Super Feeler

10 Episodes

By: Laurie Edmundson

Dive into the experiences of living with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).Hear powerful stories from individuals with lived experience, their families, researchers, and mental health professionals. Each episode provides a strength-based perspective on mental health, filled with humor, raw emotion, and validation.Every other week you will learn from a group of Super Feelers about how they navigate the world using Dialectic Behavioural Therapy skills. Whether you’re navigating these challenges yourself, supporting a loved one, or simply looking to understand more about the complexities of emotional regulation, Super Feeler is here to inform, inspire, and connect. Subscribe to the pod...

Experience of Suicidality During the Pandemic (feat. Dr. Juveria Zaheer)
Last Friday at 11:00 AM

Dr. Juveria Zaheer is an expert in suicide risk assessment and prevention, a psychiatrist and a literal Jeopardy superstar.

She is currently exploring the impacts of the COVID pandemic on suicidality and how the pandemic impacted Canadians.

Together we discuss the complexities of suicidality, the need for accessible targeted treatments and why it’s important for people with lived experience to be involved in research.

There’s still time to share about your own experience in the Suicide and the COVID-19 pandemic: Understanding Canadian stories research study.

The study is currently look...

DBT Skills: Cope Ahead

Cope Ahead is a particularly helpful life skill from dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) that helps us preparing for difficult interactions by coming prepared with healthy coping strategies. Laurie, Dave and Megan discuss how they use this skill to help manage social interactions and family dynamics.

Get your own copy of 'DBT for Life' by Diana Partington to follow along with us!  

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If you want to support the show, dive deeper into the world of super feeling and for tons of bonus content please consider subscribing to the S...

Poetry, Sobriety, and Healing (feat. Mercedes Killeen)

Mercedes Killeen is a writer and mental health advocate who has struggled throughout her life with anxiety, depression, BPD, and alcohol addiction. In this episode, Mercedes shares her story of working towards sobriety, seeking mental health treatment, and healing through writing/creativity.

You can learn more about Mercedes' work here.

To purchase your own digital copy of tulips, click here.

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If you want to support the show, dive deeper into the world of super feeling and for tons of bonus content please consider subscribing...

DBT Skills: Opposite Action

Time to discuss Opposite Action! Long story short - Opposite Action means doing the opposite of what you want to do when what you want to do isn't effective.

Easier said than done of course - but an incredibly helpful tool once you're practiced at it. Part of that practice is recognizing unskillful urges, and the learning the balance between feeling emotions and taking action to improve one's situation.

Get your own copy of 'DBT for Life' by Diana Partington to follow along with us! 

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Breaking Down BPD Stigma Through Research (feat. Dr. Amanda Uliaszek)

Dr. Amanda Uliaszek, associate professor at the University of Toronto, joins Super Feeler to discuss her passion for research for people living with borderline personality disorder, reducing stigma, and including people with lived experience in the research process. 

We discuss the importance of a strengths-based approach to BPD, the challenges of conducting research, and the complexities around diagnosis and the symptom of emptiness. 

To learn more about the work of Amanda's lab (called STEPP) including how to sign up to participate in research studies click here.

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DBT Skills: Check the Facts and Emotion Regulation Overview

We're diving into the complexities of emotion regulation as we start unit 3 of our DBT Skills Series. Together Dave, Laurie and Megan explore the role of emotion regulation skills in our life, what our core values are, and how we use the dialectical behaviour therapy skill Check the Facts in our lives. 

Get your own copy of 'DBT for Life' by Diana Partington to follow along with us! 

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If you want to support the show, dive deeper into the world of super feeling and for tons of bo...

My Suicide Crisis and First Inpatient Treatment (part 2. feat. Aaron)

In this episode, my husband Aaron and I discuss my first inpatient/residential treatment experience at a crisis response facility called CRESST.

Together we explore the decision to go, what it was like to arrive with very limited information, and the importance of rest, monitored med management, and community.

And naturally - some ridiculously hilarious and embarrassing stories from my time there.

If you're local to the Fraser Health area of British Columbia and interested in learning more about CRESST, click here. 

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My Suicide Crisis (part 1 - feat Aaron)

My husband Aaron joins to share about my recent suicide crisis, how we worked together to try and overcome it, and how we tried to navigate a complicated medication change together. 

Naturally - this episode comes with a trigger warning about discussing suicide and self-harm. It discusses some potential methods but not in detail. If you are struggling please reach out to the resources below and follow your safety plans. 

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DBT Skills: Validation

Validation is so important for people living with borderline personality disorder (BPD). In this episode we discuss the DBT Skill of validation including the complexities of giving and receiving validation, the challenges of navigating emotional conversations, and the techniques that can enhance effective communication.

Understanding our own emotions and self-validation is an incredibly important part of this skill.  

Get your own copy of 'DBT for Life' by Diana Partington to follow along with us! 

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A Transformative Treatment Experience (part 2 - feat. Anita)

Anita is back for part 2 to discuss their transformative experience at Heartwood Centre for Women. They explore the impact of community support, the complexities of gender identity, and the importance of self-discovery. Anita shares their insights on resilience, personal growth, and the unique perspective that comes from navigating the highs and lows of life as a Super Feeler.

If you haven't listened to part 1 yet you can find that in the Super Feeler feed!

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