Soul Loveth w/ Shan

10 Episodes

By: Shan. Phillips

Ahhh.... You didn't come across this podcast by chance... You've been seeking answers about "who you are" "what makes you happy "what's your true purpose in life'... You've been goin' through the motions tryin' to make it all make sense... Soul Loveth was inspired to help answer these questions and more on this ever evolving journey of life...Fueled by the love story of the young Shulammite woman from Songs of Solomon, it follows this young African sister as she journey's through self discovery and initiation into woman hood. Layered with raw honesty about her insecurities, curiosity, passions and determination...

Breathe Through The "Stuff"...

Ahhhhh... Life is not about the absence of problems and situations.  Things happen. All of this self care and self love comes into play when we're able to apply God's grace and natural strategies to help us cope through the "stuff."

We already know what to do - we just have to be intentional about the application.

Tune in as we explore more.


February "New Year" Vibes..

Happy New Year!! I know, y'all are like "girl, it's February . Hey, needed to take a much needed deep breath after last year, and Ease into 2024 refreshed and renewed! no pressure. How"s your New Year going so far?

Self Love is Not Cookie Cutter

Self Love looks different for each individual.  What feeds or soothes someone else's needs may not be the remedy for you.  

  We have to really push to honor our differences. Trying not to dismiss or discredit how you show up in the world because it looks different than someone else.   What works for you?  How do you present your self to the world?  What do you need to focused and balanced?

 This type of awareness is not easy - but its so needed to foster peace of and staying true to yourself .  

How Do You Honor Staying True to Yourself?

In this world of "influence" and conformity - it can become a daily fight to "stay true to you."  What are your true thoughts and ideas? What's your true style and comfort?  What are you filtering your actions through?  

Hey, sometimes its easier to "go along to get along" or follow blue prints that's already established, but for me - I Can Not.  Even if it makes me stand out and often times, stand  alone, I have to honor how God created me.  It's a reason some things make you uncomfortable, make you take pause or simply just g...

Pray for Humanity...

Don't look away... We've already become so desensitized to the craziness of the world.  I get it, it's too much.  For my personal self care, I monitor what kind of news I take in.  Pay attention to what's going on "observe but don't absorb."  

Be honest with yourself about what you're seeing and feeling, even if you don't fully understand what going on.  Don't betray your own consciousness by denying the truth "YOU SEE"... What I'm seeing with these political wars are not in alignment with the personality of the God I have a relationship with.  Racism, classi...

Permission to "Be" Human...

It's ok to have a "moment."  I know we're conditioned to be so strong and full of faith that we have forgotten how to be human.  

Meditate on "These" Things...

Hey Lovelies... 

It's been a few weeks.  I hope you all are still finding time to sit still and Breathe.  Not just when problem arise. Everyday if possible, checking in with yourself. 

Join me this week  for a "lighthearted" body scan meditation to bring some sense of order and stillness this week.  

I'm speaking to myself first.  

Summer Ease…

Hey lovelies! It’s been a few weeks- but trust me, you all have been on my heart and in my prayers. My focus has been occupied with a new project I’ve been working on - now I’m a bit more settled and can “shift” my energy back “here!” Whew… I felt a release just typing that statement.

I’ve really been putting into practice everything I’ve been sharing here- being intentional about embracing “Ease” in the midst of “movement” .. Breathing through new experiences and daily task - purposely not letting the “grind, fear of the unknown and yes, excite...

Expansion Requires Order...

There's a saying that goes "The same faith it takes to get, will take the same faith to keep..." Truer words have never been spoken.  Especially in this essential season of trying to maintain "balance" and making self-care a priority. 

As we continue to build and add on in life - we have to put systems in place to help us maintain and not feel overwhelmed. 

Watch Where Your Attention Goes...

Hi Lovelies,

I'm here to tell you that the battlefield of the mind is Real.  We really have to have the tools to navigate our thoughts, feelings and emotions so that we can focus on producing the work that's in our heart to do.

Tune in as I talk about strategies to help you stay focused and tune out the distractions while in your creative process.  Breathing is essential, however - we also must also  disengage from things that's competing for our attention.  If only for a season.