Revering the Word

10 Episodes

By: Jay Cavaiani

Teaching from Pastor Jay Cavaiani with an emphasis on revering the Word of God.

Deuteronomy 12 Doing whats right in God’s eyes.
Yesterday at 11:25 AM

In this stage of Biblical history God is establishing a Theocracy. God is king and all in his nation are governed to worship Him and Him alone. Jesus lived in a day where Rome had an earthly secular King. Today in America we vote in a president and have a secular government. Although we cannot force worship of Jesus today we seek to be his witnesses and make disciples. The alternate to worshipping Jesus is each man doing whats right in his own eyes. This leads to greater secularism and ultimately all things bad. This is largely where America...

Deuteronomy 11 An introduction to blessing and cursing.
Last Thursday at 11:56 AM

Great job in listening and reminding yourself of God and His Word. There is blessing in honoring God and cursing when one doesn’t, however today Jesus paid the price of the curse for us. This grants us even greater motivation to live to honor Him.

Deuteronomy 9 and 10 The importance of remembering.
Last Wednesday at 12:35 PM

It is powerfully important to remember God, remember all He has done and to remember His Word. It is also important to remember past sin and what it cost us. Today, Jesus asked us to partake of the cup and bread to remember the sacrifice of Himself for us. What we remember, daily, matters.

Psalm 48 God’s blessing on Jerusalem and you.
Last Tuesday at 10:57 AM

God has had plans and still has plans for Jerusalem. I am also in awe that whatever side of the world you are on God has welcomed those who believe in Jesus into his family. He will be with us in life and death.

Deuteronomy 8 The Word is our daily bread.
Last Monday at 11:31 AM

I believe the most honorable habit in all of life is to eat daily from the table of God’s Word.

Deuteronomy 7 A plurality of faith and “god’s” is a snare.
Last Sunday at 11:07 AM

God wanted to have a holy people in sole worship of Him who would bear his image and likeness and be fruitful and multiply. When false God worship is permitted it is a snare to God’s objective. Since He created it all He gets to declare man’s purpose. Does God think America’s constitution has worked to meet his objective? Our freedom to worship Him is to be treasured yet is it possible the false worship in our land is a snare?

Deuteronomy 6 Believing is to lead to obeying.

Praise God we are saved by faith. But to what end? Is life about salvation alone or does God emphasize his people living for the one who saved?

Deuteronomy 5 “Shama” the Lord and His Word

God desires for life to go well for you. The key to it is to “shama” the Lord. To hear, listen and obey his guidance. This leads to his favor and blessings and protects you from the consequences of sin.

Deuteronomy 4 The blessing and favor in revering the Word.

This is a tremendous chapter and it contains the central theme of Deuteronomy. To honor and revere God is to honor and revere His Word by doing what it says. In that is where God’s favor is found.

Deuteronomy 2 and 3. God has been faithful.

In these two chapters God reminds Israel of His faithfulness in the desert so they will have the courage to trust Him to enter the promise land.

God is faithful and even though there will be times in our lives when things don’t seem to be working out He will be faithful to his promises in the heavenly places and ages to come.