Tech Uncensored - An Altitude Accelerator Podcast

10 Episodes

By: Altitude Accelerator

Tech Uncensored, Crucial Analysis in Tech, is a bi-weekly podcast brought to you by Altitude Accelerator. Hosted by Hessie Jones, we explore emerging news, and relevant topics that startups care about. We speak to subject matter experts, founders and advisors in Investment: Venture Capital, Equity Crowdfunding, and across Industry: Clean Tech, Biotech, Generative AI, Blockchain, Web3, Privacy, Security etc. who weigh in on the challenges that startup founders face today, as well as the profound opportunities that come with emerging tech and market adoption.

Episode 57 The Art and Science of Building Successful Teams

A critical milestone in scaling a startup for growth involves building a high-performing and well-rounded team that can make or break a venture's success. The guiding hypothesis is that we tend to gravitate towards people with similar interests, and values. That is a foundation at the very early stages for moving the company the right direction.

There is complexity in finding the right fit that involves considering not only individual strengths, complementary skill sets but also cultural fit and team dynamics.

These days, human judgement can be augmented and...

Episode 56 Ryan Pannell - Lessons from a Successful Serial Entrepreneur

Hessie Jones met Ryan Pannell over a decade ago when she first ventured into entrepreneurship. At that time, he was an executive producer and it was the film industry where he began his career, working his way up to be a writer, producer and director. He directed his first feature film, Dragon City, when he was 26 years old.

In 2001 he moved into startup and pioneered cryptographic web-based messaging technology that made a significant impact in enterprise banking, and Big Tech including VISA, Microsoft and Bank of Scotland.

He also developed traumatic brain injury software circa 2021...

Episode 55 Myths, Facts and the Future of LLMs with Amir Feizpour

Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as one of the most powerful and versatile artificial intelligence technologies of our time. By training massive neural networks on vast datasets of human-generated text, LLMs have developed an unprecedented ability to understand and generate human-like language with robust fluency and comprehension. This breakthrough has unlocked a wide range of innovative applications across industries, from content creation and language translation to conversational AI assistants and code generation.

More recently Open AI released ChatGPT 4o that they say can reason across different modalities in real time. They trained a single new model...

Episode 55 Large Language Models: Myths, Facts and the Future of AI

Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as one of the most powerful and versatile artificial intelligence technologies of our time. By training massive neural networks on vast datasets of human-generated text, LLMs have developed an unprecedented ability to understand and generate human-like language with robust fluency and comprehension. This breakthrough has unlocked a wide range of innovative applications across industries, from content creation and language translation to conversational AI assistants and code generation.

More recently Open AI released ChatGPT 4o that they say can reason across different modalities in real time. They trained a single new model...

Episode 54 Cybersecurity Challenges in the Era of Large Language Models

With the emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) and the speed of adoption, how we communicate, how we research, how we improve our productivity has greatly transformed society. While these powerful tools offer remarkable capabilities in natural language understanding and generation of more accurate human-like language, they have also introduced new challenges and risks to the practice of cybersecurity and its adjacency into data privacy.  

Data breaches and attacks have been prevalent in narrow AI but with increased vulnerabilities introduced by LLMs, we’re now seeing more sophisticated phishing attacks, manipulation of online content, and exploitation of pri...

Episode 53 The Intelligent City - Towards Progress and Sustainability

By 2050, 70% of the world’s population is projected to live in cities. 

We will evolve into an increasingly urban economy. Urban centers will adapt and evolve to meet the needs of their growing populations. 

Urbanization can lead to 1) economic growth, 2) improved living standards, and 3) cultural diversity. Some key stats about the rise of the urban populations: 

The world’s urban population has been rising almost six-fold since 1950, from 751 million to 4.4 billion today. This trend is expected to continue, with the urban population more than doubling its current size by 20502. 

Now, More than 56...

Episode 52 Steering Growth Stage Founders Towards Sustainable Businesses

David Peterson, known as the Optimization Coach, assists growth-stage companies in 2X their revenue growth to achieve their 10X goal. He helps them become more appealing to investors or (if they choose) achieve their status as a successful founder-owned businesses.  

At this juncture, early-stage founders are already generating revenue and may aim to raise a successful Series A round, therefore they will need to focus on revenue quality. They sell a vision of their future business emphasizing the key qualities that investors want to believe in. They must construct a compelling narrative that justifies whether their idea i...

Episode 51 Make or Break: Establishing Product Market Fit is Crucial to Success

Product Market Fit is a make-or-break factor for startups. Even the best products can fail without market demand, while an average product can succeed if the demand exists. 

What does success look like once companies reach this critical milestone? The product resonates with the market means that: 

Customer actively buys, uses and recommends the product to others in sufficient numbers... Enough to sustain growth and profitability 

Investors often demand evidence of product-market fit before investing – demonstrating that your product has real demand and a viable market, especially at the earliest growth stages. 

Here are som...

Episode 50 Traditional Demand Generation is Broken. There is a better way to Improve Win Rates

Demand Generation is a broad marketing practice aimed at creating awareness and interest in a company’s products or services. It involves using various tactics across numerous channels, such as content marketing, social media ads, and more 

While the practice has been around for as long as brands have existed, it has undergone some significant changes and formalization over the past few decades. 

One of the catalysts for the changing sales landscape since the advent of digital has been: 

Decentralization of information. In the past, companies were primarily the holders of information about produ...

Episode 49 Evolving DEI within Venture Capital with Gayatri Sarkar of Advaita Capital

Today we’re facing headwinds in this fast-paced tech economy.  There is this global race to win in the advancement of Artificial Intelligence between the East and the West, however there are clear impediments that persist to drive change in current technologies that are hampering the speed to win. 

There is this realization of the how brittle our systems are because of the harms, the bias and the deep fakes, pervasive scraping of data that have permeated platforms and communication systems creates an increased risk that resulted in more regulatory attention, public awareness in lockstep with the pace...