God Wants To Talk To You

10 Episodes

By: God Wants To Talk To You

A 15 Minute Bible talk that will discuss one chapter of the Bible each episode. Hosted by a layman (regular guy) that wants to share his love of God by encouraging people to read the Bible and talk to God. Hosted by Michael a former Radio and Podcast Host that promises you a non intimidating journey in to getting to know the Bible with him.

God Wants To Talk To You Ep. #84
Yesterday at 7:00 AM

Today we talk about John The Baptist with reading from the Book of Matthew and Luke. John the Great Prophet even had doubts at the end of his life that Jesus was the Messiah. How did Jesus Handle that? Have you ever had doubts in your faith journey?

God Wants To Talk To You Ep. #83
Last Wednesday at 7:00 AM

Today we read from Luke Chapter 7 and about Jesus being anointed by a sinful woman.

God Wants To Talk To You Ep. #82
Last Monday at 7:01 AM

Today we talk about Jeremiah Chapter 23 and the coming of the Good Shepherd of Israel written about 600 years before Jesus was born.

God Wants To Talk To You Ep. #81

Today we talk about the Good Samaritan from Luke Chapter 10.

God Wants To Talk To You Ep.#80

Luke Chapter 9. Why does Jesus make it hard to be a true follower? What he said to some people that wanted to follow him but had some stuff to take care of first.

God Wants To Talk To You Ep. #79

A Terrible Day in America. Today we pray fro the victims of the shooting in Pennsylvania and read Psalm 91 about being protected by God.

God Wants To Talk To You Ep. #78

Today we talk about 3 stories from different books of the Bible 1st Samuel VS 18 and 19 , 2nd Kings Vs 6 and Luke Chapter 4 where we see how God protects the ones he loves. Divine Protection!

God Wants To Talk To You Ep. #77

Today we bounce aroung the entire bible with verses that give us the answer to this question. Can we do enough Good Deeds to get in to heaven?

God Wants To Talk To You Ep. #76

Today we talk about 2nd Timothy Chapters 3 and 4 and how like Paul you will be persecuted for teaching the God Breathed Scriptures in a world where people no longer believe in sound doctrine but want to hear Preachers tell them what they want to hear.

God Wants To Talk To You Ep. #75

Today we talk about Rejection! We can get it from anywhere but it hurts the most when it comes from our family or friends. We talk about the rejection of Jesus from his hometown as told in Mark Chapter 6. We also talk about turning your rejection in to serving God like Jeptah in Judges 11 & 12 of the Old Testament.