The Intentional Life

10 Episodes

By: FQ Media Group

Welcome to The Intentional Life podcast where certified life coaches AJ & Amy Selby talk about how adding even the smallest layer of intentionality to the seemingly overwhelming aspects of life can help make every situation more manageable. They discuss questions from listeners and topics from all areas of life including: relationships, faith, purpose, and identity. Connect with us here: ▶️ YouTube: 📱 Instagram:

Empowering Domestic Abuse Survivors with Donavan Grant, MACC, LCMHC
Last Wednesday at 10:30 AM

Hey friends!

We very excited to share this episode with you because we have our very first guest joining the podcast! AJ's uncle, Donavan Grant, has been a licensed clinical mental health counselor for over 20 years and specializes in working with the survivors, and offenders, of domestic violence.

He'll be talking with us about how to recognize it in relationships, why people will sometimes stay in relationships with their abuser, ways the Church hasn't always handled domestic violence situations well, how support those in an abusive relationship, and resources available to those looking for a...

Life Update: Moving, New Business, and MORE!

What's up, everyone!

Y'all - we have been BUSY! A lot has happened over the last couple of months and we've got plenty to talk about. In this episode you'll hear everything we've been up to - moving, starting new business, family vacation, the challenges of trusting the Lord for His provision, navigating stresses with your spouse, and MORE!

Thanks for listening and following our crazy journey, we're grateful to have you along for the ride!


AJ & Amy


Navigating Family Relationships After You’re Married

Hi friends!

There are a lot of things that change when you get married like getting used to living with someone and their daily habits (and icks), managing finances together, and making plans for your future together. But getting married isn't just two becoming one, all of a sudden now there are two sets of families that you each have to learn as well.

You not only have to learn life with your spouse, but also you learn life with a new family. What they like doing for holidays, their values and...

Forgiving Others When They Won't Say Sorry

Hey Everyone!

We got a doozy of question to tackle on this episode! Forgiveness can challenging, especially when the other person is oblivious to hurting you or flat our refuses to apologize.

We'll talk through what true forgiveness looks like and how sometimes forgiveness is a minute by minute choice.


AJ + Amy

P.S. - What household chore do you hate? Send us a message on IG or let us know in the comments!


Just Because You Don’t Like It Doesn’t Make It A Red Flag

Hey friends!

In culture today the term "red flag" is being thrown around A LOT. But, have you ever been in a situation where someone did something and you later realized that what you thought was a "red flag" was just something you didn't like?

We're getting real this week where we talk about the difference between what's an actual red flag and where someone else's habits or preferences may just be an annoyance.


AJ & Amy


The Importance Of Single Seasons And Choosing Contentment

Hi Friends!

Have you ever found yourself in a season where being single feels really hard? Maybe that's a season you're in right now?

On this week's episode we'll be talking about the importance of single seasons in our lives, how to fight against comparison and fomo, and what it looks like to consistently choose contentment when your circumstances are what you hoped they would be.

We know these seasons aren't easy, but we hope our conversation can help provide you with hope as you wrestle with...

What Is It Like to Move Where You Don’t Know Anyone?

Hey there!

So, we ran out of time in the last episode so in this one we'll pick up where we left off. We'll be talking about where we lived growing up, what it's like to move to a new town without knowing anyone, and the things you need to talk through with your spouse to make sure you're on the same page before jumping in to a big decision like moving. We hope you have just as much fun with this episode as we did!


AJ & Amy


How to Make Big Decisions as a Couple

Hey there!

Have you and your spouse ever been trying make a big decision and just can't seem to get on the same page? We're not sure if there is any couple in the history of the world that's ever been on the same page about anything 100% of the time!

On today's episode we'll be talking about how couples can navigate making big decisions together even when they have completely different perspectives, desires, and processing styles.


AJ & Amy


Things to Consider When Searching for Your Purpose and Calling

Hey friends!

Have you ever found yourself wondering what your purpose and calling are and have no idea where to start to figure them out? In a world full of people flashing what they’re doing on social media, it can be easy to feel like you’r falling behind. Don’t be discouraged, you’re exactly where you need to be at this very moment. 

Join us on this weeks episode as we explore what it’s like to search for your purpose and how to steer clear of comparison as you find confidence in your uni...

Achieving Work-Life Balance in Demanding Seasons

Hi Everybody!

In this episode we'll be talking about the seemingly impossible task of work-life balance. Is this something that's even possible in today's busy culture? We'll talk about what it looks like to show up for your spouse well when busy seasons come, how to hold grace for each other as you learn what rest looks like for each other, and how to know when to pull the plug on things pulling you from what's truly important.

We'll also talk a little bit about what it looks like to walk out...