Moment of JOI

10 Episodes

By: Menachem Lehrfield

Introducing Moment of JOI – a short, weekly podcast where Sarah and Rabbi Menachem Lehrfield (of the Jewish Outreach Initiative - i.e. JOI) bring you a dose of inspiration in under 90 seconds. Each week they offer a fresh insight from the weekly Torah Portion, offering a spark of JOI to enrich your week with meaningful, relevant wisdom. Whether you're looking for a quick thought to elevate your day or a deeper connection to the Torah, join us for a moment that’s uplifting, thought-provoking, and always inspiring.

Parshat Yitro: The Power of Deep Listening
Last Friday at 12:00 PM

📖 Parshat Yitro This Week: In a world of endless scrolling, we often hear without truly listening. When Yitro 'heard' (וַיִּשְׁמַע) about God's miracles, he didn't just absorb information—he internalized it so deeply that it transformed his life. Like the Shema, true listening means letting wisdom penetrate our hearts and shape our actions. Instead of chasing more content this week, find one meaningful message and let it truly change you. Shabbat Shalom. 👂

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Parshat Beshalach: A Million Personal Miracles

📖 Parshat Beshalach This Week: At the splitting of the sea, millions sang 'This is my God' not our God. Even in shared miracles, each person's experience is uniquely their own. Like our ancestors at the sea, every spiritual journey is deeply personal, and every relationship with the Divine is distinctly individual. Your path is yours alone to walk. Shabbat Shalom. 🌊

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Parshat Bo: The Sacred Dance of Time

📖 Parshat Bo This Week:
Our first mitzvah as a free people wasn't about what to do—but about how to mark time itself. Like the moon's eternal cycle of renewal, we too have the power to reinvent ourselves. Each month brings a fresh canvas, a new opportunity to grow and transform. Freedom isn't just about where we go, but how we choose to use our most precious gift: time. Shabbat Shalom. 🌒

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Parshat Va'era: Rewriting Our Inner Narrative

📖 Parshat Va'era This Week: The stories we tell ourselves can be our greatest limitation or our most powerful tool. Like Moses learning that the people's resistance wasn't about him, we're reminded that our assumptions often say more about our inner struggles than external realities. Pause, reflect, and choose compassion—for yourself and others. Shabbat Shalom. 💭

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Parshat Shemot: The Power of One Act

📖 Parshat Shemot This Week:

Sometimes the most profound moments of courage come when we stretch beyond our comfort zones. Like Pharaoh's daughter extending her hand to save Moses, we all have the power to create ripples of change that extend far beyond our reach. One act of bravery, one moment of defying expectations, can alter the course of history. Shabbat Shalom. 🌊

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Parshat Vayechi: Building Our Own Legacy

📖 Parshat Vayechi This Week: When we bless our children to be like Ephraim and Menashe, we're blessing them with the strength to thrive against the odds. These brothers, raised in Egypt yet steadfast in their values, teach us that greatness isn't inherited—it's chosen and earned through determination. True blessing lies not in who we're born as, but in who we choose to become. Shabbat Shalom. 🙏

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Parshat Vayigash: Divine Confidence

📖 Parshat Vayigash This Week: Even when facing life's most daunting challenges, remember—you carry an incredible secret weapon within. Like Judah standing before the Egyptian viceroy, true strength comes from knowing that God believes in us, even when we doubt ourselves. Remember when the world seems overwhelming, 'God is in me.' Shabbat Shalom. ✨

Parshat Miketz: Finding Light in Hidden Places

📖 Parshat Miketz This Week:
Just as the Maccabees discovered one small jar of oil that would illuminate for eight nights, sometimes life's miracles hide in plain sight. Like Joseph's journey from darkness to light, Hanukkah reminds us that even in our darkest moments, the solution to our miracle might be right beside us, waiting to be discovered. When challenges feel insurmountable, remember: that the light of hope is always there. Shabbat Shalom & Happy Hanukkah! 🕯️

Parshat Vayeshev: The Ripple Effect of Kindness

📖 Parshat Vayeshev This Week:
Sometimes life's most profound moments come through seemingly random encounters. Just as a mysterious 'stranger' changed Joseph's destiny, we too encounter angels in human form who alter our life's path. Every interaction can potentially change someone's world—perhaps you're someone's angel today. Shabbat Shalom. 👼

Parshat Vayishlach: The Strength in Struggle

📖 Parshat Vayishlach This Week:
Our victories do not define us, but by how we navigate our struggles. When Jacob becomes Israel, he teaches us that true strength lies not in winning, but in the courage, determination, and dignity we show during life's challenges. Our resilience shapes our identity. Shabbat Shalom. 💪