Nurses Out Loud

10 Episodes

By: Nurses Out Loud

America Out Loud Network © – We are in a war for truth, in a war to fight against propaganda, in a war to defend and advocate for the patient. Nurses Out Loud shine the light toward the darkness.

Regaining the nourishing traditions that kept our ancestors healthy and strong
Last Thursday at 2:39 PM

Nurses Out Loud with Kimberly Overton, BSN, RN – In our modern world of processed foods, we’ve lost touch with the nourishing traditions that kept our ancestors healthy. By embracing nutrient-dense foods like grass-fed meats, wild-caught fish, and fermented foods, we can revolutionize our health. Discover how the Weston A. Price Foundation promotes traditional diets and sustainable farming for a healthier future.

A nurse’s path from diverticulitis to holistic health
Last Wednesday at 1:39 PM

Nurses Out Loud with Melissa Schreibfeder, BSN, RN – Join us as Krysti Jonas, "The Mindful Health Nurse," shares her journey overcoming chronic diverticulitis through holistic healing. Discover the importance of nurturing the microbiome, setting realistic wellness goals, and embracing integrative health practices. Krysti's inspiring story offers practical steps to achieve optimal wellness and balance in today's challenging world.

How the government weaponized the pharmacist
Last Tuesday at 2:11 PM

Nurses Out Loud with Jodi O’Malley MSN, RN – Pharmacists Shawn and Janet Needham discuss the ethical challenges in pharmacy practice. They explore contentious issues like the off-label use of medications, polypharmacy risks, and the impact of electronic medical records on prescribing practices. Their insights highlight the critical role of pharmacists in ensuring patient-centered care and navigating complex healthcare dilemmas.

Sepsis: When your body’s infection response goes wrong

Nurses Out Loud – Sepsis, a critical health issue, is the third leading cause of hospital deaths, affecting nearly 2 million Americans annually. Despite medical advancements, cases rise, especially post-COVID-19. Recognizing early symptoms is crucial. We also discuss the Supreme Court ruling on taxpayer-funded gender-affirming surgeries, highlighting potential post-op infection risks and the importance of informed consent.

FDA and Pharma insider unpacks antidepressant myths and misinformation

Nurses Out Loud with David Wayne, RN – Discover the truth behind antidepressant myths and misinformation. Explore how TV drug commercials can mislead, and learn about the surprising sources of these myths. Dr. Josef Witt-Doering, a psychiatrist with experience at the FDA and a pharmaceutical company, shares insights on the dangers of psychiatric medications and the importance of informed consent and safe tapering practices.

Turning darkness into success: A journey to entrepreneurship

Nurses Out Loud with Melissa Schreibfeder, BSN, RN – Join Teresa Sanderson as she shares her inspiring journey from overcoming major depression to thriving as a nurse entrepreneur. Learn how she leverages nursing education for marketing, addresses bullying in healthcare, and offers practical tips for nurses pursuing entrepreneurship. Discover the keys to resilience, adaptability, and success in both healthcare and business.

Ozempic: The poison is in the dose with Dr. Tyna Moore

Nurses Out Loud with Jodi O’Malley MSN, RN – Discover the transformative potential of Ozempic (Semaglutide) beyond weight loss. Dr. Tyna Moore explores its regenerative and healing capabilities, emphasizing personalized treatment and proper dosing to maximize benefits. Uncover how this medical breakthrough enhances cardiovascular health, metabolic function, and addresses chronic inflammation for comprehensive wellness.

Just after starting Pfizer’s antidepressant Zoloft, her husband committed suicide

Nurses Out Loud with David Wayne, RN – Pfizer set the record for the largest healthcare fraud settlement in history, partly for promoting off-label prescribing. Woody was prescribed Zoloft off-label for insomnia - a symptom that Zoloft was more likely to cause than resolve, according to the hidden clinical trial data. All these issues might make you wonder how this is all allowed to happen and how drugs like Zoloft get approved in the first place...

Patient advocacy, career changes, education, and essential skills – Nurses Q&A

Nurses Out Loud – Join Nurses Out Loud as Jodi, Kimberly, and Michele tackle crucial topics in nursing. From the vital role of patient advocacy to advice for career changers and the importance of continuing education, our expert panel shares invaluable insights. Discover essential skills for early-career nurses and explore resources for ongoing professional development in this engaging episode.

The pervasive and invisible threat! Toxicity from chemicals and pollutants

Nurses Out Loud with Melissa Schreibfeder, BSN, RN – In today's world, we face the pervasive threat of toxicity from chemicals and pollutants. With less than 1% of over 85,000 chemicals tested for safety, the health risks are significant. Minimizing exposure and supporting the body's detoxification through organic foods, non-toxic products, and essential nutrients can help reduce this toxic burden and promote well-being...