Paths to Restoration

10 Episodes

By: Ed Cyzewski

Leaders in spirituality, creativity, and productivity share how social media and technology intersects with their work, how they guard themselves from the dark side of technology, and which spiritual practices bring healing and restoration into their lives. Ed Cyzewski, author of Reconnect: Spiritual Restoration from Digital Distraction and Flee, Be Silent, Pray, conducts each interview and shares how his research and writing intersects with mental and spiritual well-being.

What Divides Us, What Unites Us?

My hope is for better conversations that can help bridge our divides that are fueled in part by some mix of bad information and limited exposure to the stories of individuals. My hope is that there can be some sort of recognition of wrong that leads to healing and reconciliation.

I want to consider what divides us and what unites us because, even if these are hard conversations, things won’t get better unless we have them.

I hate conflict, but sometimes it’s the only way forward in order to untangle the sources of our...

Strategies for Overwhelmed People

Do you know what it feels like to be overwhelmed? I sure do! If you don't feel overwhelmed because of this pandemic right now, you'll probably never feel overwhelmed. In this episode I wrap up my series on simplicity for the month of May with a few of the strategies that have helped me simplify overwhelming situations and to plan some experiments to help alleviate the feeling of "overwhelm." 

When Does Simplicity Become a Distraction?

Although simplicity has long been a vital discipline for Christian spirituality, it has new look today in pop culture's minimalist movement. While minimalism is certainly preferable to limitless consumption, it can become its own self-serving trend that best serves the wealthy and cultivates an image of being a minimalist. This episode considers how we can carve a path that avoids the distractions of minimalism while pursuing a simple lifestyle that frees us to do what matters the most. 

Thoughts on How to Simplify Your Spirituality

We don't need to make drastic changes to our lives in order to make more space for spiritual practices or an awareness of God. By considering how to integrate prayer into what we're already doing and making small spots in our day for prayer words or silence, we can see long-lasting spiritual benefits, that are more likely to take root and grow, without having to make a giant overhaul of our daily lives.

How Misunderstandings Prevent Us from Mourning with Others

What keeps us from mourning with those who mourn? This week, we wrap up our mini-series on mourning with those who mourn by talking about the ways misunderstandings, narratives, and bias prevent us from seeing the pain and suffering of us. The story of Mary Ann Vecchio, who was 14 at the time of the the Kent State shooting, reminds us that our narratives often let us down and that our children may be our best guides for growing in empathy for others. 

Are We Discipled by Twitter or By Jesus

At the risk of making an epic Jesus juke, I ask this week if our interactions on social media tend to reinforce tribalism and prevent us from responding to others with understanding and empathy. We are called to mourn with those who mourn and to walk alongside those who suffer, but in our current media environment, it's easy to claim a pass on this if someone isn't mourning in a way that makes us comfortable. 

What Happened After Disappearing from Social Media

In the middle of Lent my attempt to limit my social media use to 10 minutes per day wasn't working out. I often found an excuse to increase my time just a little bit more. After reading an article by Judy Wu Dominick about getting off social media for good, I decided it was time to go cold turkey with a 30 day social media fast along the lines advocated by Cal Newport. At the end of 30 days I can feel many of the benefits of being off social media, and I'm not quite sure how I'll handle getting back on...

How Centering Prayer Helps Us Mourn with Those Who Mourn

Social media can overwhelm us with suffering, grief, and anger. Seeing only a shallow digital representation of others online often prevents us from seeing their full humanity. Our challenge today is to remain present for those suffering around us, especially those in close physical proximity to us, and to ask how we can grow in empathy for them, mourning with those who mourn. Contemplative prayer practices can serve as part of the puzzle in developing our empathy.

How Levity Brings Us Together

I'm sharing about my annual April Fool's Day book release pranks and how a little bit of levity can bring us together. These remain difficult, uncertain times with a looming surge of COVID-19 despite increasing vaccinations. Sometimes the right kind of joke can help release a bit of tension and build a shared sense of community with others. I share what I've learned over the years about the use of humor through my April Fool's Day book pranks. 

Check out my latest prank here:

Relearning Intention and Awareness After an Emergency

As we assess where we are right now, it's fair to say that in America at least, we're encouraged to see the vaccination rates climbing and the COVID-19 infection rates declining. While we aren't returning to "normal," there are plenty of folks who don't feel like we're in the middle of an emergency for the most part. We can still wear masks and social distance, and vaccines will make things better. What does it look like to return to more sustainable practices that help us remain aware of our thoughts, our spiritual health, and our relationships while still keeping...