Amplified Impact w/ Anthony Vicino

10 Episodes

By: Anthony Vicino

Amplified Impact, hosted by Anthony Vicino, gives insight and tips on hacking your schedule, workflow, and lifestyle to maximize your impact on life.Want to build a business, invest in real estate, and become a master of hyperfocus so you can maximize your return on life? Well then this is the show for you!

What Would My Best Self Do? | Ep. 508
Yesterday at 2:00 PM

Let's dive into a quick episode packed with insights. 

Ever feel stuck between who you are and who you want to become? That's where the "wise man" mindset comes in. 

Imagine yourself as the person you aspire to be and ask..."What would they do?"

It's a powerful tool for guiding decisions and behavior.

So, channel your inner superhero and start making those wise decisions. 

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This Is Why Your Business Isn't Growing | Ep. 507
Last Friday at 1:00 PM

Alright, let's talk about a recurring pattern I often see in students and entrepreneurs. 

Picture this: a feast and famine cycle in lead flow. Sound familiar? 

Many of us only prioritize marketing when it's a pressing need, like paying bills or filling up a program. 

But what if I told you there's a better way? 

It's about setting a standard of consistent action.

By making marketing a daily discipline, you create a surplus of demand, which leads to better margins and growth opportunities. 

So, ditch the start-stop menta...

Watch This If You're Afraid of Creating Content | Ep. 506
Last Thursday at 1:00 PM

So, big revelation...creating content can transform your business, but the biggest obstacle is often yourself. 

The fear of judgment, of not being good enough, holds many back. 

Here’s my advice: first, compare your start to others' beginnings, not their polished present. 

Second, create a throwaway social media account and practice without fear. 

Build the muscle, gain confidence, and then go big. 

On the other side of this hurdle lies unlimited potential. 

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The Wrong Way to Expand Your Network | Ep. 505
Last Wednesday at 7:00 PM

So, here's a little secret to save your relationships: Always ask for permission before connecting people in your network. 

We've all heard 'your network is your net worth,'...but it's crucial to be intentional. 

Blindly making connections can waste time and damage friendships. 

Instead, reach out privately and get the green light first. 

Guard your time, be the gatekeeper of your attention, and prioritize what truly matters. 

If this resonates, share it on social media, tag me, and let me know.


The Strategic Art of Getting Everything You Want Out of Life | Ep. 504
Last Tuesday at 7:00 PM

For today's episode, I'll let you in on an exclusive listen to the talk I did at St. Thomas University.

I go deep into the power of financial literacy, and the impact of writing for clarity, along with stories of my journey from initial investment to managing a successful real estate portfolio.

Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned investor, I drop a lot of insights  on navigating the real estate world and leveraging opportunities for substantial growth.

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3 Thoughts on Death | Ep. 503
Last Monday at 5:00 AM

My dog Prudence has been struggling lately, and it's got me thinking about the fragility of life. 

Losing a loved one is never easy, so I'm sharing three thoughts on appreciating the time we have. 

Balancing life's books each day, making each moment count, and living fully despite the specter of death.

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This is Why YOU Need a Personal Brand | Ep. 502

Ever notice how people on the sidelines love to tell you what's possible or not? 

In this episode, I dive into why everyone's a critic, especially when it comes to building a personal brand. 

Hear how a barista can turn their passion into a million-dollar business and why you shouldn't let others' limitations hold you back.

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The Culture-Skill Matrix | Ep. 501

Let's talk about the key to building a successful business: creating a strong team. 

A business can't thrive if it relies on you alone. 

So, how do you build an effective team? 

In this episode, I share the culture-skills matrix, a framework for hiring and retaining top talent. 

Learn how to find and nurture A-players who bring exponential results and fit your company culture. 

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Don't Surround Yourself With People Who Think Like This | Ep. 500

Are you surrounded by people who only talk about the past? It might be because they lack a plan for the future.

Today, we're diving into how transforming your environment and surrounding yourself with forward-focused people can drive growth. 

Learn how to find your vision and move toward it with the right energy and people.

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3 Traits of My Most Successful Students | Ep. 499

So, I got a great question during a recent coaching call: What patterns make students successful? 

After reflecting, I boiled it down to three key traits: managing overwhelm, avoiding overthinking, and staying consistent. 

Listen in as I break down how these traits drive long-term success. 

Plus, learn more about my group coaching program launching soon at

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