Moms Can Wine Too

10 Episodes

By: Niani Gibson

Becoming a mom is  taking on a new journey in a life and I’m here providing a safe space for all my mommies. A way to escape and not feel like you’re alone in the mom world because trust me, we’re all going through it in unique ways. We’re a community and sticking together is what is going to make us become more powerful day by day. Moms Can Wine Too is a podcast for my moms of all ages, experiences, and backgrounds. I’m here to give feedback, take advice, share stories, and much more!

Episode.24: Just Two Feet Away

Trying to be the best parent that you can is every parent's main goal. We focus on make everything perfect even when we know that there is no true way to perfection. Sometimes being overbearing can have more negative effects than positive, so let's talk about why and what that may look like in today's episode.

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Episode.23: NEW Things

Happy New Year Everyone! Bringing in a new year comes with a lot of overwhelming emotions which is the same feelings you feel becoming a new mom. There is so much to expect yet not expect at the same time which can create a constant anxious feeling. As we open the new year, I want to shine some light on our new moms and how to ease that new mom anxiety that comes with becoming a mom.

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Episode.22: Oh, She's A Milf Pt.1

Dating as a single mom can be one of the scariest experiences a woman can endure. There is so much judgment around it when yet people don’t understand that every door has a story behind it. As mothers we can’t just think about ourselves when dating because we now have to lookout for our children as well. In today’s episode, we will unpack the thoughts behind dating as a single mom.

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Episode.21: The Candle Blew Out

Becoming a mom is a life changing experience that can sometimes turn you into a brand new person. A common issue women face becoming new moms is missing out on their old life and what they used to be. Losing your spark is not something that is not abnormal when becoming a first time mom. Today we will just solely focus on what it is like to lose your spark and how to manage the dwelling feeling that comes with it.


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Episode.21: The Candle Blew Out

Becoming a mom is a life changing experience that can sometimes turn you into a brand new person. A common issue women face becoming new moms is missing out on their old life and what they used to be. Losing your spark is not something that is not abnormal when becoming a first time mom. Today we will just solely focus on what it is like to lose your spark and how to manage the dwelling feeling that comes with it.

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OnWedWeWearPink, Ep.4: Surviving Your 20s

Reaching your 20s can be the scariest phase of life. Being 20 is where you are finally able to say you aren’t a kid anymore but yet you are no where near truly being an adult. We hear so much about how our 20s are supposed to go which can become overwhelming when aren’t meeting the “deadlines”. Today’s episode will be all about surviving your 20s

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Episode.20: Wax or Cake?

Depression is a common topic we seem to talk about in our adulthood. But why is that? Growing up, we were told to dream big but yet we weren't really told that there are other sides to dreaming big. The world is a strange place that presents us with overbearing events that some of us haven't been prepared for. Today we talk about how important it is not shelter your children from the real world. They need to know certain aspects in order to be prepared for the rocks like throws at you.


Episode.19: It's MUVA to you.... pt.1

Mother is such a beautiful and powerful title that holds so much respect in our lives. BUT not in all cases is this fact true. Mothering can be tainted by the dreadfulness of manipulation and narcissism which redirects the whole meaning of what a mother is supposed to be. This is just the first part of many where we break down some of the ideas of how one can taint the meaning of mother.



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Episode.18: Check Me Off The List

After a 2 week break we are back in action! Sometimes life begins to life and we forget that we are in control of the way things go. On today's episode, I give a few pointers that has helped me find better ways to manage all the chaos in my life. Be sure to leave comments on things you felt have helped you so far in your motherhood journey.




Episode.17: That's The Wrong Flavor Mom

Due to our own childhood experiences, we want to give our children everything we missed out on, but is that what YOUR child really wants? As parents we tend to forget that our children are their own people. They have their own lives so why not cater to their specific needs? Today's episode is short and sweet, but we let's get out feet wet and talk about it.


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