The Fair Parenting Podcast

10 Episodes


The Fair Parenting Podcast looks at people's stories and ideas on family law and covers the progress towards fair parenting around the world.

50: Review: A Look Back at Episodes 41 to 49
Last Sunday at 5:00 AM

Episode 50 is a look back at episodes 41 to 49. Thanks to all the fantastic guests and listeners. The podcast would be nothing without you. 

As I often say, if someone wants to take over presenting this podcast let me know and I will be glad to go back behind the scenes. 

This episode is a compilation of episode clips rather than a ‘best of’ clips as that is individual choice. It is for regular listeners and also a taster for people new to the podcast. It covers these episodes:

Episode 41 - Change: Britain’s NHS Bans Blo...

49: Accountability: Is There Any In Family Law?

Many of us have ours and our children’s futures decided by the family law system, not just courts but other decision makers i.e. guardians, child solicitors, social workers, etc. 

In practise none of them are really accountable for bad outcomes and there is no measuring of outcomes. These are 2 serious flaws I discuss that in this episode. 

48: Replay: Interstellar - Derick McDuff on Parenting and Child Separation in the Movies

This is an episode from the Replay series in which we look back at past episodes for those new to the podcast.

Today we look back at episode 5 which originally aired on 30th October 2022.

It was the second episode discussing parenting in Christopher Nolan films with @DerickMcduff from the Underrated podcast (@undercastco).

This was a meandering hoot with lots of offshoots! We discuss @Interstellar and also talk music: @Trevor_Horn_, Steve Lipson and @HansZimmer. We also discuss @mrbobodenkirk, @BetterCallSaul and other movies and TV shows.

It was very enjoyable talking with Derick...

47: Replay: Inception - Derick McDuff on Parenting and Child Separation in the Movies

This is an episode from the Replay series in which we look back at past episodes for those new to the podcast. 

Today we look back at my discussion with Derick McDuff about parenting and child separation in the movies, which much of the talk about Christopher Nolan’s film Inception. We also cover other movies and music.  This originally aired as episode 3, way back on 2nd October 2022. If you like today's episode you may also like episode 5 which covered the movie Interstellar (link below).

In this episode we talk movies with Derick McDuff from the Unde...

46: Documentaries: Telling Your Story

I have been approached by someone from a documentary maker about my story. 

I am deciding whether to take part but I am often contacted by parents who want to get their stories out and there are pros and cons to doing so, hence this episode. 

If any listeners want me to pass on your details, DM or email me and I will.


Episode 14 -

45: Paternity: Test Issues for Mums, Dads and Children

In the light of a recent news story, I look at paternity testing and whether dads should be able to get a test outside of court proceedings. 

Some people might see this as an issue for men but it is wider. I discuss how testing has issues for mums, dads and children, including how paternity tests can improve health outcomes for children.

I mention a recent video from a judge which went viral. Here is one of many links to it:

51: Replay

44: Fallible: Do We Expect Too Much From Experts?

This episode I look at the word ‘expert’, not so much to do with court as more widely in society. 

In many areas of life, experts affect us and sometimes spectacularly let us down. I look at some examples. 

We need experts but there are few people who really know what they are doing well enough to advise the way experts do and I think we need to be realistic about experts and the word itself. Perhaps it's time for a rebalancing of how experts are perceived across all fields and industries. 

I think the ter...

43: Replay: Dr. Marni Hill Foderaro Discusses Alienation

Occasionally I want to look back at past episodes for those new to the podcast. Today is one such episode. I wanted to revisit my discussion with Dr. Marni Hill Foderaro from episode 8. I hope you enjoy listening to it. 

It's one of my favourite episodes and even before today (April 14th 2024) is already the 8th most popular episode ever.

It was a wide-ranging and interesting discussion with Dr. Marni who was a fantastic guest. I enjoyed talking with her a lot. Here are the show notes from the episode:

In this episode we w...

42: Protests: Outcry At The Garrick Club

In this episode I discuss lawyers and MPs protesting about The Garrick Club and how this relates to family law.