The TŌV Podcast

10 Episodes

By: Levi Hazen

The TŌV (good) Podcast exists to provide sound Bible teaching with a special emphasis on God's heart and plans for Israel and the Jewish people.

Beyond the Headlines: Stories from War-Torn Israel (Part 2)
Last Wednesday at 10:00 AM

Rejoin Levi and guests as they discuss Palestinian school curriculums, Israeli families living in hotels, and other insights from recent interviews in Israel.

Beyond the Headlines: Stories from War-Torn Israel

Three guests join Levi for a discussion about their recent trip to Israel, a country at war.

The Rapture Part II: The Timing

Pre-, Post-, Mid-Tribulation – with so many opinions about the timing of the Rapture and the Great Tribulation, which one do we choose? Levi Hazen turns to the Word to bring clarity to this question.

The Rapture Part I: Evidence & Explanation

In part I of this series on the rapture, Levi provides simple explanations of the rapture and then biblical evidences for the future event. Part 2 of the series will cover the potential timing of the event.

Guardian of Zion: Orde Wingate & His Heroic Service

Why is a sports institute in Israel named after a British officer who had strong, biblical faith? Join Levi in exploring the life of Orde Wingate, a pioneer of the defense forces of pre-state Israel.

Consequences for Cursing Israel

Levi Hazen revisits Genesis 12:2–3 and surveys Scripture for the fates of those who once sought the destruction of God’s chosen people. How can we instead bless the Jewish people?

Antisemitism On Trial

Levi Hazen hosts author Olivier Melnick to discuss the topic of antisemitism today and the urgent need to take this unmasked hatred seriously. Whom God loves, the Enemy seeks to destroy.

Was Jesus A Palestinian?

“Jesus is Palestinian” has become a popular statement in recent months, but is it accurate? Levi Hazen addresses this issue and the importance of the truth.

Sacred Soil: What Does the New Testament Say About the Land?

Many believe the New Testament is silent on the issue of God's land promise to the Jewish people. Is this accurate? Levi Hazen explores several passages that affirm what the Hebrew Bible clearly teaches about the land of Israel.

Believing Jeremiah: Exile & Hope

Amidst the terrible judgment about to befall God’s choice city and people, there is hope. Like a bright light that beams through the darkest night, so are God’s words about Israel’s future, through the prophet Jeremiah. Although Jeremiah’s words were penned over 2,500 years ago, a sad irony exists today. Levi Hazen explores Jeremiah's hope amidst Israel's exile and the irony between Jeremiah's contemporary audience and today's audience.