Moms Can Wine Too

10 Episodes

By: Niani Gibson

Becoming a mom is  taking on a new journey in a life and I’m here providing a safe space for all my mommies. A way to escape and not feel like you’re alone in the mom world because trust me, we’re all going through it in unique ways. We’re a community and sticking together is what is going to make us become more powerful day by day. Moms Can Wine Too is a podcast for my moms of all ages, experiences, and backgrounds. I’m here to give feedback, take advice, share stories, and much more!

Episode.12: Playing Dominoes

Has becoming a mother exposed you to new emotions you never even realized you had?Resentment is one of those things we as humans experience a lot but we tend to ignore the signs when our body is trying to tell us what is going on. Dealing with resentment takes on a whole new level as a mother and we often just let everything build up until we break.

Let’s talk about the challenges of resentment and how well may take steps to healing.


OnWedWeWearPink: EP.1: Take That Next Step Please Ft. Temi

Welcome to the first episode of "On Wednesdays We Wear Pink". As mothers we deserve a break from all our motherly duties. OWWWP is a part of the show that provides a space for simply "girl talk". Here we unpack typical topics that you would amongst your group of girlfriends, providing a safe and fun space to express your thoughts, feelings, and opinions.

Today's episode is all about moving on. We as women get caught up in the idea of things rather than accepting them for what they are. As a result, we become attached...

Episode.11: Get In Line Avengers

We as mothers are constantly told that it takes a village to raise children, but we aren’t told that who is a part of that village the whole can change the trajectory of our motherly experiences. No, mothers shouldn’t struggle to raise children on their own, but they also shouldn’t be forced to choose unsupportive people to help raise their children. Today’s episode we will unpack what it means to have a village and what we need to do going forward as far as the people in our life is concerned.


Episode.10: Did Momma Ever Teach You?

Hygiene is one of the biggest cares, especially developing into a woman. Knowing how to care for your body is very important especially when you have children paying attention to everything you do. How can you teach them right from wrong when aren't aware of simple proper hygiene yourself? This episode is all about basic hygiene facts and how to care for yourself 101.

Links:Instagram: .. - of the...

Episode.9: The Inbetween

We hear a lot women say they miss the person they were before becoming a mother but what if that wasn't your full potential. Motherhood may just be the journey you need to bring you where you are supposed to be. There's so much we miss out on dwelling on what used to be instead of what is in front of us.

Episode.8: Needing That Maybelline Foundation Pt.1

Relationships in general require an extreme amount of work to maintain, but adding a child to the mix makes the work even harder. A lot of relationships are tested when a child is brought into the world, many pass while others fail. Today we talk about why might relationships fail once a child is brought into the world.

Links:Instagram: .. - of the day: BIN 27 Port Wine...

Episode.7: Let The Dads Wine Too

Let's welcome our first dad as we talk about parenthood from the other perspective. Sometimes we forget that fatherhood is just as valuable and important. Listen to our guest tell us what it’s like being a father and the experiences he’s encountered.

Episode.6: Where's My Automatic? Ft. Margaret

After a week off, we are welcoming back with our second guest on the show! Margaret is a beautiful mother of 3 with two twin boys and a daughter. This episode we get into motherhood and what it's like raising children away from our hometown, right timing for teaching them specific lessons, and much more!

Wine of the day: Love Noir Pinot Noir | Total Wine & More


Youtube: NIANI G - YouTube

Instagram: Moms Can Wine Too Podcast (@momscanwine2) • Instagram photos and videos

Margaret’s Instagram:

Episode.5: Just Keeping It Cool Ft. Shay

Can you keep up with the unexpectedness of motherhood? There is so much to look out for, no one can prepare you for what you are going to take on. Between handling your own life and teaching your kids what is right, there are so many in between moments you don't want to miss and ignore. Let's welcome our first guest on as she shares her stories and experiences as being a lovely mother of two.



Instagram: https://y...

Episode.4: Can Mommy Cry Too?

Being a woman in itself comes with so many experiences that take a lot to process. Having to deal with emotions, hormones, and outside factors can be seemingly overwhelming when trying to show up for your child. When do mothers get a break to sit and understand these emotions?