Reflections of The Lighthouse

10 Episodes

By: The Lighthouse

Reflections of The Lighthouse is a podcast sharing the hope of the gospel for those struggling with life-altering addictions. Join us for real-life discussions on how the gospel transforms hearts.


Are you a control freak? Have you ever tried to grasp for more control when a situation seemed to start slipping away? In this episode of Reflections of The Lighthouse Brandon and Duane explore the issue of control and the problems it poses for a believer.

Key topics:

Characteristics of a control freakDangers of reliance on selfNew identity in Christ

Check out the Theocast podcast mentioned in this episode:






Understanding Idolatry

Idolatry is a sin that began in the Garden of Eden and still rears its ugly head today. But what is idolatry? How do we recognize it and how do we guard against it? In this episode of Reflections of The Lighthouse, Brandon and Duane discuss the roots of idolatry and how it looks in our world today and offer some practical ideas to keep yourself from falling into it.

Key topics:

Understanding idolatryUnderstanding the gospelSpeaking truth to yourself to face idolatry

Check out this resource mentioned in this episode:

A Gospel...

Dealing with Anger

What makes you angry? How do you deal with that anger? Is it righteous or is it sinful. In this episode of Reflections of The Lighthouse Brandon welcomes guest co-host, Jordan Bradley, to discuss righteous anger vs sinful anger.

Key topics:

Righteous angerSinful anger leads to sinful actionsBiblical principles for dealing with anger

Discover the ministries The Lighthouse has to offer. Visit the links below.





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Facing Emotional Pain

Life is hard and doesn't always make sense and therefore, each of us will experience some level of emotional pain. In this episode, Brandon and Duane discuss the difficulty of facing that pain and offer Biblical wisdom in how to do so.

Key topics:

Experiencing emotional painBiblical examplesHealthy ways to face that pain

For more information visit our new web site





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Raise You Up (

Making Biblical Decisions

Our actions demonstrate what we believe about God, and those actions stem from the everyday decisions we make. So when it comes to making those decisions, both big and small, we can lean into our own wisdom or the wisdom of the Lord. In this episode of Reflections of The Lighthouse, our hosts discuss why making biblical decisions matter.

Key topics:

Human wisdom vs Godly wisdomWhat to do when faced with a decisionCommand oriented vs pleasure oriented decision making

Check out A Gospel Primer for Christians by Milton Vincent



Pursuing Biblical Goals

We have all set goals or been encouraged to set goals. The problem is that often times we discover that achieving those goals does not bring the satisfaction and joy that we were seeking. In today's episode, Brandon and Duane discuss the difference between pursuing faulty goals that lead to more discontentment and pursuing biblical goals that bring joy.

Key topics:

Faulty goalsResults of faulty goalsGod's goals for you





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Tools for Victory

God not only commands us to stand firm against the enemy, He has given us all the necessary tools to do so. Today we take a look at those tools found in Ephesians 6:11-18 as Brandon and Duane discuss the full armor of God.

Key topics:

The full armor of GodResisting temptationOur responsibilities





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Raise You Up (30 Sec)

Diego Mendez

Standing Firm Against Satan

James 4:7 tells us to resist the devil, but do you know who the devil really is? Is he the little red creature with horns and a pitchfork or is there much more to him? In this episode, Brandon and Duane share a biblical view of Satan, his character, his schemes and his downfall and point to the hope we have in the victory of Jesus.

Key topics:

Satan's characterSatan's defeatChrist's victoryGod's promises

I John 4:4 – greater is He that is in you than he who is in the world!




Biblical Fundraising

Kevin Trotter from The Trellis Group joins host Brandon Bower for this episode of Reflections of The Lighthouse to discuss Biblical fundraising.

Key Topics:

Coaching people to raise funds to spur on God's KingdomBiblical examples of fundraisingPeople don't give because they haven't been askedShould we only ask other Christians to help fund Christian ministries?Questions to consider when fundraising

In Summary: The goal of Christian fundraising is to meet a genuine need in God's kingdom by actively challenging donors to heartfelt, generous, cheerful giving.

Interested in hearing more about Biblical fundraising?


The End of Fear

This week we pick up the conversation we started in our last episode about fear. If you missed that episode you can catch it here. In this second part of that conversation, our hosts share a few steps we can take toward releasing our fear.

Key topics:

Fear stems from prideA spirit of power, love, and a sound mindReleasing our fearNegative results of fear

Your willingness to accept the consequences of your sin leads to obedience, confession, repentance, restitution, growth in integrity, and a clear conscience.


