The Layer of Random Things

10 Episodes

By: Aaron Nery

Me (Aaron) and my friend (Preston) Both make up stories that are funny to a...... darker tone.

Episode 37: Tale of the Glowing Bubblerap

Dnjdjsisisidjjxkjfjjsksk BUBBLE RAP FINDS AN OLD MAN.

Episode 36: Wednesday is crazy… but good

latest adams family content on Netflix.

Episode 35: why goat simulator 3 will be legendary

Goat sim 3 one of the greatest games to come.

Episode 34: Tale of the Bear Forge

Skip to segment 3 for story time around 15:40 to see the bear forge story you can also watch the story of the day segment 1 so yea enjoy!

Episode 33: Tale of the Sad Snowman

There are now three segments in episodes chilling with the ducks segment 1 and segment 2 announcements as well as segment 3 story time.

Episode 32: The Spy’s Invitation Pt 1

john(Josh) life sucks his girl broke up with him he lost his job and was evicted from his home.

Then a lady comes to give him a invitation that will make him a king, the spy’s invitation.

Episode 31: Chilling With the Ducks Pt4

I told a short story and tried to take a selfie again.

Episode 30: Chilling With the Ducks Pt 3

I tried to take a selfie with a ducks that did not GO AS PlANNED...

Episode 29: Chilling With the Ducks pt 2

Me just chilling with the ducks again one short story and a lot of announcements!

Episode 28: Tale of the Fly Swatter Pt 3

(13+)Medriel explains why he burned down Kenny’s village as well as leading him the a military camp where he must be trained. THINGS DO NOT GO AS PLANNED.