Venus & Vesta Evolutionary Astrology
This is astrology for astrologers, our those wanting something a little deeper, more spiritually aligned and esoteric. A dive into the current astrology: the movements of the planets and asteroids, aligning the stars with what is happening in the world. As well as detailed discussions, interviews with astrologers and mystics, interesting book launches, interesting occult theories, special events such as eclipses, and the occasional celeb horoscope. I am a shamanic homeopath, herbalist as well as astrologer. I teach astrology and my brand of astrology is Steiner based which is more esoteric and aligned with the soul’s evolution. CONTACT METHOD Insta...
Mars As A Quantum Space

In this episode I was inspired by the announcement by Elon Musk that Mars is our next pioneering venture for mankind, so in this episode of the Venus & Vesta Evolutionary Astrology Podcast I want to talk about Mars and:
look at whether Mars is a physical place we can go to, or whether our journey there is a dimensional shift insteadhow our solar system is enclosed by the Oort Cloud which scientists declare is a vast region of rocky ice that encircles everything from huge incomprehensible distanceshow Mars is a warrior planet that had to learn how to...Get Ready for February

I wanted to close off January by looking at how the Aquarian themes in the New Moon were playing out on the global stage, before we looked at February as well as:
How Aquarian themes of opening discussion but not actually arriving at a decision was on full display in Capitol Hill when the senators questioned RFKjr right on the date for the New Moon and its volatile ruler turning directThe wondrous effect of Venus, North Node, Neptune and the Moon meeting at 28’ Pisces on 1st and 2nd February has so many incredible potentials which we should be mi...Wild Ways Aquaria

The intensity of Aquarian Season is increased this week with some phenomenal aspects which I didn’t want to miss for this week’s Venus & Vesta Evolutionary Astrology Podcast where I look at:
The inauguration chart of the 47th American president and how that flavours the next four yearsSun conjunct Pluto for the inauguration but also an important entrance into Aquarius season where our existential ideas are set to expand our consciousness and deep, change from within is likelyHow Venus applying to Neptune is going to increase the delusional tactics, distracting us by fake Nazi salutes, when there are...Venus Magic Starts Now

We absolutely need to dive into the Venus process that starts this weekend 18th - 19th January, with the conjunction to Saturn in Pisces, in order to get the most out of the love, beauty, art and money that is at stake. This episode of the Venus & Vesta Evolutionary Astrology podcast, I am looking at the larger process of Venus as she starts in a secure and supportive connection, but moves through a powerful set of magical connections in her retrograde journey, including:
Venus connects with Saturn now but but meets with Saturn two more times, and with t...Super-Size Me: Moon & Mars

We cannot get away from the tsunami of emotion that the Moon and Mars brings next week, and I bring you all the details in this week’s Venus & Vesta Evolutionary Astrology Podcast including:
Why the mythical story of Narcissus which involves the poor nymph Echo and wife Juno, is important for the characters we might recognise and who are all asteroids and can be found in our chartsHow the energy of the Moon’s Nodal change is already happening and involves the horror of Virgo innocence being defiled, but holds the potential for the healing in PiscesWhy this...Moon’s Nodes, Narcissism and Mars

We start the year with the urge to let something go, due to the second exact opposition of Mars in his retrograde process, in opposition to Pluto. Mars will be very active in January so in this week’s episode of the Venus & Vesta Evolutionary Astrology Podcast we explore where that could take us, as well as some incredibly beneficial aspects up to 11th January including:
Mars moving into the emotional landscape of Cancer and how this might affect our personal security, or already has, since we are all now looking at the ineffective healthcare systemsThe Moon’s Nodes a...Planetary Magical Brilliance in 2025

I don’t think we can quite comprehend the major shifts in the planets and how truly brilliant they could be, so in this issue of the Venus & Vesta Evolutionary Astrology podcast, I wanted to look at 2025 and:
What the changes of the Moon’s North Nodes mean and how good this could be for healthcareWhy Venus Retrograde is going to open up vast possibilities that are beyond our imagination as she stirs up the end of Pisces together with Saturn, Neptune and the North NodeWhy Mars, the ruler of Aries, will keep us focused on better avenues for...Creative Impulses & Christ Codes

The world watches America watching the skies as drones and strange glistening orbs are on the news, so in this episode of the Venus & Vesta Evolutionary Astrology Podcast I wanted to give some astrological context. I feel this is exactly what we would expect at the end days of Neptune in Pisces and we should sit back and enjoy the show.
The creativity of Venus in Aquarius augmented by the media as Jupiter expands the influence of Gemini and the two planetary benefits work together in a trineSolstice is bringing us a moment to stand still and contemplate wh...Deny, Delay and Depose

I wanted to look at the chart of Luigi Mangioni in relation to America’s and the CEO Brian Thompson for this issue of the Venus & Vesta evolutionary Astrology Podcast, because I felt the shooting of such a prominent corporate elitist could disappear but not when the astrology ties to that of America:
America is having a Chiron Return and so is Brian Thompson, which means the health care industry that he fronted and took to inappropriate level of profiteering, needs to change and perhaps this is the pain that needs to be lancedChiron is at 19’ Aries, right on B...Mars Drivers, Gemini News

Mars has just turned retrograde, but in this episode of the Venus & Vesta Evolutionary Astrology Podcast: I look at whether we really should switch off, or are we waiting for our adversaries to go into low power mode? I also look at:
How good the Mercury Cazimi in Sagittarius could be for worldwide peace (or at least, not WWIII)What Mars Retrograding over Robert F Kennedy Junior’s ascendant might mean, given that his 12H of karma is Cancer, the family and will we see some of the family karma rear its head, or is this truly the rev...