Bad Decisions With Jim Banks

10 Episodes

By: Bad Decisions with Jim Banks

Want to know what all digital marketers have in common? They have ALL made bad decisions. In every podcast episode you'll hear from a smart digital marketer who made a bad decision and what they learned in the process. Digital marketers, entrepreneurs, business owners or people who just like to listen to cringeworthy stories, prepare to be entertained and educated. Candid discussions, guaranteed with the odd bit of profanity here and there. New episodes drop every Wednesday, be sure to follow, or miss out.

26 - Frederick Vallaeys - From Google to Optmyzr Navigating the Complex World of Ad Tech

For full show notes, links to the resources discussed in this episode head to

In this episode of Bad Decisions with Jim Banks, we sit down with Fred Vallaeys, CEO of Optmyzr to explore the evolution of the advertising industry and the role of AI in shaping the future.

Join us as we delve into Fred's fascinating journey and insights.

Topics discussed include

- The importance of continuous experimentation in Google Ads.

- Transitioning from in-person conferences to online PPC town halls.


24 - Unveiling Google's Ad Secrets - Revealing the truth with Boris Beceric

In this episode of Bad Decisions with Jim Banks, Boris Beceric, a PPC consultant specialising in Google Ads, joins Jim to discuss the challenges and insights of Google Ads advertising strategies.

We discuss the :

- Subjectivity of "cheap" in marketing

- The impact of AI in Google Ads

- The challenges in data tracking and understanding the value of conversions

- The role Google reps play in managing Google Ads accounts

- The importance of aligning strategies with client objectives

🧰 Resources mentioned or used making thi...

22 - Exploring Bad Business Choices and SEO Insights with Ash Nallawalla

Today, we have an incredible story that traverses continents, careers, and the evolving digital age. Joining me is Ash Nallawalla, an SEO consultant with an extraordinary journey. From his humble beginnings in Bombay, India, to his unexpected career shifts in Australia and New Zealand, Ash has navigated the turbulent waters of technology, marketing, and entrepreneurship.

In this episode, we discuss the challenges of competing with AI in the publishing industry, the highs and lows of SEO consulting, and the hard lessons learned from undervaluing one's services. Ash opens up about his struggles in the mid-80s trying...

20 - Emanuel Cinca - How One Huge Gamble on a Newsletter Ignited a Digital Empire

Today's guest, Emanuel Cinca, also known as Manu, joins us to share his unique journey from a struggling university student to a professional poker player, and finally to a successful digital marketing publisher.

Manu pioneered Stacked Marketer, a newsletter that now commands an impressive audience of over 100,000 subscribers.

We dive deep into the acquisition of complementary newsletters, the challenges of digital advertising, and how maintaining a reader-engaging tone has been pivotal in his strategy.

Manu’s open-book policy on revenue stats, his successful sponsorship strategies, and his insights into future challenges for publishers pa...

18 - Anton Shulke From War to Web - A Journey of Survival and Influence

Anton Shulke is an inspiration.

He is from Ukraine and when the war started everyone in the search community rushed to Facebook looking for the video that Anton posted of himself drinking a coffee.

Since then he has moved on to many countries.

He is also fantastic at creating influencer communities.

So enjoy this discussion with Anton on Bad Decisions with Jim Banks

Discussed during the episode

SEO for Paws AnnouncementUkrainian Cats & Dogs InitiativeDuda - eCommerce Website Builder

One small ask - If you do nothing e...

16 - Purna Virji Reveals Digital Marketing Missteps that Made Her a Star

Today, we're in for a special treat as we're joined by Purna Virji, a renowned PPC expert, author, consultant, and all-around guru in digital marketing.

In today's episode, we're diving deep into the labyrinth of explaining digital marketing to the uninitiated, tackling the misconceptions and complexities with Purna's incisive clarity.

We'll get a glimpse into her world – from university days in Cardiff to her big move to the US, navigating through her auspicious career trajectory that led her straight to the heart of SEO.

As we unravel Purna's approach to creating high-impact content th...

14 - From SEO Missteps to PPC Triumphs - Navah Hopkins Unveils Her Bad Decisions

In this episode we dive into conversation with my guest, the PPC evangelist from Optmyzr, Navah Hopkins.

Navah shares her wisdom on the industry’s pressing need for diversity, her own challenges on the speaking circuit, and the pivotal role brands have in creating an ecosystem that embraces underrepresented voices, especially women.

We unpack the importance of providing a platform and opportunities to speak at industry conferences.

Navah's insights on navigating the complexities of SEO and PPC marketing will shine a light on good and bad decisions made in these fields.


13 - Unlucky For Some

A soul searching episode with a back story to the early 90's, some really bad decisions and how tossing a coin can help you arrive at the right decision.

Short episode with some profound and personal content for you to listen to, hop you enjoy it and learn.

One small ask - would you please subscribe to the show and leave me a rating - it goes a long way as I get the show off the ground


12 - Mistakes in Marketing Ashley Segura Confesses Biggest Content Marketing Blunders

This week's guest is Ashley Segura, the co-founder of Content Yum.

We take a deep dive into content marketing, SEO, and the evolving role AI is playing today.

Listen as we explore Ashley's new venture, Content Yum, and its human-centric approach to content creation.

We discuss the competition posed by AI-generated content and its impact on SEO and content marketing.

Ashley shares personal stories about the negative effects of spam content and the importance of authenticity in user-generated content (UGC) and what UGC actually is might shock you.


11 - Not My First Rodeo

It's been a tough few months since I launched the podcast.

Partly because I was travelling and hadn't worked out how to keep the cadence of publishing going and also because just having podcast guests puts pressure on schedules.

Solo episodes, like this one, are much easier to make. I can talk directly to you and share my thoughts and feelings, as well as tips, tricks and things that are aha moments.

My digital marketing guests so far have been amazing.

I've loved the conversations and am so thankful that they...