Morphin' Buddies

10 Episodes

By: Kacey Czosnowski and Gianni Damaia

Two film graduates read the Animorphs books and dive into the themes and lessons of each book, deciding on what to keep and change should it get re-vamped as a tv series.

Book 19 - The Departure
Today at 12:00 PM

Happy Valentines Day! Gianni and Kacey discuss their differing opinions on this book while reading fanmail and one maaaayyyybe fanmail??

What follows is discussions on fascists, the unfairness of nature, and some of the strongest dialogue we've seen thus far in the series. Additionally, a PCP story, the danger of low hanging branches, and we find the voice for Karen.

Contact and reach out at

Social for Gianni: X (formally known as Twitter)- @gianni_damaia
Social for Kacey: Instagram- @kaceeyyyyyy

Book 18.5 - Megamorphs 2: In the Time of DINOSAURS!

Holy crap, we get to morph dinosaurs!!! We begin this episode with a special soundscape and Kacey tries to teach Gianni science. (Spoiler: he doesn't accept scientific facts). Then we dive into 2 listener emails, one with a linguistics correction pointed towards Gianni. 

What follows are corn trees, Rexy boys, a broccoli vs cauliflower debate, and a not so cursed book cover??? All that and more in this week's episode!

Contact and reach out at

Social for Gianni: X (formally known as Twitter)- @gianni_damaia
Social for Kacey: Instagram- @k...

Book 18 - The Decision

Our boy is BACK! In this Ax-centric book, Kacey and Gianni discuss what makes a good leader, the expanse of space, and the nostalgia of the old GI Joe PSAs.

Also, Gianni can't tell the difference between TO and T.O, Kacey recalls a big, ol' GOOFY Pokemon (and Gianni pulls out his collection!), and Gianni may or may not have spoiled the end of Narcos for Kacey. 

Contact and reach out at

Social for Gianni: X (formally known as Twitter)- @gianni_damaia
Social for Kacey: Instagram- @kaceeyyyyyy

BONUS EPISODE: 2024 Compilation

Hey folks, as a big thank you, we're releasing a bonus episode for the holidays with the best of 2024! These are moments we remember and laugh about with each other. Nothing crazy special but hopefully, it'll make you all laugh and smile too.

Hope your holidays were happy and safe. Here's to 2025!

Contact and reach out at

Social for Gianni: X (formally known as Twitter)- @gianni_damaia
Social for Kacey: Instagram- @kaceeyyyyyy

Book 17 - The Underground

Yeerk pool, moles, and...oatmeal? HUH?! With the plot slightly lacking, this week's episode dives into a few sidebars including food hates, phobias, traumas, kinks, and therapy! (And that's just the beginning)

Contact and reach out at

Social for Gianni: X (formally known as Twitter)- @gianni_damaia
Social for Kacey: Instagram- @kaceeyyyyyy

Book 16 - The Warning

Happy Holidays! We open on another listener email and Gianni gets his feelings hurt (all in good fun, though). What follows is a conversation on what makes a complex, realistic, and relatable character, what is acceptable and moral in the middle of a war, and we reveal our AOL Instant Messenger screen names!

Plus, a quick sidebar on Gianni starting to watch Lost for the first time, new catchphrases you can use with your family, and Gianni reveals a new character he hates...maybe more than Jake?! Tune in to this week's episode and have a happy...

Book 15 - The Escape

Starting this episode out with talking about Life's W's, Kacey and Gianni raise the vibes and talk about an exciting documentary, finishing a big ol' fantasy smut book, and another fan mail from Ryan!

Getting into the book, Gianni talks about his disappointment with the thematic promises the story teases, Kacey tries to stay along for the mediocre ride, and they both reminisce about how fun The Reaction was. Plus, thoughts about the Rainforest Cafe, shark facts, and the meanness of tv bullies!

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Book 14 - The Unknown

Guten Tag! Kacey and Gianni start this episode by opening their first international fan mail from Germany! (Had no idea the pod reached out that far. Incredible!)

Within this episode, they discuss the conveniences of the plot, the importance of having a lore master, and a potential rewrite that could make the story work even better. Along the way, they talk about Kacey's embarrassing mishap with a water slide, Jake's bizarre (but hilarious) line that should have been in The Reaction, and adding a fun scene to open the story of this book.

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Book 13 - The Change

We dive back into our regularly scheduled program to talk about this Tobias centric book! Starting out with another fan mail, Kacey and Gianni reveal their battle morph choices and learn some animal facts. 

Getting into the story, we return to themes of loneliness, isolation, and knowing yourself well enough to understand what you really want. Supported by head slicing and an all knowing Ellimist-ex machina, we are happy to get back into Tobias' brain and feel like just a birrrrrrd!

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Social for Gianni: X (f...

Book 12.5 - The Andalite Chronicles PART 2

The exciting conclusion to this companion series of the Animorph books! Kacey and Gianni talk about their close relationship with "Elf", how difficult it is to breathe/survive in space, and the confusing time-y whimey logic of the last bit of the plot. 

Also: is Elfangor young enough to date Loren? How do you assimilate back into your community when it no longer feels like home? And can Chapman shut up for once?!

Contact and reach out at

Social for Gianni: X (formally known as Twitter)- @gianni_damaia