Jane and Aimi のおハナシ from カナダ

10 Episodes

By: Mitsu Ootaka

JaneとAimiのゆったりゆるいfree conversationです。We talk about various topics in English/Japanese from Canada! Jane: バンクーバーで英語を30年以上教えてる日本が大好きな英語の先生 Aimi: バンクーバー在住の English learner Teacher Jane の English Training のハナシ https://etcforJapanese.com ⭐︎役立つ英語情報や経験談が盛りだくさん!Check it out! 話して欲しいトピックなど何かありましたらこちらまで! agricola.cbute99@gmail.com

31 - Birthday の話

In this episode, we simply break the ice by wishing Mireiさん a happy birthday and unexpectedly, have a whole conversation about birthday culture in カナダand 日本.

30 - Summer, being self conscious, 日本のreality TV, 色々な話

In this episode, we talked about differences of summer activities and 日本人が周りの目を気にしてしまう - self consciousnessの話.

29 - 色々な Omoshiroi 話

In this episode, we have random conversation about Ninjas, Costcos, line-ups and foods.

28 - Just going with it

In this Episode with our special guest, we have random conversations and random talks about life.

27 - Omoshiroi hanashi on being confident, thinking positive and feeling proud!

In this episode we share, talk and compare how Nihonjin no kata and Canadajin view the way we express ourselves when fasting uncomfortable and challenging situations while living abroad.

26 - When in Canada, be proactive

Continuing our conversation about feeling scammed, in this episode we discuss different approaches of what to do to be proactive and ask questions for everything to go smooth.

25 - Feeling maliciously scammed

In this episode, we bring up and bring to light 大事な話 about a life lesson in Canada. It’s interesting to know from experience how situations are handled and what to do if you feel scammed.

24 - 面白い topics; going with the flow

In this episode, we casually have conversation about our week and some situations that have happened to others.

23 - Aimi’s interesting adventure coming to Canada

In this episode, we have natural unplanned conversation about a funny adventure when 日本人の方がカナダに来たとき。色々な面白い英語の expressions that you can learn when coming to Canada.

22 - East coast and West coast の話

In this episode, we have 色々な話 about our experience living in different parts of Canada. The difference between living on the East coast & West coast and how cliquey it can get.