One Gospel Minute

10 Episodes

By: Tennessee Bible College

Do you have a minute? You only need a minute to tune in to this show! Continuing his father's radio legacy, Tennessee Bible College President, David Hill, presents a brief daily Gospel podcast. Our aim is to inspire you to engage with the Word every day and nurture your faith. Just a minute can have a significant impact! One Gospel Minute Podcast is brought to you by Tennessee Bible College, offering Christian education in Cookeville, Tennessee since 1975.

Last Tuesday at 5:30 AM

Should attending church services be a priority? The term 'Ekklesia' means 'the called-out ones,' underscoring the critical nature of congregational gatherings. The early Christians assembled daily. If the Lord were to return suddenly, would you be found in church, involved in events such as gospel meetings or revivals? Your participation is vital, not solely for personal benefit but for the entire Christian family. Gathering physically boosts the collective spirit, similar to how coals shine brighter when clustered.

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Scriptures: Acts 2:46; Hebrews 10:25; I Corinthians 14:23

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A Special...

Election Day—Judgment Day?

Many worry about elections, but God controls the world's fate, not us. The end will come unexpectedly, as only God knows the time. We're not powerful enough to end the world—only God has that power. He offers salvation through Jesus, who taught that faith and baptism lead to salvation. Are you prepared for the unpredictable 'day of the Lord'?

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Scriptures: Hebrews 1: 1-3; Matthew 24:36; Mark 16:16; I Thessalonians 5:2

Unity of Believers

Jesus advocated for unity, praying for His followers to be unified as He is with God. Despite numerous denominations and diverse church names contradicting His teachings, the Bible clearly calls for oneness in spirit and faith. This division leads to evil, as it allows the devil to thrive among the disunited.

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Scriptures: John 17; Acts 4:12; I Corinthians 1:10; Ephesians 4:3-6


True completeness and understanding of God come from knowing His Word, as revealed in the Bible. While creation offers evidence of God, only Scripture provides the knowledge necessary for salvation. God's Word is uniquely worthy because of its righteousness, purity, and power to sanctify. Ultimately, our actions will be judged by His Word, with God delivering the final judgment. Above all, the Bible stands as the complete and worthy source of truth.

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Scriptures: II Timothy 3:16-17; Psalm 19:1-3; Romans 1:20; Revelation 4:11; Isaiah 6:3; Revelation 4:8; John 17:17; Revelation 20:12


While earthly things change, Scripture remains constant and unchanging. Some believe that God's Word should adapt to modern times, but this view contradicts biblical authority. The Bible provides wisdom, good doctrine, and satisfies the human longing for truth. Using King David's example of studying and practicing God's Word, we can experience life-changing guidance.

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Scriptures: Psalm 102:26-27; Psalm 105; II Timothy 3:15; John 8:32; John 7:17; I Timothy 4:6; Psalm 119:99; II Timothy 3:16

Sure Thing

The Word of God is powerful, complete, and timeless, offering everything needed for life and spiritual growth. Delivered once to the saints, it equips believers for every good work. Despite this, many still seek something beyond its teachings, though God's Word remains eternal and unchanging. Its truth is as relevant today as ever and will continue to be, transcending time. Given by God and set in eternity, the truth never fades. "Buy the truth, and sell it not" (Proverbs 23:23).

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Scriptures: Ephesians 6:13-19; Jude 3; II Timothy 3:15-17; II Peter 1:3; Matthew 24:35; Proverbs 23:23

Christians and Government

Our view of government should align with what God, our Creator, expects. Scripture teaches that the power of government comes from God, as seen in Daniel's acknowledgment that God gives power to whom He chooses and Paul's declaration that "the powers that be are ordained of God" (Romans 13:1). While trusting God to work out what is best, this does not mean disengagement. Christians are encouraged to participate, respect societal order, and strive for good, living peacefully and with integrity. Leaders are to be honored, as they are ultimately appointed by God for the good of society (John 19:11).


The Power of Bible Study: Why It Matters

In Matthew 16:13-14, Jesus asks His disciples who people believe He is. Responses vary, showing that while many thought highly of Him, their opinions were often incorrect. This teaches us that relying on human opinions can lead to error. If people had read their scriptures, they would have known the truth about Jesus. Today, many face the same issue by not studying the Bible. II Timothy 2:15 encourages us to study and understand God's Word, discarding personal opinions in favor of biblical truth.

Rediscover ‘One Gospel Minute’, the influential radio broadcast by Tennessee Bible College founder, Malcolm Hill...


Enjoy the beauty of fall this season, unthreatened by climate change due to divine guarantees. Recalling God's words post-flood, the cycles of seed time, harvest, and seasons will persist as long as the earth exists. Even the seas are bound by His command, ensuring stability until the end of time. Embrace the gospel, listen to your Creator, and let His truth guide you.

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Scriptures: Genesis 8:22; Job 26:10

Who Will You Listen To?

God instructs us to listen to His Son, Jesus, through the Gospel and the Bible, especially the New Testament. This guidance, often ignored, holds the key to saving the world and eliminating violence, lying, corruption, and immorality. Are you following His words and letting Him guide your life? Start your day with encouragement from the Lord.

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Scriptures: Matthew 17:5; I Corinthians 13:10; Psalm 119:105