Revering the Word

10 Episodes

By: Jay Cavaiani

Biblical Teaching from Pastor Jay Cavaiani with an emphasis on revering the Word of God.This podcast teaches through every chapter of the Bible, one chapter a day.To learn more go to There is three year Bible reading challenge and schedule available on the website. We encourage all to join the journey by reading through the Bible over the course of three years.We teach studying the Bible more thoroughly by slowing down and taking in the Bible in a deeper manner versus reading many chapters at once and glossing over what one is reading.Pastor...

2 Kings 2 Elijah gets caught up to heaven.
Today at 11:58 AM

2 Kings 2 Elijah gets caught up to heaven.

2 Kings 1 Seek wisdom from God and the people of God.
Yesterday at 12:42 PM

God reminded this people often and clearly that that were not to follow any other god but to honor and fear Him alone. Living to love, obey and honor God is the path to blessing in this life and the life to come.

1 Kings 22 Having the courage to stand with God amidst powers that do not.
Yesterday at 12:04 PM

1 Kings 22 Having the courage to stand with God amidst powers that do not.

1 Kings 21 God fulfills His Word and He has abundant grace for those who humbly repent.
Last Thursday at 11:36 AM

1 Kings 21 God fulfills His Word and He has abundant grace for those who humbly repent.

Psalm 76 In the end God wins and those of faith win with Him.
Last Wednesday at 11:36 AM

Psalm 76 In the end God wins and those of faith win with Him.

1 Kings 20 Waiting on God’s plan even when it seems dark.
Last Tuesday at 1:25 PM

1 Kings 20 Waiting on God’s plan even when it seems dark.

Waiting in the Bible is closely related to hope and anticipation. When one waits for something they still believe it is going to happen that is why they are waiting. If they lost hope or expectation they would no longer be waiting.

1 Kings 19 The life transforming power of God’s gentle whisper.
Last Monday at 1:18 PM

1 Kings 19 The life transforming power of God’s gentle whisper.

1 Kings 18 How long will you limp between two opinions?
Last Sunday at 12:47 PM

This was a question Elijah asked the people in an incredible contest he had with the false prophets of Baal.

I think one of the challenges many Christian’s face is that of limping between two opinions. They do believe. They may even believe enough to be saved. But one of the problems is that they still limp between two opinions. They have one foot in Jesus and one foot in the world. One foot in I want to believe in Jesus but one foot in I want my life my way. One foot in heaven but on...

1 Kings 17 Overcoming doubt formed by the loss of someone you love.

The widow in this story lost her husband and now was struggling through a famine in providing sustenance for her and her son. She was destitute and in despair. Despite God providing for her she still couldn’t get herself to overcome her sadness. In my discernment she may have been still blaming God for the loss of her husband. She was not willing to believe. In this story God does a second miracle for her in raising her son back to life. She now becomes a believer. Praise God for all the miracles in this chapter. Does God ha...

1 Kings 16. One day our lives will be summarized. What will the summary be?

1 Kings 16. One day our lives will be summarized. What will the summary be?