Jewish Messiah available onĀ AmazonĀ andĀ Audible.Ā This book was originally written by me Chris White in 2014, but the audiobook has been digitally remastered and is being released for free on a week by week basis on this podcast.

The Dark Side of Fairy Tales - Truth & Shadow
Yesterday at 8:00 AM

In this conversation, BT delves into the realms of folklore, fear, and the supernatural, exploring the mythological creatures known as the fae. He discusses the creative journey of authorĀ Ben Gailey, who shares insights into his writing process and the development of his Scarlet Star Trilogy, a unique blend of steampunk and alternate history. The discussion also touches on the darker aspects of fairy mythology and the implications of alternative histories in literature, emphasizing the importance of storytelling in exploring complex themes. In this conversation, Ben Galley discusses his unique magic system in his writing, exploring the implications of magic o...