
10 Episodes

By: Alison Kendrick and Matthew Bivins

Alison Kendrick and Matthew Bivins are nerds with ADHD talking about D&D (and anything else that crosses their minds in any given moment).

ADHd20 s03e04: ADHD Is So Hot Right Now with Skyler the ADHDM
Yesterday at 2:00 PM

From deep within the comments section of a Ginny Di reaction video ( a highly likely friendship was forged. Games sees game and the ADHDM + ADHd20 Team Tesseract emerged. Somehow refusing to procrastinate, we quickly booked some time to hop on the mics and get to know our new buddy. Now you're invited to get to know Skyler and the many exports of his Kingdom of ADHD, too! It's all here: anime stuff, woo-woo things, enlisting in the Navy, and more!

Ram Daas
Homie & the Dude

ADHd20 s03e03: The Stunned Condition

Your favorite ADHD/TTRPG nerds can find correlations between any number of subjects, and this time the topics include Baldur's Gate 3, the Stunned Condition of 5e, and colonoscopies!

If you're neurodicey, do you also find that you're easily incapacitated? And how do you shake it off? In this episode, we don't promise a lot of answers, but we sure do have a lot of questions! 

ADHd20 s03e02: Notion Sickness

In the first official episode of ADHd20 of 2024, your intrepid hosts Alison and Matt share their struggles with feeling overwhelmed and not yet acclimated to the new year, even after starting the winter with all the energy of Duracell Bunnies.

What do you do when you know what to do but just can’t do it? Matt gives a taste of the RPG Methodology he has been moving into Notion, the hippest project management PKM in the world! And we are now taking applications to be a part of an official ‘NeuroSpice Exchange Program’, where we can kick a...

ADHd20 s03e01: Help Us, Brittany Smith. You're Our Only Hope!

We are BACK, adventurers! 🎉 Season Three, Electric Boogaleigh!

We, your trusted guides Matt and Alison, speak with esteemed guest Brittany Smith, an ADHD coach and cognitive neuroscientist.

Brittany shares her strategies for ensuring that your 'Sims Bar' stays green as you balance work, life, and creative pursuits. Also, that these daily quests include an occasional Perception Check.

Here's to another season exploring the complexities of the mind through gameplay!

Find Brittany: and @ADDLiberator on tiktok!

ADHd20 s02e19: Rockin' Around the ADHD

It’s the final episode of ADHd20 Season 2, folks! Join Alison and Matt as they wrap up this season with a "clip episode" packed with retrospection and much giggling, natch. We streamed this one live to our Patrons, who came prepared with some great questions, letting us ramble on everything from how ADHD affects the holidays to the impact of being neurodivergent on character creation. We also share our dreams and themes for ADHd20 in '24, so grab your CozyPants®, your favorite noise-cancelling headphones, and help us celebrate a nearly impossible feat for two peeps with ADHD: TWO FULL YEA...

ADHd20 s02e18: Over-Explaining—The Gift of Gab

So that we don't over-explain a video about over-explaining, here's a gen-text summary, soon to be part of Matt's patented "Un-ADHD-ify" app! 

"In this ADHD20 episode, Alison and Matt discuss the propensity to overexplain things common amongst many individuals, including themselves. They delve into their shared observations about social media interactions and the role of over-explaining within it. They also discuss how over-explaining affects their daily lives, personal relationships, and even their Dungeons & Dragons characters. The conversation navigates through themes like neurodivergence, masking, and impulse control, linking these aspects of their daily realities to their gaming personas a...

ADHd20 s02e17: This is a Catastrophe

"It's not that bad!". "You're overreacting." "Calm the f&%k down!"

With ADHD, you've probably heard people say this to you your entire life. When your every reaction is dripping with emotion, others don't understand  that in your brain, stubbing your toe and losing your pet cat can produce the same amount of wailing and gnashing of teeth.

In this video, we explore how catastrophizing and ADHD intersect, and how they can impact our experiences in tabletop role-playing games (TTRPGs).


The beautiful article that inspired us talking about this:

ADHd20 s02e16: Procrastinate Like You Mean It!

We know that everyone, ADHD or no, procrastinates on the things that you don't want to do. But those with "squirrel brains" can even procrastinate on things that we REALLY LOVE, like prepping for D&D. Why? We have some terribly-cited answers for you! And even some ways to Get Medieval on Procrastination's Ass when you need to!

We didn't use the advice given to us by our lovely Discord Server this week, but we usually do, and you can be a part of that advice:

We DID send this video...

ADHd20 s02e15: Resisting A Rest

Things we learned while recording this episode: The characteristics we embody while awake are also present in our sleep. Inattentive awake? Inattentive asleep. Hello, insomnia!

We also took some time to call out the ridiculousness of long (and short!) rest mechanics in D&D. Don't worry, you guys—we fixed them.

Our Discord server truly is the stuff dreams are made of! Join us:
If you're more interested in nightmare fuel, we have a Patreon for that, too:

ADHd20 s02e14: Actual Play with Dungeon Master Seth McKay

The most often-asked questions we've gotten since starting this podcast: "But what is D&D?! And how do you even play?!"

If our D&D-inspired tangents have left you feeling a little perplexed, then this is for you! Our talented pal Seth McKay stepped behind the DM Screen to lead our party of four boisterous adventurers through a fiery, funny, and very very dangerous encounter. This very special episode also features Evan Bivins and Official Lorekeeper Anna Fitzgerald.

If playing with us sounds more fun than simply watching us play, our Patreon includes monthly one-shots!<...