
10 Episodes

By: Jody Silvey Wynn & Shelly Silvey Grabe

Real People having Real TalksWe are two sisters sharing everything we are Adjacent to here in Austin, Texas and beyond. We will be interviewing some of our amazing friends and family members, talking about sports, lifestyle, music, food, travels, hikes, RVing, Austin, Texas, and so much more! Our show includes Bonus Episodes: Adjacent Book Talks, Adjacent Givers and Adjacent Littles. We will also have special Series including Adjacent Deep Dives, Adjacent Single Ready to Mingle, and Much Much More! Jump on the Podcast Train, Going Anywhere - Enjoy the Ride!Hosted by Jody Silvey Wynn and Shelly Silvey GrabeProduced by...

Adjacent: A Beautiful Life- Gary Reed
Yesterday at 9:00 AM

Welcome Back Y'all! Welcome to Adjacent!

We are so excited to invite you to meet an amazing human- Gary Gene Reed! His zest for life, his life lessons, and his poetry will inspire you. His honest, down home nature will make you feel like you just settled in next to your favorite family member at a campfire. We love this man. Even though he is not our biological family we have adopted him as one of our own and you will too.

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Adjacent Givers- Meet the One and Only Dionn Stewart Schaffner
Last Sunday at 8:10 AM

Welcome back y'all to Adjacent!

What can't our next guest do? She is a dynamic leader in connecting non-profits to resources through her diversity coaching job where she helps non-profits with cyber software and fundraising engagement. She runs her own non-profit with her sister called Geri's Locker honoring her mother that helps communities access what they need by connecting givers with receivers. She also directs and develops musical theatre for kinder through fifth graders at River Place Theatre where she helps develop Broadway level productions annually. She is a Broadway contributor with the new production of Gypsy...

Adjacent Littles - Meet Ashton!
Last Friday at 8:00 AM

Welcome Back Y'all! Welcome to Adjacent Littles!

Today we are interviewing Ashton. Ashton is a determined little with goals and ideas that are unmatched at his age. It is such a sweet interview to hear how kids really know what they like and are strongly convinced in their beliefs at such a young age.

Have fun connecting with this Little because he will be running the world one day.

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Ladies of Left Field S1:E1 Naked in a Porta Potty
Last Friday at 8:00 AM

Hey Yall It's Game Time!

Today we introduce you to some of the Team! Come meet Kasey Johnson Reed, Jordan Canon, Katie Pena, Jody Wynn and Cheryl Cowan.

Learn how each Team Member fell in Love with Sports! Our Favorite and Least Favorite Sporting Venues, Why we love Left Field, Superstitions, Athletes that are on our Laminated List, Prediction for Longhorn Baseball Season!

Ladies of Left Field is a ShodyMedia LLC production

Hosted by Kasey Reed Johnson, Katie Pena, Jordan Canon and Cheryl Cowan

Producer Jordan Cannon


Adjacent Single Ready to Mingle - Meet Jared Catalano!
Last Thursday at 11:49 PM


Adjacent S2 E7 Book Club: Out of the Red with Luressa
Last Thursday at 8:00 AM

Welcome back Y'all!

Shody and Luressa talk about Out of the Red, a book by Dr Christian L. Bolden. ! Get lost in Christian's journey from gang life to redemption. We were so inspired by Christian and the person he has become. We know you will be too.

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Adjacent- Single Ready to Mingle with Beautiful Tammie Tirres
Last Thursday at 8:00 AM

Welcome Back Y'all to Adjacent- Single ready to mingle style

Today we have the hot and single gal, Tammie Tirres. She is living in San Antonio and is ready to find a new love. She is fun, active, and energetic. She is open for hanging out, exploring, and getting to know new people. Come along as we meet this fun, vivacious girl as she wanders through the single world. You will love her.

FYI Tammie found her wallet!

Check out photos of all of our Single Ready to Mingles on our<...

Adjacent - Single Ready to Mingle with Daniel Orosco
Last Wednesday at 8:00 AM

Welcome Back Y'all!

We are so excited to introduce you to one of Jody's best friends, Daniel. This down to earth person is such a treat for us to interview. We love that he is opening up about being newly single. He answers all of our questions without hesitation. He is a true man who has been looking for love in all the wrong places. He is ready to have some fun while getting out there and exploring his next step in life.

Check out photos of all of our Single Ready to Mingles on...

Adjacent- Single and Ready to Mingle with our Friend Laura McFarlane

Welcome Back Y'all to Adjacent Single Ready to Mingle!

You are going to be introduced to our good friend, Laura. Laura is an old friend of ours from Austin. She went to Johnston and Anderson. We love her energy, honesty, and vulnerability. We know you will too. Jump on this, it is going fast! She gives great insight into dating and connecting with others. She is a real catch! Yummy!

Check out photos of all of our Single Ready to Mingles on our

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Adjacent Interview- Meet Robert & Kelli Croll! Foodie Talks!

Welcome back y'all to Adjacent!

We love these two amazing friends of ours. Kelli and Robert Croll are explorers, foodies, world travelers, and two of the best friends anyone could have. Listen as we interview these two who give straight up pro- tips on travel and good food. They will inspire you to book a trip to Thailand, Spain, or Hawaii. You will want to join them on their food adventures on Foodie Fridays as they search for lickable plates in Austin or beyond.

You are going to love them as much as we do...