Goddess of Love

10 Episodes

By: Leah Mitchell

Welcome to the Goddess of Love Podcast where every week we chat about all things related to dating, love and relationships. Hosted by Matchmaking Love Coach Leah Mitchell, you will learn how you can attract fearless, shameless love with a Heartful Masculine Leader. Get ready to dive deep into the dynamics of attraction while learning how you can transform your love life using Leah's proven strategies. It's your turn to receive the goddess treatment you desire!

Cupid Currency Academy
Last Tuesday at 9:01 AM

In this episode Leah introduces her business partner Lana Bar and the launch of the very special cupid currency academy designed to get coaches to consistent 5k months and beyond by laying a solid foundation and using a secret weapon. Click here for the details: https://leahmitchell.my.canva.site/cupid-currencyacademy

What Women Bring to the Table

In this episode Leah explains the significance of the provider mentality in relationships and calls out the red flag that some men instead see love as transactional based on what they get out of a relationship in return for paying the bill. Click here to book a free call with Leah: https://calendly.com/leahcoaching-jaq/strategy-session

The Subconscious Curse of Success

In this episode Leah dives into the way successful women struggle in love and how this negatively impacts the way marriage minded men view them as wife material. If you're ready to shift your love reality and attract a high caliber man book a FREE call with Leah here: https://calendly.com/leahcoaching-jaq/strategy-session

Are men intimidated by your success?

In this episode Leah debunks a common belief among successful single women that men are intimidated by them because of their success and their income. While sharing a strategy to attract healthy masculine men for emotional connection. Want to implement this in your love life? Book a call here: https://calendly.com/leahcoaching-jaq/strategy-session

Cupid Currency

In this episode Leah gives you two cheat codes to attracting better men and money, while of course telling you exactly how to take accountability for the wrong matches in dating and the money your'e leaving on the table in your business. Click the Link to book your Cupid Currency Activation Session in this Romance & Riches Audit: https://calendly.com/leahcoaching-jaq/cupidcurrency

Stop adjusting your desire to avoid disappointment

In this episode Leah calls out the way a mans wounds become excuses for their inability to provide for and meet a woman's needs. This results in women shifting their desire to match what he can provide rather than what she truly wants.

You are in control of your love life

In this episode Leah delves into how you can take control of your love life just as you do with your business, while also exploring how your intuition might sometimes cloud your judgment! DM Leah podcast episode suggestions here: https://m.me/leah.mitchell.3914 and book your free call here: https://calendly.com/leahcoaching-jaq/strategy-session

Is this Love or just a Drug?

In this episode, Leah discusses how women often mistake dopamine-driven infatuation for true love, leading them to stay with incompatible partners in the hope of recapturing the initial high. Learn the PheroGlow method with Leah- book a FREE call here: https://calendly.com/leahcoaching-jaq/strategy-session

#1 Tool to curve your anxiety & avoidant attachment

Leave your self sabotaging attachment style behind you after you listen to the best tool out there in this episode where Leah spills the tea.. And of course, Book your free call: https://calendly.com/leahcoaching-jaq/strategy-session

It's not because you're in your Masculine

In this episode Leah reveals the common theme stopping career driven women from finding love and it's not masculine energy.

FREE call: https://calendly.com/leahcoaching-jaq/strategy-session

FREE course: https://leah-mitchells-coaching.ck.page/d9a070c68f