
10 Episodes

By: Tudor Rickards

TudoRama explores the nature and practice of creativity in the arts, sciences, politics and above all in everyday life. Tudor Rickards is Emeritus Professor of Creativity and Organizational Change at the University of Manchester. Tudor studied chemistry and radiation chemistry at The University of Wales at Cardiff.  Following post-doctoral research at New York Medical College, he returned to the UK to work in technical management before joining Manchester Business School.  He has published numerous books and articles on creativity, sporting management and leadership, as well as fictional works involving the mythical University of Urmston. He has been influential in the de...

The Olympic Games begin. What they can teach us about politics, and vice-versa.
Yesterday at 10:00 AM

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The Olympic Games begin. What they can teach us about politics, and vice-versa.

Friday 26 July, 2024

The Olympic Games begin in Paris with a spectacular show. The presidential campaign in America reaches its own climax. The more you think about it the more similarities you see between the two events.

They are both very expensive if you want to achieve the highest result.

They can only be one winner at any event. Coming second is at best bittersweet..

The general public which has...

President Biden resolves his most significant dilemma
Last Thursday at 4:00 PM

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Dilemmas of leadership
President Biden resolves his most significant dilemma

Thursday 25 July, 2024

Yesterday President Biden announced to the nation his decision not to stand for a second term in office.
It provides an explanation to the story of a monumentous decision, rarely taken by a President. 
Let’s take it at face  value as the story Biden wants to tell, the foundation step of his desired legacy: what I’ve achieved, and why I reached the decision that I did.
In his uncomplicated fashion, he arg...

The Guinness Book of Records and the compression of creativity
Last Wednesday at 9:00 AM

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The Guinness Book of Records and the compression of creativity.

There is a celebration of the large scale in the creative product across many contexts. It reminds me of the celebration of the record breaking achievements found in the Guinness book of records.

The human achievement is justified by its scale rather than its worth on any other dimension.

Heaviest train pulled with beard.
In 2001, Ismael Rivas Falcon of Spain with his beard pulled a train weighing 2,753.1 kg (6,069 lbs) over a distance of 10 m (32.8 ft).<...

The Coronation of Kamala. ‘Yes she can’
Last Tuesday at 10:00 AM

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The Coronation of Kamala. ‘Yes she can’ 

Tuesday 23 January 2024

The headline in the Metro newspaper “Yes she can" plays on the "Yes we can" slogan used by former president Barack Obama in 2008 

This has been a week dominated by an upheaval in American politics.
On Sunday, the simmering crisis facing President Biden erupted with the announcement that he would not be seeking a second term as President.
This filled the news channels throughout the American afternoon, spreading around the world. Kamala Harris is expected to step...

Biden v Trump. They think it's all over ... but there's time for one last plot twist

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The failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump last Sunday was marked by his miraculous escape and a moment captured in an iconic photograph showing a bloodied and defiant Trump beneath a perfectly positioned American flag.

Within hours, the image had gone viral, and was appearing on consumer products. The world’s media proclaimed what had taken place as a critical incident, and a death blow to the prospects of Joe Biden, already struggling after a series of embarrassing public appearances. Even before the assassination attempt, a rising tide of democratic vo...

Requiem for a dream: Spain 2 England 1

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Requiem for a dream. Spain 2 England 1

Social media capture the thoughts and emotions of a nation

(Who describes himself as
‘once a Tory voter. Never going back there, but not yet quite convinced with labour. Seller of old things. Vegan. Wolves fan. Married to a Welsh dragon.)

A tough night for #England fans but what a day to be Spanish! 

David Baddiel 
Spain were much better and this is a really good, perhaps great, Spanish side. But the truth is that...

Can brainy birds play chess? How early should you start playing chess with your children?

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Could brainy birds play chess? How early should you start playing chess with your children?

Sunday 14 July 2024

This morning, I listened to a BBC science programme about the research of Professor Nicky Clayton, who studies cognitive processes in crows, and in other birds showing exceptional problem solving skills. 

These creatures also have better development than other birds, in the regions of the brain associated with problem solving.

One assessment is that crows, for example, have problem solving skills which seem to develop in children a...

Wit and Wisdom, Mid July 2024

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I've just been chatting to my neighbour, and he thinks his wife is a kleptomaniac.
"She should take something for it."

My husband just called to say he saw a fox on his way to work. 
I asked him how he knew the fox was on his way to work. 
He hung up on me…

Visual wit from @RookieRedhead
First cartoon
Buddha surrounded by acolytes
Acolytes: what makes us human?
Second cartoon
Buddha to acolytes 

The General Election of 2024 as seen by the twitterati.

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Wednesday 3 July 2024

Tomorrow it will be all over, after six weeks of campaigning leaving the general public weary of political promises and cockups. 

With a burst of relief I begin to record how it all ends, drawing on the wit and wisdom provided by the twitterati, and with a little help from the so called MSN. 
When labour campaign director Morgan McSweeney concluded that the polling day would come on July 4, some 24 hours before Sunak’s short walk in the rain, he made sure the o...

Wit and Wisdom. Early July, 2024

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Wit and Wisdom Early July
Unsurprisingly, this wit and wisdom edition has a political flavour during the run-up to the British general election on July 4. A special general election edition is planned for that date.

Abbreviated from a long and heart-cry of anguish by a football journalist over England’s last qualifying match at the Euros. 
The heat was on here, and not simply because the temperature nudged 30C. The scrutiny was intense. England passed and passed in the first half, interchanging but going nowhere. Some of...