Red Wolf CrossFit - Pack Mentality

10 Episodes

By: Matt Banwart

A Red Wolf CrossFit edition focusing on mindsets, proper CrossFit training techniques, nutrition tips, and how we go about handling tough situations on a daily basis and more.To Join our CrossFit Family visit or workout with us at 7362 Edinger Ave STE A, Huntington Beach, CA 92647

17 Years of Coaching: Matt’s Evolution | Episode 83

In this episode, I share how I’ve grown as a coach over the past 17 years. I’ll talk about my early years, the changes in my coaching style, and the important lessons I’ve learned. I’ll also share a recent story about helping a member with unsupportive friends and family, and how that changed my approach. Join me as I discuss why it’s important to adapt and grow, the top coaches who influenced me, and why focusing on the basics is so important.

Nutrition, Fitness, and Transformation with Coach Chrysta Osborne | Episode 82

In this episode Matt chat’s with Coach Chrysta Osborne. Chrysta is the gym’s nutrition coach and CrossFit kids coach and she shares her journey into fitness, from her early days in basketball to becoming a CrossFit coach.

Chrysta talks about her transition into coaching, and the personal fitness milestones that shaped her path. She explains the importance of metabolic pathways, the significance of habit change, and how the synergy between nutrition and fitness can lead to sustainable results.

We go into the emotional aspects of eating, the challenges of maintaining discipline, and how a su...

The More Ways You Measure the More Ways You Win | Episode 81

In this episode, Matt and Caitlin explain why tracking your progress in different ways for fitness, nutrition, and personal growth is important. They share personal stories, including how they bounce back after setbacks, and explain how tracking workouts and benchmarks helps keep you motivated.

Finally, they introduce the idea of focusing on future goals instead of the past. This episode is all about staying motivated and improving over time.

How to Enjoy Working Out Everyday | Episode 80

In this episode, Matt and Caitlin dive into how to start enjoying working out every day. They discuss the dynamic between pain and pleasure as motivators, share inspiring client transformation stories, highlight the importance of aesthetics in fitness, and reflect on the evolution of their fitness journeys. Plus, learn about a fascinating rat experiment that reveals the power of combining pain and pleasure for maximum motivation and hear a story of a client driven by family health concerns.

1000 Workouts at Red Wolf - Parker's Story | Episode 79

In this episode, we have a special guest, Parker, a five-year veteran of Red Wolf who has completed an over 1,000 workouts.

Join us as Parker shares his inspiring fitness journey, from his athletic beginnings in high school basketball to discovering CrossFit at a sales conference, and overcoming initial fears and misconceptions. Parker talks about his transformative experience, highlighting key milestones like achieving bar muscle-ups, dropping 10% body fat, and gaining 30 pounds of muscle.

He also shares valuable advice for those on their fitness journey, emphasizing the importance of consistency, patience, and the power of community support...

Health Food Hoaxes: Hidden Sugars and Calories Podcast | Episode 78

In this episode Caitlin and Matt dive into the top 6 foods that are often perceived as healthy but can be misleading. From granola bars to flavored yogurt, veggie chips to store-bought smoothies, trail mix to frozen yogurt, we uncover the hidden sugars, artificial ingredients, and high-calorie content lurking in these so-called “health foods.” Learn why focusing on whole, minimally processed foods is the key to a truly healthy diet and how to make smarter choices for your fitness journey.

7 Cons of CrossFit | Episode 77

In this episode Caitlin and Matt dive into the potential pitfalls of CrossFit. While CrossFit has revolutionized the fitness world with its high-intensity workouts and community spirit, it’s not without its downsides. Join us as we explore the 7 cons of CrossFit:

Random Programming: How the lack of structured progression can lead to inconsistent results and a higher risk of injury.

No Clear Progression: The challenges people face in tracking and achieving long-term goals without a systematic approach.

Temptation to Attempt Advanced Movements: The dangers of pushing oneself to attempt exercises beyond on...

Ep. 76 Mastering the Murph: Your Ultimate Guide to Preparation and Performance

In this episode we dive deep into the iconic Murph workout, exploring every facet of preparation to help you conquer this challenge. We’ll start with an in-depth understanding of what the Murph is and why it’s essential to prepare thoroughly.You’ll learn how to assess your current fitness level, set realistic goals, and create a balanced training plan. We’ll discuss the importance of gradually increasing volume and intensity while focusing on building strength, endurance, and mobility. Additionally, we’ll cover key aspects of nutrition and hydration, including what to eat for performance and recovery and staying hy...

Ep. 75 Finding Belonging Beyond Barriers: Peggy's Journey

In this episode we sit down with Peggy, a 5-year veteran of Red Wolf CrossFit, to uncover her inspiring journey in fitness and life. She shares how the supportive environment at Red Wolf CrossFit has empowered her fitness journey and shaped her approach to life. Peggy opens up about the balance between achieving her fitness goals and the demands of being a new mom.Despite a significant commute, she remains dedicated to her gym community and credits her "gym family" for providing support through major life changes. As an adoptee, she reflects on how her own experience has influenced...

Ep. 74 Strength in Struggle: Katie's Fitness Journey

Join us today on "Pack Mentality" as we meet Katie, a remarkable single mom, fourth-grade teacher, and dedicated CrossFitter. Over the last seven years, Katie has transformed her fitness, cutting her body fat in half and building muscle, all while navigating the complexities of motherhood and personal challenges.

Katie shares how she first fell in love with CrossFit and why she's stuck with it despite the demanding twists and turns of life. She opens up about managing her fitness journey alongside raising two energetic boys and maintaining a full-time teaching career. We'll explore the specific hurdles she's...