The Angel Of The North

4 Episodes

By: Lorraine - The Angel of the North

From Reiki Healing to Spiritual Mediumship, Lorraine Marron has helped thousands of people across the North East with healing. Join her each month to discuss hard-hitting topics that she has came across in her career from grief and bereavement to spiritual readings and more. 

Episode 4: An Angelic & Spiritual Introduction

An introduction to all angels and spiritual realms with Lorraine Marron, including how she sees and works with spirits, angels and astral projection. 

Follow along on Instagram @theangelofthenorth

Episode 3: Spirit, Angels and Me

In this episode, I'm joined by two of my good friends and clients, Helen and Micheal who ask me some of my most asked questions,

Episode 2: Reiki and living with cancer

Trigger warning: Discussions of cancer and death are featured in this episode.

Lorraine is joined by friend and client Kellie to discuss her cancer diagnosis and how reiki has helped her journey of living with this.

Episode 1: Dealing with Grief

Trigger Warning: This episode contains discussions around death, grief and sensitive topics.

How do you deal with grief at a young age? Lorraine talks with client Lauren about losing a parent at a young age and how that has impacted their life growing up.