Everyday Vibes with the Sunderkids

10 Episodes

By: Brittany & Matthew Sunderman

We are Brittany and Matthew Sunderman, a.k.a. The Sunderkids. Come vibe with us as we talk about life, nature, & whatever else comes to mind...

Wisconsin Wedding Weekend Wackiness – Everyday Vibes with the Sunderkids – Episode 53


Pontoon – Everyday Vibes with the Sunderkids – Episode 52

Whats better than a day on the water with a bunch of expensive musical equipment? Probably the show its all for, but hey its a lake, lets get er goin!

Everyday Vibes with the Sunderkids – Episode 51

This is a goodass episode. ya’ll should listen right quick. still thinking of a good title and feature image.

Baked & Bonkers – Everyday Vibes with the Sunderkids – Episode 50!

Brittany is now a baker! She’s been baking up a storm at Joe Sips while Matthew’s been going bonkers for Buckethead. You guys should see how he shreds! But if that’s not enough, oh boi get ready to make bank. u/DeepFuckingValue aka  @RoaringKitty  has returned with another $GME Yolo. Cheers! I’m jacked to the tits!

Beer Olympics – Everyday Vibes with the Sunderkids – Episode 49

Brittany hits the water on a kayak for the first time in years. While at a chill wedding, she met a bunch of musicians she saw the next day at a music festival! Matthew headed to Scottsdale for a bro trip and ended up playing rumikub with some girls. Classic Matthew. Don’t ask him how.. […]

Aurora Rolling Stonealis – Everyday Vibes with the Sunderkids – Episode 48

Brittany is still in the clouds after a wonderful and eventful day. Plus the whole week was stellar! An aurora blesses North America and everyone seemed to get epic pictures except us, even though Matthew just got a camera. Then boom bam it Mom’s birthday, kapow its Mother’s day, and whoosh the fam’s at Lumen […]

Mystery Sibs in the Northwest – Everyday Vibes with the Sunderkids – Episode 47


Eclipse – Everyday Vibes with the Sunderkids – Episode 46

The Eclipse isn’t the only thing that made the news! Brittany hits the press as the star of the Eclipse while Matthew whines, wanes and waxes about his hell of a week.

Easter Bunny Hopping – Everyday Vibes with the Sunderkids – Episode 44

He is Risen! Hallelujah! Zombie Jesus is back at it and joined forces with the Easter Bunny to give us a special discount on Eggs! Not really, but there was plenty of Ham involved.

Tourni Madness – Everyday Vibes with the Sunderkids – Episode 43

Uncle Mad-Dog and the parents sped over to Spokane for the weekend to watch the grandkid’s Volleyball Tournament and maybe a few basketball games on the TV’s by the concessions stand. Dad was happy Iowa State beat the Cougs to make it to the Sweet Sixteen! So was Matthew, but his bracket got wrecked. Meanwhile […]