Podcast Masterclass

8 Episodes

By: Ginger Wizard Productions

Ever wanted to start your own Podcast? This series will take you though what you need to do to produce your own podcast. You'll be guided by Ginger Wizard Productions' Lead Producer Nick Wilmshurst on the dos and don'ts of podcast production. He has more than 20 years of audio experience in the BBC, and now he's going to share it all with you! If you have any questions about podcasting email hello@gingerwizard.co.uk

Confidence: You're not Madonna

Barbara Nixon I Success and Leadership Coach I Podcaster

In this episode Nick speaks to Barbara Nixon about upping your game when it comes to being a confident host on your podcast.

It's so easy to have a confidence wobble when you're making a podcast - are you good enough? Are the guests you're getting good enough? Is anyone even going to listen? Barbara's full of great tips that put you into the right mindset when you hit record and start talking.

And remember you're not Madonna...

Sound production: Jeremy Vine has no smell

Tim Johns - Producer - Jeremy Vine - BBC Radio 2

Nick talks to Tim Johns, who works on the Jeremy Vine show on BBC Radio 2. He's one of the people who works on the show and decides what they're going to talk about and crafts audio to illustrate their items. When it comes to audio, this guy is a master. If you're looking for something different for your podcast he is full of tips and ideas.

We talk about:

What's Jeremy Vine really like?

Tim tells us...

Hosting tips: Rima Ahmed

In a brand new series from Nick Wilmshurst, this week he looks at the world of hosting with BBC presenter Rima Ahmed. She presents a breakfast show on BBC Radio Leeds. She is a podcast host, a comedy writer and has also presented shows across BBC Radio 5 Live and BBC Radio 4. She's interviewed Prime Ministers, musicians, authors and a whole myriad of other people. She knows what she's talking about!

Rima is full of advice on hosting and how you can use some simple tricks to really make your podcast interview style sing. We find out how...


Editing is a really important part of the podcasting journey. But it's also probably the most technical. And should you remove all the ums and ahhs from your podcast? The award winning Martin Whiskin joins Nick to talk about the dark art of audio editing and explains compression in 30 seconds. Got a question? hello@gingerwizard.co.uk


How important is music in your podcast (the answer is VERY!!). Nick looks at how music changes the mood of what you're saying and speaks to top composer Jake Yapp about how he creates bespoke music for podcasters. Got a question? hello@gingerwizard.co.uk


Welcome to the confusing and intimidating world of microphones! In this episode, Nick looks at what type of microphone you need to get the best sound for your podcast. He also shows you how even some of the most badly recorded audio can be fixed. Need advice? Get in touch; hello@gingerwizard.co.uk


When it comes to getting ready to hit that record button - planning your podcast is KEY! In this episode Nick talks about sitting down and thinking through it all, writing your scripts and letting your mind run free! Any questions? hello@gingerwizard.co.uk

Getting Started

If you've ever tried to start your own Podcast, you'll know how tricky it can be! In episode one, Nick looks at some things you need to think about before you get started, offers some sage advice about what you should call your podcast and finds out exactly how popular podcasts actually are. If you need more help, email us hello@gingerwizard.co.uk