Formed Book Club Archives - Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts

10 Episodes

By: Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts

Fr. Timothy Gallagher, Dr. Anthony Lilles, Fr. Donald Haggerty, Fr. Mauritius Wilde O.S.B, Fr. Thomas McDermott O.P., Dr. Matthew Bunson, Dr. R. R. Reno, Deacon James Keating, Archbishop George Lucas, Msgr. John Esseeff and so many other Catholic Spiritual leaders and teachers/catechists offer the best teachings in the rich Catholic Spiritual/Discernment tradition. From lives of the saints to the basics of Catholic Social teaching, from the Sacred Liturgy to prayer in everyday moments of our lives, we walk to together as we fulfill our call to "be saints in the making". By the renewal of...

Episode 20 – The Drama of Atheist Humanism – Fr. Joseph Fessio S.J., Vivian Dudro, and Joseph Pearce – FBC Podcast

Science is a gift from God, so why does it often seem to turn AGAINST God? Fr. Fessio, Joseph Pearce, and Vivian Dudro continue to read Henri de Lubac’s “The Drama of Atheist Humanism.”

You can find the book here

De Lubac traces the origin of 19th century attempts to construct a humanism apart from God, the sources of contemporary atheism which purports to have “moved beyond God.” The three persons he focuses on are Feuerbach, who greatly influenced Marx; Nietzsche, who represents nihilism; and Comte, who is the father of all forms of p...

Episode 19, Part 2 – The Drama of Atheist Humanism – Fr. Joseph Fessio S.J., Vivian Dudro, and Joseph Pearce – FBC Podcast

Part Two: Is a “Christian humanism” possible? De Lubac says yes—but only if God comes first. Fr. Fessio, Joseph Pearce, and Vivian Dudro continue to read Henri de Lubac’s analysis of the great Fyodor Dostoyevsky in “The Drama of Atheist Humanism.”

You can find the book here

De Lubac traces the origin of 19th century attempts to construct a humanism apart from God, the sources of contemporary atheism which purports to have “moved beyond God.” The three persons he focuses on are Feuerbach, who greatly influenced Marx; Nietzsche, who represents nihilism; and Comte, who i...

Episode 19, Part 1 – The Drama of Atheist Humanism – Fr. Joseph Fessio S.J., Vivian Dudro, and Joseph Pearce – FBC Podcast

Part One: Is a “Christian humanism” possible? De Lubac says yes—but only if God comes first. Fr. Fessio, Joseph Pearce, and Vivian Dudro continue to read Henri de Lubac’s analysis of the great Fyodor Dostoyevsky in “The Drama of Atheist Humanism.”

You can find the book here

De Lubac traces the origin of 19th century attempts to construct a humanism apart from God, the sources of contemporary atheism which purports to have “moved beyond God.” The three persons he focuses on are Feuerbach, who greatly influenced Marx; Nietzsche, who represents nihilism; and Co...

Episode 18 – The Drama of Atheist Humanism – Fr. Joseph Fessio S.J., Vivian Dudro, and Joseph Pearce – FBC Podcast

Why did Dostoyevsky love Jesus but hate the Catholic Church? Fr. Fessio, Joseph Pearce, and Vivian Dudro continue to read Henri de Lubac’s analysis of the great Fyodor Dostoyevsky in “The Drama of Atheist Humanism.”

You can find the book here

De Lubac traces the origin of 19th century attempts to construct a humanism apart from God, the sources of contemporary atheism which purports to have “moved beyond God.” The three persons he focuses on are Feuerbach, who greatly influenced Marx; Nietzsche, who represents nihilism; and Comte, who is the father of all for...

Episode 17 – The Drama of Atheist Humanism – Fr. Joseph Fessio S.J., Vivian Dudro, and Joseph Pearce – FBC Podcast

Are evil characters “cooler” than good characters? Reading Dostoyevsky, Henri de Lubac goes far, far deeper than the cool. Fr. Fessio, Joseph Pearce, and Vivian Dudro continue to read Henri de Lubac’s analysis of the great Fyodor Dostoyevsky in “The Drama of Atheist Humanism.”

You can find the book here

De Lubac traces the origin of 19th century attempts to construct a humanism apart from God, the sources of contemporary atheism which purports to have “moved beyond God.” The three persons he focuses on are Feuerbach, who greatly influenced Marx; Nietzsche, who represents...

Episode 16 – The Drama of Atheist Humanism – Fr. Joseph Fessio S.J., Vivian Dudro, and Joseph Pearce – FBC Podcast

Each one of us is a whole world, say Dostoyevsky and De Lubac. Fr. Fessio, Joseph Pearce, and Vivian Dudro continue to read Henri de Lubac’s analysis of the great Fyodor Dostoyevsky in “The Drama of Atheist Humanism.”

You can find the book here

De Lubac traces the origin of 19th century attempts to construct a humanism apart from God, the sources of contemporary atheism which purports to have “moved beyond God.” The three persons he focuses on are Feuerbach, who greatly influenced Marx; Nietzsche, who represents nihilism; and Comte, who is the fat...

Episode 15 – The Drama of Atheist Humanism – Fr. Joseph Fessio S.J., Vivian Dudro, and Joseph Pearce – FBC Podcast

Dostoyevsky knows the difference between a revolution of love (Christian) and a revolution of power (atheism). Fr. Fessio, Joseph Pearce, and Vivian Dudro continue to read Henri de Lubac’s analysis of the great Fyodor Dostoyevsky in “The Drama of Atheist Humanism.”

You can find the book here

De Lubac traces the origin of 19th century attempts to construct a humanism apart from God, the sources of contemporary atheism which purports to have “moved beyond God.” The three persons he focuses on are Feuerbach, who greatly influenced Marx; Nietzsche, who represents nihilism; and Comte...

Episode 14 – The Drama of Atheist Humanism – Fr. Joseph Fessio S.J., Vivian Dudro, and Joseph Pearce – FBC Podcast

Fyodor Dostoyevsky survived an execution and spent five years in a brutal Siberian prison. To his surprise, that’s where he fell in love with God.

You can find the book here

De Lubac traces the origin of 19th century attempts to construct a humanism apart from God, the sources of contemporary atheism which purports to have “moved beyond God.” The three persons he focuses on are Feuerbach, who greatly influenced Marx; Nietzsche, who represents nihilism; and Comte, who is the father of all forms of positivism.

He then shows that t...

Episode 13 – The Drama of Atheist Humanism – Fr. Joseph Fessio S.J., Vivian Dudro, and Joseph Pearce – FBC Podcast

What is Christianity’s ANSWER to atheism? Simple: DOSTOYEVSKY. Fr. Fessio, Joseph Pearce, and Vivian Dudro begin part III of “The Drama of Atheist Humanism” by Henri de Lubac.

You can find the book here

De Lubac traces the origin of 19th century attempts to construct a humanism apart from God, the sources of contemporary atheism which purports to have “moved beyond God.” The three persons he focuses on are Feuerbach, who greatly influenced Marx; Nietzsche, who represents nihilism; and Comte, who is the father of all forms of positivism.

He then sh...

Episode 12 – The Drama of Atheist Humanism – Fr. Joseph Fessio S.J., Vivian Dudro, and Joseph Pearce – FBC Podcast

The last word on sociologist August Comte. Fr. Fessio, Joseph Pearce, and Vivian Dudro conclude part II of Henri de Lubac’s “The Drama of Atheist Humanism.”

You can find the book here

De Lubac traces the origin of 19th century attempts to construct a humanism apart from God, the sources of contemporary atheism which purports to have “moved beyond God.” The three persons he focuses on are Feuerbach, who greatly influenced Marx; Nietzsche, who represents nihilism; and Comte, who is the father of all forms of positivism.

He then shows that...