10 Episodes

By: Soulstice London

Join us for meaningful conversations, meditations, astrological analysis and crystals! Jodie, the Founder of Soulstice London, holds the space each episode for explorations into self care, spirituality, therapeutic practices and wellness trends. Light a candle, grab a crystal and beverage of choice and tuck into SOULSCAPE by Soulstice London

Scorpio Season 2023

On this episode of SOULSCAPE the team explores spooky Scorpio Season! Tune in for chats about shadow selves, swamps and deep transformation.

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Autumn Eclipse Season 2023

On this episode of SOULSCAPE, the team is curious about the astronomical and astrological phenomena that are eclipses! October 2023 has a Solar Eclipse in Libra and a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. Tune in for info about this magical time.

Virgo & Libra Season 2023

On this double feature episode we celebrate both Virgo and Libra Season 2023! Whether you are a natal Virgo, Libra or neither, we can all benefit from organisation and affordable luxury. Tune in for chats about perfectionism, working & playing hard, self care and cuffing season.

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Arcana 18. The Moon

In each episode of Arcana, Jodie invites Soulstice team members Bea and Audree to unpack a Tarot card and see how the archetype can deepen our understanding of what it means to live, grow and change. The conversation is supported by their knowledge from lived experience, spontaneous thought and psychotherapy training.The Moon is our starting point for this episode. Our in-house Tarot specialist, Bea, introduces us to this card of the illumination of the unconscious. Audree shines light on the Moon/Sun binary and rejects the societal demonisation of feelings, femininity and intuition. Jodie is fascinated by the lunar...

Arcana 17. The Star

In each episode of Arcana, Jodie invites Soulstice team members Bea and Audree to unpack a Tarot card and see how the archetype can deepen our understanding of what it means to live, grow and change. The conversation is supported by their knowledge from lived experience, spontaneous thought and psychotherapy training.The Star is our starting point for this episode. Our in-house Tarot specialist, Bea, introduces us to this card of resting and digestion. Audree befriends the concept having new-found appreciation after initially calling it ‘boring’. Jodie sees it as an opportunity to connect to our senses to find grea...

Arcana 16. The Tower

In each episode of Arcana, Jodie invites Soulstice team members Bea and Audree to unpack a Tarot card and see how the archetype can deepen our understanding of what it means to live, grow and change. The conversation is supported by their knowledge from lived experience, spontaneous thought and psychotherapy training.The Tower is our starting point for this episode. Our in-house Tarot specialist, Bea, introduces us to this card of enlightening, realisations and shocking events. Jodie asks how we can heal after impactful moments through community support, empathy and personal boundaries of care. Audree shares their experience of identity...

Arcana 15. The Devil

In each episode of Arcana, Jodie invites Soulstice team members Bea and Audree to unpack a Tarot card and see how the archetype can deepen our understanding of what it means to live, grow and change. The conversation is supported by their knowledge from lived experience, spontaneous thought and psychotherapy training.The Devil is our starting point for this episode. Our in-house Tarot specialist, Bea, introduces us to this card of spiritual darkness. Audree questions the binaries of life that position things as ‘good or bad’ and reproduces oppressive power imbalances in society. Jodie isn’t intimidated by the devil and pr...

Arcana 14. Temperance

In each episode of Arcana, Jodie invites Soulstice team members Bea and Audree to unpack a Tarot card and see how the archetype can deepen our understanding of what it means to live, grow and change. The conversation is supported by their knowledge from lived experience, spontaneous thought and psychotherapy training.Temperance is our starting point for this episode. Our in-house Tarot specialist, Bea, introduces us to this card of moderation, balance and abstinence. Jodie brings her thoughts about the pressures of a fast paced society and how this contributes to impatience and difficulties in finding stillness & peace. Audree...

Leo Season 2023: Feel the fire in your belly!

The Sun is in Leo so Happy Leo Season 2023! On this episode of SOULSCAPE we celebrate this fiery time. Whether you are a natal Leo or not, we can all benefit from self expression and structured fun. Tune in for energetic chats about Lionsgate portal, Strength Tarot card, Theatre and crystals for enhancing your creative shine. You have an opportunity to take space and be seen in your authentic glow. Time to be bold and enjoy the fire in your belly!Pinterest Board / Playlist /

Arcana 13. Death

In each episode of Arcana, Jodie invites Soulstice team members Bea and Audree to unpack a Tarot card and see how the archetype can deepen our understanding of what it means to live, grow and change. The conversation is supported by their knowledge from lived experience, spontaneous thought and psychotherapy training.Death is our starting point for this episode. Our in-house Tarot specialist, Bea, introduces us to this card of transformation, change and endings. Audree resonates with avoidant defence mechanisms when dealing with the concept and hopes to challenge their fears. Jodie brings curiosity to life changes and uncertain futures...