雅思口语IELTS English2024

10 Episodes

By: 英语口语家森Jason

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(4513期)你想成为大明星吗 Do you want to become a super star
Last Thursday at 10:00 PM

现在 at the moment /now/today/currently
因为工作生活都满意 because I've had a decent job and a regular life
我的生活挺满分的 I mean my life is almost perfect
当大明星很赚的 becoming a superstar would certainly make a lot of money at the time

(4512期)你买东西选大公司还是小公司 Do you prefer buying things from a small or big company
Last Wednesday at 10:00 PM

我选大公司 I think most of the time I’ll go with the big companies
价格公道 it usually has a reasonable price
价格优势 the price advantage
商品靠谱 the products could be quite reliable 
解决  work it out 个人购物习惯 that is my personal shopping habit

(4511期)学校是一个适合学习的地方吗 Is school a good place for study
Last Tuesday at 10:00 PM

学校是一个学习的好的地方 that is'a really good place for us to study on campus 
学习环境和氛围好 it has the very nice academic environment, physical environment and atmosphere
小组学习或者自己学 studying in a group or studying alone
学生适应在学校才能学得进去啦 young students are used to it

(4510期)你爱吃巧克力吗 Do you like eating chocolates and why
Last Monday at 10:00 PM

我喜欢 and I'm a super fan
黑巧克力更健康 the black chocolate can be much healthier than the white ones
巧克力是生活一部分 the chocolate has been a part of my life
脂肪和热量在身体里堆积 the fat and calories would accumulate in our body

(4509期)你爱穿T恤吗 Do you like wearing t-shirt and why
Last Sunday at 10:00 PM

穿着舒适 wearing t-shirt would certainly make me feel very comfortable in my life
喜欢黑白色 不喜欢亮色系  the black color and white color would be my favorite, I am not really into those candy colors
材料舒服 the material on t-shirt is very soft , and it is very comfortable to wear
夏天更流行 in summertime it could be more popular in my country

(4508期)为什么有人买便宜货呢 Why do people buy cheaper products

普通人 because a lot of people are not rich enough, they are the poorer ones
买便宜东西 buy some products in a cheap way
不够 they don't have enough financial support from the family or from their parents
价格公道 a reasonable price  价格优势 price advantage



(4507期)为什么有人喜欢危险运动 Why do some people like playing dangerous sports

不满意现状 You know they need to find something different in life that's it
生活单调无聊 the life is quite boring and simple
完成艰难的一天 they have to finish a tough day
也算规律的生活 some sorts of regular life
极限运动让人兴奋  the dangerous sport could make them feel very excited
所有负面情绪都烟消云散 fatigues, bad emotions, all of these negatives would be gone

(4506期)在你家里有什么规矩 What are the rules in your home

12点门禁 get back home before midnight every day
真事儿 I don't know why but this happens for real
另外一个规矩可有意思啦 Another rule is quite fun because I have interest in it
年轻人要学会谋生 As a young adult, I need to learn how to earn a living

(4505期)你无聊的时候会去做什么 What do you do when you feel bored

有空并且无聊的时候 When I have plenty of freedom and find the life boring
跑步  just go for a run along the riverside in the natural park
在家坐着啥也不干  I’ll try to sit at home without doing anything
发呆晒太阳  rest my mind and enjoy the sunbath