Your Gardening Questions
Your Gardening Questions covers the gamut of gardening questions from our Plant Talk Radio listeners. Over the phone, or by email, Fred answers them all. Make sure the latest episode is in your favorite podcast player, like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or find a podcast player at
Fern Care

Fred talks about the proper way to grow and care for all kinds of ferns
Benefits of Misting Plants

Fred talks about what the benefits are of misting plants.
Feed The Birds

Fred says..."feed the birds!" on the latest Gardening Questions podcast.
More Shady Perennials

Fred thought of more shade loving perennials!
Can I fertilize my trees in the Spring?

Fred answers the question: Can I fertilize my trees in the Spring?
Dealing With Insects

Fred answers the question: How can I deal with insects now?
Spring Bulbs

Let's talk Spring bulbs!
Fertilize now, but not too much

Fred says to fertilize now, but not too much
Fred and the dreaded 'mulch volcanoes'

Fred and the dreaded 'mulch volcanoes' !
Fighting Lawn Weeds

Fred answers the question: How can I cut down on lawn weeds this year?