Straight Talk With America’s Sheriff David Clarke

10 Episodes

By: America's Sheriff David Clarke

America's Sheriff David Clarke tells it like it is on his STRAIGHT TALK Podcast. Clarke takes on many different controversial issues including race, law and order, politics and more. Get ready for a good dose of common sense!  SUPPORT PODCAST/JOIN VIP CLUB (free mug, coffee sample & invites to private podcast events & more): Straight Talk With America's Sheriff David Clarke | podcast | PatreonRequest Sponsorship/Endorsement Opportunity Package Information: TV - The Edgiest Most Hard Hitting Conservative Site CLARKE ( PROMO CODE: CLARKE For Booking Info or Media Requests:Judy L Wilkinson, JLWilkinsonConsulting@gma...

The Plot to Assassinate Donald Trump: A Critical Look at Secret Service Failures | Ep 75
Last Monday at 1:00 AM

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Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke discusses the recent plot to assassinate former President Trump in this episode of Straight Talk Podcast. Sheriff Clarke singles out security lapses and leadership flaws at the US Secret Service, which director Kimberly Cheal is in charge of. He draws on his extensive experience in presidential protection to explain the series of failures that almost resulted in a catastrophic event. Concerning such high-stakes scenarios, Clarke goes on to talk about how local law enforcement plays a role and...

From Biden to Black Crime: Straight Talk on America’s Toughest Issues | Episode 74

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In this new episode of the Straight Talk Podcast, former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke addresses his intermittent absence due to enjoying the short summer in Wisconsin. He covers several major topics, including the ongoing debate about Joe Biden's potential exit from the presidential race and its implications for the Democratic Party. Clarke argues that media focus on Biden detracts from important issues like the border, the economy, and crime, which are crucial to conservatives and Donald Trump's campaign. He also covers several legal...

Seismic Shift in Presidential Race: Biden's Debate Debacle | Ep 73

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Welcome to another fiery episode of Straight Talk Podcast with your host, former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke. Today, we dissect the seismic shift in the presidential race following the much-anticipated debate between President Trump and Joe Biden. Sheriff Clarke exposes Biden's disastrous performance, the fallout, and potential strategies the Democratic Party may employ. He explores the implications for Biden's candidacy, possible legal challenges in replacing him as nominee, and the impact on national security. Tune in for a no-holds-barred analysis of the debate...

Straight Talk Rewind: The Fallout of January 6th | Episode 72

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In this rewind episode of 'Straight Talk with America's Sheriff David Clarke,' (originally aired January 9th, 2024), Sheriff Clarke dives into the aftermath of the January 6th "insurrection,"  questioning the federal response and the lack of due process for the defendants. He critiques the way the legal system handled the cases, contending that the word "insurrection" is used incorrectly and highlighting the significance of applying the law impartially. Clarke also discusses the presidential candidates' positions on pardons, the abuse of power in political investigations, a...

Hostages of Russia: The Stories of Evan Gershkovich, Paul Whelan, and Brittany Griner | Episode 71

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This episode of the "Straight Talk" podcast, featuring key insight from former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, investigates the stories of three Americans—Evan Gershkovich, Paul Whelan, and Brittany Griner—who were detained by the Russian government on false criminal charges. Sheriff Clarke investigates the circumstances surrounding their detentions, the political ramifications, and what these cases reveal about international relations and justice. Join us as we explore the wider implications for American citizens abroad and unearth the truth surrounding these well-publicized detentions.

Straight Talk Rewind: The Betrayal of Speaker Mike Johnson | Episode 70

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In this "Rewind" episode of the Straight Talk podcast, originally aired on April 23, 2024, former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke expresses his dissatisfaction and disappointment with House Speaker Mike Johnson, labeling him a 'RINO' and detailing Johnson's perceived failures, particularly regarding Ukraine funding and border security. Clarke advocates for Johnson's removal from the Speaker's chair and discusses the broader implications of his actions. Clarke also addresses pro-Palestinian protests that have blocked roads, urging citizens to take direct action to clear blocked routes and criticizing the...

The Persecution of Donald Trump: America's Sheriff Speaks Out | Episode 69

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In this explosive episode of the "Straight Talk" podcast, host David Clarke, aka America's Sheriff, brutally critiques the most recent trial verdict against Donald Trump. What we are seeing, according to Clarke, is a systematic attempt to demolish Trump and his followers, not merely prosecution. He examines the background information at length, establishing that this attack began during Obama's presidency, and he criticizes the left for their relentless pursuit of dismantling our institutions and way of life. Clarke argues that conventional forms of political...

Straight Talk Rewind: In God’s Name? Catholic Charities and the Immigrant Crisis | Ep 68

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In honor of Memorial Day, we revisit an important episode from April 2, 2024. Join former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke as he explores the Catholic Church's role in the ongoing immigration crisis. Sheriff Clarke offers a candid critique of his own faith as he considers Easter's true meaning beyond commercialization, questioning the Church's role in illegal immigration and the financial implications for American taxpayers. 

Discover how charitable intentions can conceal deeper issues and a significant financial burden on the country. Sheriff C...

Lockdowns, Lawlessness, and Liberties: Unpacking Today's America | Episode 67

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Welcome to the Straight Talk Podcast with David Clarke, the former Milwaukee County Sheriff. In this episode, Sheriff Clarke discusses the consequences of rising retail theft, as well as the impact of lenient prosecution on law-abiding customers. He shares a personal experience from a recent trip to Best Buy, emphasizing the frustrations customers face as a result of increased security measures in stores. Sheriff Clarke also discusses Texas Governor Greg Abbott's pardon of a former Army sergeant involved in a controversial shooting during the 2020...

Straight Talk Rewind: The Reality of Section 702 Surveillance | Ep 66

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In this intense March 5, 2024, episode, Sheriff David Clarke examines Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). He discusses Section 702, implemented after 9/11 to help the government monitor foreign threats, and how it may have violated American rights.

Sheriff Clarke used the Boston Bombing and other high-profile incidents to argue that significant terror activities persist notwithstanding Section 702. He highlights established system abuse and the absence of consequences for abusers.

The episode strongly condemns the intelligence community's use...