The Intentional Life

10 Episodes

By: FQ Media Group

Welcome to The Intentional Life podcast where certified life coaches AJ & Amy Selby talk about how adding even the smallest layer of intentionality to the seemingly overwhelming aspects of life can help make every situation more manageable. They discuss questions from listeners and topics from all areas of life including: relationships, faith, purpose, and identity. Connect with us here: ▶️ YouTube: 📱 Instagram:

Living What We Preach: Why We’re Pausing the Podcast

Hey friends!

This is a bittersweet episode. Amy and I have spent a lot of time talking about what's going on in our lives recently and have made the choice to hit pause on this podcast. It would feel hypocritical of us to have a podcast with "intentional" in the title if we weren't willing to let our actions line up with the words we continually share with others.

This isn't "goodbye" just a "see you later". Thanks for joining us on this journey and listening to our ramblings along the way! We can't want...

Church Hunting After Marriage: Building a Strong Spiritual Foundation Together

Welcome back, friends!

Growing up we often go with the flow on where our parents take us to church. But as you get older, move cities, or even when you get married, it can often be challenging to find a new church. This week we're talking about what it looks like to find a new church home that is healthy, challenging, and a good community support system.

We'll also be talking about what it looks like to incorporate God into your new marriage and how spouses can love and support each other through their own...

Love vs. Lust: The Slow Burn Approach to Lasting Relationships


Things get spicy on this week's episode as we talk about love vs lust, what it looks like to let a relationship be a "slow burn" instead of throwing caution to the wind, and how intimacy isn't just physical and the different levels of intimacy that you should gradually be progressing through as the seriousness of your relationship increases.


AJ & Amy

P.S. - What change did you make in your life that you're most proud of? Send us a DM on Instagram!

Connect with us here:<...

Are You Focusing On The WRONG Things Leading Up To Your Wedding?

Hey friends!

Couples often spend a ridiculous amount of hours and money planning for their wedding day! Now don't get us wrong, we love a gorgeous ceremony and rocking reception just as much as everyone else - but are we focusing on the wrong things leading up to the wedding?

When it comes to planning a great party for one day versus laying a solid foundation for the marriage to your best friend for the rest of your life, it can be easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of wedding...

Learning How to Honor Your Parents As An Adult

Hey Everyone!

As we grow up, many people often face an interesting transition season - the shift from being a child that takes instruction from parents to an adult with a relationship with parents who's role become more of a guide. Sometimes in that transition, it can be difficult to find the balance of continuing to honor parents while maintaining boundaries.

The primary focus of this season of transition to adulthood should be aimed at maintaining a healthy relationship rather than proving you're "right."

Thanks for joining...

Empowering Domestic Abuse Survivors with Donavan Grant, MACC, LCMHC

Hey friends!

We very excited to share this episode with you because we have our very first guest joining the podcast! AJ's uncle, Donavan Grant, has been a licensed clinical mental health counselor for over 20 years and specializes in working with the survivors, and offenders, of domestic violence.

He'll be talking with us about how to recognize it in relationships, why people will sometimes stay in relationships with their abuser, ways the Church hasn't always handled domestic violence situations well, how support those in an abusive relationship, and resources available to those looking for a...

Life Update: Moving, New Business, and MORE!

What's up, everyone!

Y'all - we have been BUSY! A lot has happened over the last couple of months and we've got plenty to talk about. In this episode you'll hear everything we've been up to - moving, starting new business, family vacation, the challenges of trusting the Lord for His provision, navigating stresses with your spouse, and MORE!

Thanks for listening and following our crazy journey, we're grateful to have you along for the ride!


AJ & Amy


Navigating Family Relationships After You’re Married

Hi friends!

There are a lot of things that change when you get married like getting used to living with someone and their daily habits (and icks), managing finances together, and making plans for your future together. But getting married isn't just two becoming one, all of a sudden now there are two sets of families that you each have to learn as well.

You not only have to learn life with your spouse, but also you learn life with a new family. What they like doing for holidays, their values and...

Forgiving Others When They Won't Say Sorry

Hey Everyone!

We got a doozy of question to tackle on this episode! Forgiveness can challenging, especially when the other person is oblivious to hurting you or flat our refuses to apologize.

We'll talk through what true forgiveness looks like and how sometimes forgiveness is a minute by minute choice.


AJ + Amy

P.S. - What household chore do you hate? Send us a message on IG or let us know in the comments!


Just Because You Don’t Like It Doesn’t Make It A Red Flag

Hey friends!

In culture today the term "red flag" is being thrown around A LOT. But, have you ever been in a situation where someone did something and you later realized that what you thought was a "red flag" was just something you didn't like?

We're getting real this week where we talk about the difference between what's an actual red flag and where someone else's habits or preferences may just be an annoyance.


AJ & Amy
