The Literary Sipper
Welcome to The Literary Sipper, a podcast about reading, writing, thinking, and creating, all at the same time. I am your host, Amber Vitti Hill, a writer and mother who’s always looking for ways to stay creative no matter how small the sip. Thank you for joining me, especially when I know how valuable your free time is and how many other things you have to do on that never-ending to-do list. But if you’re trying to put something artistic out into the world, while also trying to manage the schedule and needs of others, you have come to t...
The Literary Sipper Talks the Winter Season
Well, here we are again. It’s cold out, the sun may or may not be shining, the holidays have finished, you may or may not have put away all of the decorations. So now what? People tell you it’s time for arbitrary resolutions and a push towards productivity. But the winter season says it’s time to slow down, make friends with the darkness, and look inward.
But you do you.
And if you want to do you with others, Tania ( and I are running our Winter Workshop on January 30, 2025 and regist...
The Literary Sipper Talks 2024 Book List
It’s the end of another year, folks. And it’s time to recap 2024 and all of the reading I managed to do.
Here are a few of the books I highlighted for you to check out:
James by Percival EverettThe Literary Sipper Talks Wrapping Up 2024 Reading
Get your last minute shopping done at the bookstore.
Live by the mantra: one book for you, one for me.
It’s what you want for Christmas anyway.
And whenever possible, shop local.
Merry Merry.
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The Literary Sipper Talks Creative Doorways
In our Let Go and Begin workshops, Tania Walsh and I always start with the symbol of the doorway. Are you closing a door, opening a new one to a room you’ve never entered, or revisiting a dusty room that needs a good airing out?
This idea came to me after reading Donald Justice’s poem “Men at 40”. I loved the metaphor of the “softly closed door”. I felt incredible empathy for these men who now looked at their life’s choices and could see that they would no longer be able to take these roads that led to fr...
The Literary Sipper Talks 3 Poems for The TImes
When I am unsure of what’s to come, I turn to poetry. When I feel sad, I turn to poetry. When I feel lost, in love, overburdened, underwhelmed, dazzled or dreary, I turn to poetry.
After the election, these three poems filled the void.
Anne Waldman’s “Crack in the World”Maggie Smith’s “Good Bones”Nikki Grimes’ “You Still Dream”What poems have you turned to this November?
Let me know in the comments!
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The Literary Sipper Talks Intergenerational Connection
Do you have friends who are ten years older than you?
What about ten years younger?
Diversity is also about age. Understanding the generations that bookend yours is more than just reading the myriad memes on the subject. It requires an open hear and a generous ear.
If we want to honor the classics and expand the canon, we need to broaden the audience.
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The Literary Sipper Talks Planning Your Day
You are an artist. Plan your day accordingly.
Micro Plan and Macro Plan.
Then be ready for it all to change in a moment.
Do your best and make sure to make room for your creative life.
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Here is the episode on planning your retreat!
The Literary Sipper Talks Reading Outside of Your Comfort Zone
When you select your next book, might I suggest you stray a bit from your preferred genre? Try some poetry, a thriller, historical fiction, memoir. Try something you don’t usually reach for. As the days get darker and shorter, we may find ourselves wanting the familiar, the cozy book that echoes the way we hope to spend our time. However, it may be a great time to get yourself tucked in with some tea, but let your brain go on an adventure.
Here are some links to some of the books I mention, the Libby App, an...
The Literary Sipper Talks Visual Stimulation
While we all know that looking at art makes us feel something, we get caught up in figuring out the right meaning. What are we “supposed” to see becomes more important than what we are, in fact, seeing. Make sure to spend time looking, seeking, observing, connecting to the visual. It will help you make sense of the world, no matter what your preferred medium may be.
Here is the link to the Colin Davidson Show “Silent Testimony”Here is the link to Alex Gray’s The Mission of ArtHere is the link to the work of art that I am...The Literary Sipper Talks Retreats
We are all looking to retreat from the pressures of this election season that’s for sure. Have you made actual plans to do so? To take time away and delve into your creative self? You could finish your draft, you can dive into meditation or yoga to find your center. You could surround yourself with other artists for inspiration. You could learn a new skill or technique to add to your arsenal.
Learn to Re-TREAT yourself.
What would fill you up? Take time to think about it and then put it on your calendar.