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WAKE UP WITH HOPE: Be Thou My Vision

What does it mean for the Lord to be your vision? Find out in today's challenging message taken from the hymn, "Be Thou My Vision."
LIFEPOINT CHURCH AZ: Miracles to Mission | Disciples Fast Pray and Trust | Joe Wegert

Pastor Joe Wegert discusses the transition from witnessing God's power and miracles to actively trusting and participating in His mission.
THE SHARON BOLAN SHOW: Prophetic Word – My Jewels

Every prophetic Word from God is for a specific season. This Word was given to Sharon in early morning prayer and will confirm what the Holy Spirit is saying to His church in these end-time days.
LIFEPOINT CHURCH AZ: Praying with Passion and Purpose | Disciple Fast, Pray, and Trust | Nathan Bentley

The sermon explores how true Christian prayer aligns with God's will and resists becoming a mere routine. Reviving this form of genuine prayer could spark widespread spiritual renewal.
THE SHARON BOLAN SHOW: Dream from God – Watch and Pray

On today's episode, Sharon shares a dream that will encourage you to watch and pray and expect a sudden visitation from God.
LIFEPOINT CHURCH AZ: Going Forth in Truth | Mike Shamburg

Pastor Mike emphasizes the need for believers to commit themselves to the truth of the Bible and avoid doctrines influenced by worldly desires.
THE SHARON BOLAN SHOW: Knocked Down, But Not Knocked Out

Do you feel like the crashing waves and violet winds are too much to bear? Is your boat filling up with water and you're about to sink? Today's episode will strengthen you to see your trials from a different perspective.
LIFEPOINT CHURCH AZ: Encountering Joy | Advent: God of Wonders | Nathan Bentley

Pastor Nathan calls for an intentional and heartfelt encounter with Christ, urging believers to find joy in their relationship with Him.
ETERNAL TRUTH NOW: Eradicate Fear in this New Year and Move Forward

This is a new series on Eradicating Fear. Today's episode focuses on fear in general and on fear of the unknown, which can paralyze you and keep you from going forward. The key to overcoming fear is faith and trusting in God.
THE SHARON BOLAN SHOW: Under the Juniper Tree of Hope

Have you ever plunged into the depths of despair, thinking all hope was lost? How do you break free and continue to move forward? Find out on today's encouraging episode!