Texas Leadership Summit Podcast

10 Episodes

By: Texas Leadership Summit

Empowering leaders with the courage, tools, and hope to ignite a revival of Christian leadership. In each episode of the Texas Leadership Summit Podcast, leaders bring you empowering insights and easy-to-understand takeaways you can use to lead yourself and others. You’ll learn practical ways to grow as a leader, get involved in your community, lead your family, and grow your faith.

Unveiling the Impact of Faith on Leadership and Society: A Conversation with Dran Reese

In this podcast, Dran Reese, the visionary behind Salt and Light Council, discusses the power of faith in leadership. Our in-depth conversation focuses on her personal faith story and the mark it has left on her life's mission. Reese's narrative is a testament to the pivotal role mentorship and unwavering conviction play in the pillars of church, government, education, and business toward a future grounded in moral integrity.

We dissect the unique training methods our ministry imparts for engaging the church in political discourse. Reese and I question America's Christian heritage, spotlighting the urgency to reacquaint ourselves...

Unleashing Courage in Christian Leadership Through Faith and Scripture

What if the courage to transform your community is already within you, just waiting to be unleashed? Join us as Tim Webb, founder of the Texas Leadership Summit, shares his insights on how everyday leaders can be equipped with the courage and hope necessary to initiate a revival of Christian leadership. In this episode, we highlight the importance of standing firm in faith to confront evil and stress why prioritizing God's story over individual or national narratives can unlock a deeper courage that surpasses human limitations. Through the lens of biblical examples and the grand narrative of redemption, Tim...

The Profound Impact of Faith-Based Leadership in Governance with Senator Lois Kolkhorst

When Texas Senator Lois Kolkhorst graces our show, she brings wisdom on biblical leadership's profound influence in governance and beyond. Our enlightening conversation features guidance in decision-making, with Senator Kolkhorst sharing how foundational Judeo-Christian values have shaped American principles and how these values continue to serve as a beacon for individuals in public service. Facing the headwinds of secular society, we discuss the art of balancing God, family, and career, ensuring that personal faith remains the driving force for community prosperity and individual purpose.

Venturing further into the realm of leadership, Senator Kolkhorst and I address the...

Christianity's Influence on Government and the Call for Faith-Driven Leadership

Discover how Christian values and government can elevate our leadership and societal engagement approach.  Tim joins me, Deanna Kenisell, to shed light on the government's pivotal role in ensuring the sanctity of life through a Christian lens. This episode takes you on a historical journey, revealing the profound impact of scripture on the founding of America and how these principles continue to influence our nation's governance. 

We tackle modern churches' hesitancy to engage in political discourse, underlining the critical duty of church leaders to educate their congregations on civic responsibilities. We speak about the church's role in cu...

Success At The Local Level

Imagine the collective strength of Christian leaders uniting to bolster the backbone of our communities with the enduring values of faith. That's precisely what unfolds as I, Tim Webb, join forces with John Davies, Tressy Rourke, and Suzanne Flamer, each leader in their respective fields. Together, we look into the essentials of creating a system of unity and purpose, from the pews to the school board meetings. This powerhouse discussion promises to inspire and equip you with the wisdom to nurture a vibrant Christian presence in your everyday spheres of influence.

Jon Davies, Tressy Rourke, and Suzanne...

Faith in Business: A Godly Approach to Company Culture and Leadership

Discover the synergy of faith and business as Deanna Kenisell engages in a profound conversation with our visionary founder, Tim Webb. We're discussing the difference between the secular and the divine, demonstrating through Martin Luther's teachings that every aspect of life in Christ is sacred—yes, including your day job! From the dawn of creation to the Tower of Babel, we're gleaning ancient wisdom for today's leaders, seeking to infuse our businesses with purpose that goes beyond profit and serves a grander, God-honoring mission.

In our pursuit to shape business cultures, Tim Webb lays out the blueprint fo...

Victories in the Fight for Freedom and Faith with Steve Maxwell

When faith meets the frontline of freedom, sparks fly. This episode is with Steve Maxwell, founder of Citizens Defending Freedom and the Remnant Alliance, who imparts the story of a devout Christian to a valiant defender of American values. Picture this: a life-changing encounter with Senator Rand Paul, a dive into shaping local education, and a realization that the battlefield for our beliefs is closer to home than we ever imagined. Join us to explore the heart of a man who has taken up arms in the spiritual and societal arenas to protect what he holds sacred.


Church Pillar: The Role of Church Leadership in a Post-Christian Era

Our discussion peels back the layers of church leadership, revealing its crucial role in fostering accurate doctrinal teaching and guiding congregants in their daily lives. As we confront the shift towards a post-Christian church age in America, the necessity for leaders to ward off heresy and faithfully interpret scripture becomes strikingly apparent. We tackle the real-world challenges pastors face, from overcoming personal insecurities to navigating changing denominational landscapes, offering advice for families in search of a spiritual home that aligns with their values.

In a time where the boundaries often blur, our episode underscores the importance of...

Faith in the Fray: A Congressman's Journey from Pulpit to Politics

When a man of faith steps into the public eye, the journey is as transformative as it is challenging. Our latest conversation with United States Representative Michael Cloud offers a rare glimpse into the personal evolution that ensues when a dedicated church member rises to become a guardian of the public trust. Representative Cloud shares his candid experiences, from the emotional and spiritual hurdles of serving in Congress to balancing firm principles with the art of negotiation in an environment rife with diverse beliefs.

The political landscape is a battleground where ideals are tested and character is...

Education Pillar: Integrating Faith in Education

In our latest heart-to-heart conversation, unlock education through the lens of faith with Tim Webb, the visionary behind the Texas Leadership Summit. Together, we explore the wisdom in academic pursuits, arguing that true education extends far beyond the classroom and into the realms of moral and eternal understanding. Discover the pivotal role of education in shaping individuals who are in tune with their faith as we trace the scriptural roots of learning and its significance in reflecting God's image.

Parental guidance stands at the forefront of our thoughtful exchange as we delve into the scriptural duties of...