Imperfectly Broken The Podcast

10 Episodes

By: Kyra Nielson

Being human means being imperfect. Being human means you make mistakes. Being human means you can love, laugh, learn, grow, change, and live. It means you matter. It means you have value.This podcast is focused on aspects of being human, but most importantly, being imperfect. Being human means a life full of stories, relationships, and growth. Psychology helps us learn more about being human, and I share a lot of what I’ve learned and have been learning from my classes.I hope listening to this podcast makes you laugh, encourages you to grow, and helps you learn.I ho...

124 Bottling the Magic: Part One (feat. Nathan Salway)
Last Monday at 11:51 AM

My friends!!!

I’m so excited to be posting this today because I can’t wait for you to meet Nathan. He is SUCH an amazing person and was such an amazing co-counselor.

Please forgive me for the poor audio quality. 🙏🏻 I apologize even more for the random people that joined the soundtrack towards the end of the episode. I didn’t realize how loud they were until we were done recording. WHOOPS!

To our company Fear Not, please remember how much we love you, how much Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father love you, and what you...

123 I Miss Them Too

In this episode, I read my recent blog post

It’s been such a tender way to connect to other FSY counselors, and it’s helped me cope with my feelings!

I love that Heavenly Father blesses me with experiences that I can consecrate for good and use to invite others to come unto Christ.

I hope you take my invitation to spend more time with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. They miss you!

Don’t forget to sign up for Remind! Text @kmpodcast to 81010 for little blurbs about each e...

122 FSY Journal #2

This episode is also not edited, so I hope that doesn’t bother you. Agh!

I recap the last two days of training and meeting my co from last night. I’m here in Provo and ready for the summer to begin!

Don’t forget to sign up for Remind! Text @kmpodcast to 81010 for little blurbs about each episode.

121 FSY Journal #1

I’ve decided it would be fun to record real and raw (completely unedited) little episodes about my experiences each day. I don’t know how many episodes there will be or for how long I’ll do it, so let me know if you like it!

I didn’t even add the intro music or the outro music, though I probably will in the future.

I hope you enjoy my little recap!

Don’t forget to sign up for Remind! Text @kmpodcast to 81010 for little blurbs about each episode.

120 You’re Worth it (Blog Post)

Agh I’m back!

In today’s episode, I read my most recent blog post from my blog,

Don’t forget to sign up for Remind! Text @kmpodcast to 81010 for little blurbs about each episode.

119 The Absolute Threshold

I care deeply about this concept/topic and have wanted to share it with you for a long time.

Finally, I sat down and recorded my thoughts and experiences about it!

I hope you can learn more about the absolute threshold and understand why I think it’s so important and applicable!

I did something different than I’ve ever done before (and I’ll probably never do it again); it’s down below. I separated the time for you between topics.

From 0:00 to 5:30 The absolute threshold explained in a scientific sense

118 Rob Burdzy Interviews Me!

Today I’m shaking it up … big time!

This episode is a recording from last Friday, the 19th of April. My friend Rob invited me to come on Thunder 91.1 (SUU’s radio station) during his shift so he could interview me about my podcast.

I met Rob Burdzy in my Audio Production class this semester. I am a front-row student (as you probably already know haha!) and so is Rob! We became friends and have bonded over our mutual interest in depth and in growth.

In this episode we discuss depth, meaning, growth, my podcas...

117 JOMO in Europe (feat. Hannah Cluff)

In this episode, Hannah and I wrap up our discussion about Europe. We talk about buying magnets, familiarity, going to church, taking care of yourself, JOMO and FOMO, and some of our favorite moments.

Don’t forget to sign up for Remind! Text @kmpodcast to 81010 for little blurbs about each episode.

116 A Recap of Our Trip to Europe (feat. Hannah Cluff)

Hannah and I talk about our study abroad trip to Europe. Hannah shares her side of things and we share our favorite places and parts of the experience.

P.S. I want to apologize for the inconsistent volume levels. I tried to turn moments up so it was easier to hear, and then I just gave up. If you have to constantly mess with the volume settings, I really am sorry!

Don’t forget to sign up for Remind! Text @kmpodcast to 81010 for little blurbs about each episode.

115 An Insider’s Look on Being a Bishop (feat. Scott Roberson)

For about a month now I have felt prompted to record an episode with Brother Scott Roberson (aka Brother Rob). I reached out to him, and he kindly agreed.

Brother Rob talks about the duties of being a bishop, challenges related to this calling and how he overcame them, times when he felt prompted to reach out to someone, what he wanted his legacy to be, stewardship and its role in a ward, how he promoted spiritual growth in the ward, lessons he learned as a bishop, how he balanced all of the different demands on his plate...