The Bible For Busy People
Do you find the chaos and noise of the world getting you down? Time to turn up the voice of God in your life! Join Jenn Schultz for a mini-bible study podcast each weekday. In 7 minutes or less, you’ll dive into God’s Word and come up refreshed and ready for the next thing on your to do list. We know you can find 7 minutes a day to stop and soak in God's truth! You can totally connect with Jesus on your commute, during your lunch break, in the school pickup line, while you’re doing the dishes, or at the...
Names of God: YHWH or Yahweh - Exodus 3:1-15, 33:18-23, 34:5-8

We're starting a new series on the Names of God! What's in a name? Names are often carefully chosen and hold special meaning. It matters how people spell and say your name. To know someone's name is to be personally connected. When it comes to God, these names speak to the character of God. Today, we'll talk about the most common name for God in the Bible. God’s proper name in Hebrew is used over 6,800 times in the Bible, YHWH: (spelled Y H W H).
Show Notes:
We’d lov...
Meet Cute: Scriptures about Love | Isaiah 49:16, Isaiah 40:28-31, Jeremiah 31:3, Zephaniah 3:14-17, Psalm 103:8-18, Lamentations 3:22-24

I've pulled together a whole bunch of different verses for you on how God loves you, and I just want them to sink in for you today. I don't know where you're coming from, how you're feeling in terms of your own worth, if you feel loved, if you feel valuable or if you feel anything. I'm wondering where you belong and who your people are, wondering what your next steps are. If you're feeling unloved, if you're feeling unwelcome, I hope these scriptures really sink in and encourage you today.
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Meet Cute: Scriptures about Love | Psalm 139

Today we're going to look at another scripture on love, Psalm 139. It's a reminder that God loves every facet of you. Before you’ve done anything in a day, He loves you. You don’t have to fix your face or brush your teeth or have a momentous quiet time or do something amazing for Him. Nothing you can do would make God love you more or less. He loves you unconditionally where you stand today.
Show Notes:
We’d love to encourage you to spend even more time in the W...
Meet Cute: Scriptures about Love | John 15:5-17

If you've ever watched a romantic comedy, you know that moment where the guy and the girl meet for the first time, and it's this kind of quirky, funny story, or they spot each other from across the room. I'm hoping that this week you'll encounter God in that way, and catch the glimmers and small moments that remind you how much you are loved, looked over, and cared for.
Show Notes:
We’d love to encourage you to spend even more time in the Word. Find all...
Meet Cute: Scriptures about Love | 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

This week we are talking about Meet Cutes, how we can meet with God and experience Him in our lives through love. Love is central to experiencing Him and living a fulfilling life. Today we're going to be reading 1 Corinthians 13 on how God's characteristics—patience, kindness, and forgiveness—are mirrored in true love.
Show Notes:
We’d love to encourage you to spend even more time in the Word. Find all the past episodes of The Bible for Busy People at
You can find video ve...
Meet Cute: Scriptures about Love | 1 John 4:7-21

We talked last week about how long and wide and high and deep is the love of Christ. We talked about how we are rooted and established in Christ's love. So, this is not just any love that we're going to be talking about. We are talking about the incredible agape love of God. The word agape means that it's an incredible, selfless, full love. Let's dig into this!
Show Notes:
We’d love to encourage you to spend even more time in the Word. Find all the pas...
Walk Worthy - Book of Ephesians | Ephesians 5-6

Today, we're soaking in Paul's guidance on living a life worthy of God's calling for us. We are responsible for the decisions that we make, but Satan is hard at work to divide us. That's his goal. He wants us separate from God and separate from each other because that leaves us easier to take out. So, when we put on the armor of God, we don't put it on to fight other people. Christ transformed us so that we could be rooted and established in His love so that we could form a community built up by Christ as...
Walk Worthy - Book of Ephesians | Ephesians 4

We are talking about one of my favorite books of the Bible this week, the letter to the Ephesians, written by Paul while he was imprisoned in Rome. We just spent the first three days talking about all that we mean to God. Everything that He says about us, what He calls us, He calls us chosen and loved, forgiven, holy and blameless in Christ. It's important that we know all of these things before we set about the next few chapters. We're going to read chapter four today, and this is where the rubber meets the road. This is...
Walk Worthy - Book of Ephesians | Ephesians 3

Welcome back to the Bible for Busy People. I'm Jenn and this is my first week with the Bible for Busy People Podcast. I'm taking over for Erica, but we know she's with us in spirit, and she left me some wisdom, so I'm not doing this all on my own, which I'm very grateful for. I'm also really glad to spend this time with you and that you're taking time out of your day to align yourself with God and to have His Word on your heart. Today we're talking about gifts... Let's start unwrapping Ephesians chapter three together!<...
Walk Worthy - Book of Ephesians | Ephesians 2

Yesterday we talked about the identity that we have in God and in Christ, and today we're going to be talking about the before and after. We're calling this week Walk Worthy, which echoes Paul's words in Ephesians four, but we're setting ourselves up to live out discipleship practically by knowing how God sees us, what gifts He's given us, and who we're meant to be as His people. We're built to last!
Show Notes:
We’d love to encourage you to spend even more time in the Word. Fi...