Don't Shrink to Fit: Empowering and Inspiring women, one story at a time.

10 Episodes

By: Claudia Noriega-Bernstein

This Podcast  is all about you and all the courageous driven women like you. We are here to inspire, to empower, to share and embrace one another; we will be talking with women from different backgrounds and careers about love, family, friendship, their  wins and falls and the life they love. We will explore our feminism challenges and power in an intimate and honest way!   I truly believe we can only fly if we embrace each other. I will have a new episode every week. And a Spanish one every second to the last Thursday of every month (un episodio en e...

Everything I lived, brought me to my extraordinary life
Last Tuesday at 7:00 AM

Michelle Rios is the dynamic force behind the rapidly growing podcast "Live Your Extraordinary Life." Raised as the eldest daughter of teenage parents, Michelle's journey from adversity and financial struggle to self-made success is nothing short of inspirational. 
Despite the challenges of her humble and sometimes challenging beginnings, Michelle's pursuit of her extraordinary life led her to become a highly respected business leader and soulful entrepreneur.

Her journey, however, wasn't without its hurdles. In her mid-twenties, after working tirelessly to climb the corporate ladder and become a C-level executive, with the corner office, the car, the t...

La importancia de amarse y aceptarse primero con Monchi Brugué

Hoy tengo el placer y la alegría de tener a mi amiga querida, Monserrat "Monchi" Brugué, mejor conocida por su papel en el programa Pataclaun y anteriormente la telenovela Carmin.

En esta entrevista nos cuenta de su vida, de sus inicios en la actuación, sobre sus otros papeles, además de contarnos sobre lo que esta haciendo en la actualidad, su pasión por la actuación, sus talleres, las lecciones que ha aprendido y lo que significó ser mamá.

Aquí te dejo algunas datos que a lo mejor no sabias de ella:

How I reversed my cancer and finally living a healthy life! Patricia Loff --

Today we have the amazing Patricia Loff. 

Patricia Loff is a Healing Expert who trains people to reverse disease in their own bodies. After being given 3-6 months to live, she was able to reverse a deadly diagnosis in just 18 months. Since then, she's gone on to help hundreds of others reverse their own health challenges, including those with Stage 4 cancer diagnoses. 

Free Masterclass:

"I had been sick for a long time when I was finally told I had 3-6 months to...

Marianne Williamson: My vision for this country

In this episode I have a candid conversation with Presidential Candidate Marianne Willimason about the future of the country, the vision she has for it and how we can make a drastically change. 

We talked about immigration, what ideas and solutions she propose to get an immigration reform and secure our border. 

We also talk about the economy, how things has changed in the last few years, what needs to be done, how we can finally take control from corporations, why we don' have a middle class anymore and how for the first time in th...

Reshaping your workplace with an uplifting culture.

"I am a workplace culture specialist and executive coach whose journey from a nursing career to leadership development has shaped my unique approach - a fusion of the logical foundations of neuro-science with the power of communication that connects and human behavior."

Imagine having somebody coming to your company and creating a culture of thriving happy employees committed to success? That's what my guess today does! 
Michele is a Registered nurse and workplace culture consultant who has a unique approach - a fusion of the logical foundations of science with the power of mindset a...

How to live your "unperfected" life happily ever after

Brooke Jean, MA, LPC is a Licensed Therapist, Coach, Speaker and the Host of The Unperfected Pod on a mission to normalize normal. She believes that life isn’t perfect, but it can be unperfected and using a blend of energy work, counseling, coaching & facilitation, she guides her audience to let go of who they think they are, in order to create the life they’ve been waiting for.

In this episode: In college, she got pregnant and became a single mother. She stopped with the scary partying and instead tried to perfect her parenting. Suddenly she was...

Reconociendo nuestras bendiciones diarias - Episodio en Español

 Nos volvemos más resilientes, más optimistas y más conectados con el mundo que nos rodea. Intentalo, ya vas a ver que si funciona. Para terminar, te animo a que hagas un hábito de gratitud diario. has que se convierta en una forma de vida y observa cómo transforma tu forma de pensar, tus relaciones y tu felicidad general. Recuerda, la gratitud es una herramienta poderosa que puede ayudarnos a concentrarnos en las bendiciones que tenemos todos los días y traer más positividad a nuestras vidas. 

Acá estoy para guiarlas, para escucharla...

The "I made it" moment that change my life forever

After she won a $5.6 million trial in favor of her client last September (which was one of the biggest defense verdicts in Missouri for 2023) and  leading the entire 2-week trial for her big law firm she felt empty and depressed in the following weeks and couldn’t get out of bed. She just couldn’t understand as that was supposed to be her “I made it” moment.  In that moment she decided to look within herself for fulfillment and that brought her to a journey of self discovery and finally finding the life she was looking for. 

 Sometimes yo...

What I learned about myself after a life of abuse, disappointments and the military/ Stephanie Bedell

 Stephanie had a very hard upbringing and to escape that reality she joined the army looking for more, until she finally realized that her journey of healing needed to start  within. She got clarity, finally embraced all parts of herself and was able to forgive. Please join me to listen to her story of resilience and hope while she navigates pregnancies, abuse, marriage and life in the  military. 

"If I had to pick one to sum up all the big shifts in my life. It would be when I completed the 8 week session with WoVeN (Women Veteran Netw...

Re-writing my story after 50

Have you ever thought about changing your life 180? moving to a brand new place, starting a new business and leaving the life you know behind? That's what my guest Linda Brand did after visiting Miami in December of 2021 and decided she belonged there, so went back home, listed and sold her home and moved across the country. In this episode she shares her journey,  her humble beginning, how she found out she had a debilitating illness, why she became a coach, her take on fear, and the lessons she learned along the way.

"We teach what we n...