The Boy from Glenhaven
For decades, families and children have enjoyed listening to the story of The Boy from Glenhaven, the tale of a child orphaned by war and thrust alone into a frightening world of fantastic creatures and civilizations, only to discover he has a role to play, a purpose and a chapter to write in a grand narrative of resisting the evil that once destroyed his home. Now for the first time, the author of The Boy from Glenhaven, Drew Zahn, reads the story aloud in this podcast and invites his listeners to join The Boy from Glenhaven community (
Ep. 18 - More troubling than dreams

In Yul's cave, Annenlee is troubled with recurring nightmares. But Raelynna remembers all too well how her little girl's dreams have a way of coming true.
Meanwhile, the guardian, Yul, is feeling called to trouble brewing elsewhere.
Ep. 17 - A party in the woods

The Linderlein receive Renn with glee, and the forest comes alive with a party fit for a king.
But when the subject of Fletley arises, the Linderlein are deeply disturbed. For there is something important that Renn does not yet know.
Ep. 16 - A light in the forest

Renn's wanderings in Dinsmore Wood draw him deeper and deeper into the book known as The Leaves.
His journey also brings him into contact with a strange and curious little people - the "firefly men" known as the Linderlein.
Ep. 15 - Intermission

Drew has a big favor to ask ... AND a spoiler-free, sneak preview of exciting things to come in The Boy from Glenhaven story!
Ep. 14 - In the name of Fletley

Is he a legend of old? A fairy tale? ... Or is he alive?
When Yul explains he hears the voice of Fletley, Raelynna is stunned. Is the giant Velyk really hearing dead people speak? The mystery only grows when Yul returns from Ayrenhall with startling news.
Ep. 13 - Stories of old

Two lost children, each grieving in their own ways.
But for each of them, the story they are living is so much bigger than their grief. Annenlee and Renn both discover they're not as alone as they feel.
Ep. 12 - Worlds fall apart

Once again, Annenlee can't seem to fall asleep.
But when she sneaks out of bed in search of Yul's hidden chamber, the secrets she unlocks, and the painful truth she learns, will change her world ... forever.
Ep. 11 - The birds take to flight

Raelynna and Annenlee's strange visitor comes with devastating news.
But before they can fully feel the weight of it, an imminent danger forces them to flee. And just how they flee will be an adventure neither Raelynna nor Annenlee EVER forgets.
Ep. 10 - What happened to the Whites

While Renn is on the run from the valley of Glenhaven, the story turns a page to introduce new characters who will impact his adventure in yet unknown ways.
For Ewan was not the last of the Velyks of the White.
And we now meet Raelynna and Annenlee, whose adventures are just beginning.
Ep. 9 - Renn explores Little Bird's cave

Left alone in the cave prepared for Little Bird, Renn determines to dry his tears and start his adventure ... even if it begins alone.
But the wonders Renn discovers in the cave reveal that someone has been preparing for his arrival for a very, very long time.