Another Pokémon Podcast

10 Episodes

By: Sixfive Media

It’s super effective! | Another Pokémon Podcast is a show wherein we talk about all things regarding the Pokémon series!

Psyched Up
Last Friday at 12:00 PM

Hello Trainers, and welcome to the wonderful world of Another Pokémon Podcast! In this episode, Becs and Galutrad expand the very reaches of their minds and discuss their favorite psychic type Pokémon.

Creators & Guests

Jacob "Galutrad" Taylor - Host David Geisler - Producer Becca "Becs" Jewell - Host
This episode features music by Duzzled & GameChops, titled "Red & Blue" from the album Dynamaxed, available on Apple Music and YouTube.


The Studio Demands It! - Two screenwriters attempt to recreate, reimagine, or flat-out fix, existing film franchises when 'the studio' demands...MORE FI...

Villainous Arrangement

S1 EP16 | Hello Trainers, and welcome to the wonderful world of Another Pokémon Podcast! In this episode, Becs and Galutrad tune in and get down and dirty with the villains of Pokémon on a journey through their musical themes.

Creators & Guests

Jacob "Galutrad" Taylor - Host David Geisler - Producer Becca "Becs" Jewell - Host
This episode features music by Duzzled & GameChops, titled "Red & Blue" from the album Dynamaxed, available on Apple Music and YouTube.
Also featured in this episode are villain themes from the Pokémon games and copyright belongs to each theme's rig...

Making of a Champion

S1 EP15 | Hello Trainers, and welcome to the wonderful world of Another Pokémon Podcast! In this episode, Becs and Galutrad set their sights on the best of the best, taking a look at the Champions in the world of Pokémon.

Creators & Guests

David Geisler - Producer Jacob "Galutrad" Taylor - Host Becca "Becs" Jewell - Host
This episode features music by Duzzled & GameChops, titled "Red & Blue" from the album Dynamaxed, available on Apple Music and YouTube.

 An Artificial Podcast - Join David Geisler and his AI...

Best In Snow

S1 EP14 | Hello Trainers, and welcome to the wonderful world of Another Pokémon Podcast! In this episode, Becs and Galutrad chill out with some of the coolest Pokémon around as they list their favorite Ice type Pokémon.

Creators & Guests

David Geisler - Producer Jacob "Galutrad" Taylor - Host Becca "Becs" Jewell - Host
This episode features music by Duzzled & GameChops, titled "Red & Blue" from the album Dynamaxed, available on Apple Music and YouTube.


Another Zelda Podcast - Another Zelda Podcast is a show wherein we talk about all things Zel...

Legendary Oneders

S1 EP13 | Hello Trainers, and welcome to the wonderful world of Another Pokémon Podcast! In this episode, Becs and Galutrad uncover the mysteries of the legendary and mythical Pokémon introduced in the first generation.

Creators & Guests

David Geisler - Producer Jacob "Galutrad" Taylor - Host Becca "Becs" Jewell - Host
This episode features music by Duzzled & GameChops, titled "Red & Blue" from the album Dynamaxed, available on Apple Music and YouTube.


The Studio Demands It! - Two screenwriters attempt to recreate, reimagine, or flat-out fix, existing film franchises when 'the studio' de...

Where In The World!?

S1 EP12 | Hello Trainers, and welcome to the wonderful world of Another Pokémon Podcast! In this episode, Becs and Galutrad go on a holiday trip around the Pokémon regions and discuss their favorite towns and cities in Pokémon! 

Creators & Guests

David Geisler - Producer Jacob "Galutrad" Taylor - Host Becca "Becs" Jewell - Host
This episode features music by Duzzled & GameChops, titled "Red & Blue" from the album Dynamaxed, available on Apple Music and YouTube.


Another Zelda Podcast - Another Zelda Podcast is a show wherein we talk about all thin...

Water Those!?

S1 EP11 | Hello Trainers, and welcome to the wonderful world of Another Pokémon Podcast! In this episode, Becs and Galutrad dive head first into the deep end of the sea to list their favorite water type Pokémon!

Creators & Guests

David Geisler - Producer Jacob "Galutrad" Taylor - Host Becca "Becs" Jewell - Host
This episode features music by Duzzled & GameChops, titled "Red & Blue" from the album Dynamaxed, available on Apple Music and YouTube.

 An Artificial Podcast - Join David Geisler and his AI co-host as the...

And We Succeeded

S1 EP10 | Hello Trainers, and welcome to the wonderful world of Another Pokémon Podcast! In this episode, Becs and Galutrad discuss the circumstances of ones birth, and so much more, in a fun retrospective review of Pokémon: The First Movie!

Creators & Guests

David Geisler - Producer Jacob "Galutrad" Taylor - Host Becca "Becs" Jewell - Host
This episode features music by Duzzled & GameChops, titled "Red & Blue" from the album Dynamaxed, available on Apple Music and YouTube.


The Studio Demands It! - Two screenwriters attempt to recreate, reimagine, or flat-out fix, ex...

Creepy Pokespooks

S1 EP09 | Hello Trainers, and welcome to the wonderful world of Another Pokémon Podcast! In this episode, Becs and Galutrad take turns sharing spooky Pokémon stories with each other, surrounded by ghost type Pokémon in the darkness of the distortion world!

Creators & Guests

David Geisler - Producer Jacob "Galutrad" Taylor - Host Becca "Becs" Jewell - Host
This episode features music by Duzzled & GameChops, titled "Red & Blue" from the album Dynamaxed, available on Apple Music and YouTube.

 An Artificial Podcast - Join David Geisler and...

True Crime In Pokemon

S1 EP08 | Hello Trainers, and welcome to the wonderful world of Another Pokémon Podcast! In this episode, Becs channels her inner Officer Jenny and treats Galutrad to a true crime episode of Pokémon, featuring generations one through five plus Pokémon Colosseum!

Creators & Guests

David Geisler - Producer Jacob "Galutrad" Taylor - Host Becca "Becs" Jewell - Host
This episode features music by Duzzled & GameChops, titled "Red & Blue" from the album Dynamaxed, available on Apple Music and YouTube.


Another Zelda Podcast - Another Zelda Podcast is a show wherein we tal...